An official website of the United States government
Publication Date | Conversion Reference Period | Program |
Sep. 2011 | Q1 2011 | |
Feb. 2012 | Jan. 2012 | Current Employment Statistics - National |
Feb. 2012 | Jan. 2012 | |
Feb. 2012 | Jan. 2012 | |
Mar. 2012 | Jan. 2012 | Current Employment Statistics - State & Area |
May 2012 | Q1 2012 | Mass Layoff Statistics - Extended Layoffs |
March 2013 | May 2012 | |
2015 | 2014 | |
2015 | 2014 | |
December 2013 | 2012 | |
TBD | TBD | |
TBD | TBD | |
1 N.A | 1 N.A | |
1 N.A | 1 N.A | |
1 N.A. | 1 N.A. | |
1 N.A. | 1 N.A. | |
1 N.A | 1 N.A | National Compensation Survey—Benefits (incidence and key provisions) |
1 N.A | 1 N.A | |
1 N.A. | 1 N.A. | Productivity and Costs - Quarterly Measures For Major Sectors |
1 N.A. - Not applicable. NAICS 2012 should not have a noticeable effect on these data.
Last Modified Date: April 25, 2013