Current Employment Statistics - CES (National)

Tables Created by BLS
Peak-Trough Tables—Identifies key turning points in seasonally adjustedCES time series
Analytical Tables—Presents several different views of National CES estimates
Benchmark Information—Benchmark Article, benchmark comparison tables, and historical benchmarkand birth/death model information
CES Birth/Death Tables and Model Information—Monthly birth/death forecasts andmodel documentation
Tables from Employment and Earnings—Monthly Establishment Data
Shipyard Earnings Index—Produced by CES under contractwith the Department of Navy, Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA)
Census Workers—Quantifiesimpact of the Census on CES Federal government employment estimates
Analytical Tables
- Table 1. Employment: normal seasonal movements, over-the-month changes, and testsof significance (in thousands) (XLSX)
- Table 2. Detailed industry employment ranked by over-the-month changes, tests ofsignificance, and prior 3-month average changes, seasonally adjusted (in thousands) (XLSX)
- Table 3A. Employment changes and tests of significance, seasonally adjusted (in thousands)(XLSX)
- Table 3B. Over-the-month employment changes compared with recent averages, seasonallyadjusted (in thousands) (XLSX)
- Table 4. Over-the-year employment changes and tests of significance, seasonally adjusted(in thousands) (XLSX)
- Table 5. Average weekly hours and average hourly earnings of all employees: normalseasonal movements, over-the-month changes, and tests of significance (XLSX)
- Table 6. Over-the-month and over-the-year changes in aggregate weekly hours andpayrolls of all employees, seasonally adjusted (in thousands) (XLSX)
- Table 7. Most recent industry-specific employment peak and trough, and changes frompeak and trough to current employment, seasonally adjusted (in thousands) (XLSX)
- Tables A-C2: 90 percent confidence intervals for employment, hours, overtime hours, and earnings (XLSX)
Benchmark Information
- Benchmark Article (HTML) (PDF)
- Comparison of All Employees, seasonally adjusted (TXT) (XLSX)
- Comparison of All Employees, not seasonally adjusted (TXT) (XLSX)
- Comparison of Average Weekly Hours of All Employees, seasonally adjusted (TXT)(XLSX)
- Comparison of Average Weekly Hours of All Employees, not seasonally adjusted (TXT)(XLSX)
- Comparison of Average Hourly Earnings of All Employees, seasonally adjusted (TXT)(XLSX)
- Comparison of Average Hourly Earnings of All Employees, not seasonally adjusted (TXT)(XLSX)
- Comparison of Average Overtime Hours of All Employees, seasonally adjusted (TXT)(XLSX)
- Comparison of Average Overtime Hours of All Employees, not seasonally adjusted (TXT)(XLSX)
- Comparison of Women Employees, seasonally adjusted (TXT) (XLSX)
- Comparison of Women Employees, not seasonally adjusted (TXT) (XLSX)
- Comparison of Production Employees, seasonally adjusted (TXT) (XLSX)
- Comparison of Production Employees, not seasonally adjusted (TXT) (XLSX)
- Comparison of Average Weekly Hours of Production Employees, seasonally adjusted (TXT)(XLSX)
- Comparison of Average Weekly Hours of Production Employees, not seasonally adjusted (TXT)(XLSX)
- Comparison of Average Hourly Earnings of Production Employees, seasonally adjusted (TXT)(XLSX)
- Comparison of Average Hourly Earnings of Production Employees, not seasonally adjusted (TXT)(XLSX)
- Comparison of Average Overtime Hours of Production Employees, seasonally adjusted (TXT)(XLSX)
- Comparison of Average Overtime Hours of Production Employees, not seasonally adjusted (TXT)(XLSX)
- Benchmark Tables
- Archived Benchmark Articles
- Historical Net Birth/Death Adjustments
Tables from Employment and Earnings
Monthly Establishment Data--National
- Summary table B. Employment, hours, and earnings, seasonally adjusted
- B-1a. Employees on nonfarm payrolls by industry sector and selected industry detail,seasonally adjusted
- B-1b. Employees on nonfarm payrolls by industry sector and selected industry detail,not seasonally adjusted
- B-2a. Average weekly hours and overtime of all employees on private nonfarm payrollsby industry sector, seasonally adjusted
- B-2b. Average weekly hours and overtime of all employees on private nonfarm payrollsby industry sector, not seasonally adjusted
- B-3a. Average hourly and weekly earnings of all employees on private nonfarm payrollsby industry sector, seasonally adjusted
- B-3b. Average hourly and weekly earnings of all employees on private nonfarm payrollsby industry sector, not seasonally adjusted
- B-4a. Indexes of aggregate weekly hours and payrolls for all employees on private nonfarmpayrolls by industry sector, seasonally adjusted
- B-4b. Indexes of aggregate weekly hours and payrolls for all employees on private nonfarmpayrolls by industry sector, not seasonally adjusted
- B-5a. Employment of women by industry sector, seasonally adjusted
- B-5b. Employment of women by industry sector, not seasonally adjusted
- B-6a. Employment of production and nonsupervisory employees by private-industry sector,seasonally adjusted
- B-6b. Employment of production and nonsupervisory employees by private-industry sector,not seasonally adjusted
- B-7a. Average weekly hours and overtime of production and nonsupervisory employeeson private nonfarm payrolls by industry sector, seasonally adjusted
- B-7b. Average weekly hours and overtime of production and nonsupervisory employeeson private nonfarm payrolls by industry sector, not seasonally adjusted
- B-8a. Average hourly and weekly earnings of production and nonsupervisory employeeson private nonfarm payrolls by industry sector, seasonally adjusted
- B-8b. Average hourly and weekly earnings of production and nonsupervisory employeeson private nonfarm payrolls by industry sector, not seasonally adjusted
- B-9a. Indexes of aggregate weekly hours and payrolls for production and nonsupervisoryemployees on private nonfarm payrolls by industry sector, seasonally adjusted
- B-9b. Indexes of aggregate weekly hours and payrolls for production and nonsupervisoryemployees on private nonfarm payrolls by industry sector, not seasonally adjusted
Archived Tables from Employment and Earnings --Archived tables are available in PDFformat.