CE Coverage
The Consumer Expenditure Survey Coverage Section is used by the field representative to provide information on housing units that were selected into the sample but not interviewed.
* What type of non-interview do you have?
Type A = No one home, temporarily absent, or refusal
Type B = Vacant, under construction, occupied by persons with URE
Type C = Demolished, house moved, merged, condemned, located on base, CU moved
* Enter TYPE A noninterview
- No one home
- Temporarily Absent
- Refused
- Other Type A- specify
* Specify other TYPE A [enter text] _____________
* Enter type of refusal
- Hostile Respondent
- Time Related Excuses
- Language Problems
- Other Refusal - specify
* Specify type of refusal [enter text] _____________
* Enter TYPE B noninterview
- Vacant
- All person under 16
- Occupied by persons with URE
- Unfit or to be demolished
- Under construction, not ready
- Unoccupied tent site or trailer site
- Permit granted, construction not started
- Other Type B- specify
* Specify other TYPE B [enter text] _____________
* Enter type of vacant
- Vacant for Rent
- Vacant for Sale
- Other Type of vacant - specify
* Specify type of vacant [enter text] _____________
* Enter TYPE C noninterview
- Demolished
- House or Mobile Home moved
- Converted to permanent nonresidential use
- Merged with units in the same structure
- Condemned
- Located on military base (post)
- Unused serial # on listing sheet
- CU moved
- CU merged with another CE CU within same address
- Other type C- specify
* Specify other TYPE C [enter text] _____________
When was this structure originally built?
- Before 4-1-90
- After 4-1-90 (The case will be classified a Type C.)
Are there any occupied or vacant living quarters besides your own in this building?
- Yes
- No
Is there any other building on this property for people to live in - either occupied or vacant?
- Yes
- No
* Enter type of Housing Unit.
- House, apartment, flat
- HU in non-transient hotel, motel, etc.
- HU permanent in transient hotel, motel, etc.
- HU in rooming house
- Mobile home or trailer with no permanent room added
- Mobile home or trailer with one or more permanent rooms added
- HU not specified above
- Group Quarters unit
* Enter type of Group Quarters Unit.
- 1. Quarters not HU in rooming or boarding house
- 2. Students quarters in college dormitory
- 3. Group Quarters unit not specified above
* Enter other type of housing unit [enter text] _____________
* Ask if not apparent
How many housing units, both occupied and vacant, are there in this structure?
- Only Group Quarters units
- Mobile home or trailer
- One, detached
- One, attached
- 2
- 3 - 4
- 5 - 9
- 10 - 19
- 20 - 49
- 50 or more
Complete/Verify by observation
Is there a business or commercial establishment on the property?
- Yes
- No
End of Coverage Section
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Last Modified Date: January 5, 2005