An official website of the United States government
The Consumer Expenditure Survey Coverage Section collects information about the actual participation in the survey, such as whether there are recorded expenditures in each weekly diary.
Choose one of the following:*Were there any expenditures in the Week 1 Diary (PDF) at pick up?
*Were any expenditures added to the Week 1 Diary at pick up through recall?
Did you or any member of your household have any expenses or purchases last week?
*Do not include any expenses while away overnight?
*Were receipts used for the majority of these recalled items?
* What type of non-interview do you have?
Type A = No one home, refusal
Type B = Temporarily absent, Vacant, under construction, occupied by persons with URE
Type C = Demolished, house moved, merged, condemned, located on base, household moved
* Enter TYPE A noninterview
* Specify other TYPE A [enter text] _____________
* Enter type of refusal
* Specify type of refusal [enter text] _____________
* Enter TYPE B noninterview
* Specify other TYPE B [enter text] _____________
* Enter TYPE C noninterview
* Specify other TYPE C [enter text] _____________
* Did you classify this unit by observation only?
* Enter contact person's information [enter text] _____________
* The Week 1 Diary was a noninterview at pickup.
* Did you attempt to place the Week 2 Diary?
*Were there any expenditures in the Week 2 Diary (PDF) at pick up?
*Were any expenditures added to the Week 2 Diary at pick up through recall?
Did you or any member of your household have any expenses or purchases last week?
*Do not include any expenses while away overnight?
*Were receipts used for the majority of these recalled items?
* What type of non-interview do you have?
Type A = No one home, refusal
Type B = Temporarily absent, Vacant, under construction, occupied by persons with URE
Type C = Demolished, house moved, merged, condemned, located on base, household moved
* Enter TYPE A noninterview
* Specify other TYPE A [enter text] _____________
* Enter type of refusal
* Specify type of refusal [enter text] _____________
* Enter TYPE B noninterview
* Specify other TYPE B [enter text] _____________
* Enter TYPE C noninterview
* Specify other TYPE C [enter text] _____________
* Did you classify this unit by observation only?
* Enter contact person's information [enter text] _____________
When was this structure originally built?
Are there any occupied or vacant living quarters besides your own in this building?
Is there any other building on this property for people to live in - either occupied or vacant?
* Enter type of Housing Unit.
* Enter other type of housing unit [enter text] _____________
* Ask if not apparent
How many housing units, both occupied and vacant, are there in this structure?End of Coverage Section
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Last Modified Date: January 2, 2013