An official website of the United States government
1 - Mexican
2 - Mexican-American
3 - Chicano
4 - Puerto Rican
5 - Cuban
1 - White
2 - Black or African American
3 - American Indian or Alaska native
4 - Asian
5 - Native Hawaiian
6 - Guamanian or Chamorro
7 - Samoan
8 - Other Pacific Islander
1 - Chinese
2 - Filipino
3 - Japanese
4 - Korean
5 - Vietnamese
6 - Asian Indian
1 - No schooling completed or less than 1 year
2 - Nursery, kindergarten, and elementary (grades 1-8)
3 - High school (grades 9-12, no degree)
4 - High school graduate-high school diploma or the equivalent (GED)
5 - Some college but no degree
6 - Associate degree in college
7 - Bachelor’s degree (BA, AB, BS, etc.)
8 - Master’s professional, or doctorate degree (MA, MS, MBA, MD, JD, PhD, etc.)
Last Modified Date: January 2, 2013