An official website of the United States government
This page shows events at which Consumer Expenditure Surveys (CE) staff from the National Office in Washington, DC, will be presenting. You may be interested in attending them, or in arranging for a CE staff member (subject to staff availability) to visit your organization to deliver a formal presentation or attend a one-on-one meeting. Please note that neither the CE program nor the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is affiliated with the sponsors of these events. In addition, there usually are registration fees associated with these events. However, none of these fees is paid to the CE program or the BLS. Participation at these events is subject to the status of the BLS budget.
If you would like to contact the CE staff about these or other matters, please use either method below to contact the CE National Office. Inquiries should include your name and phone number or e-mail address, along with a brief message.
This page will be updated periodically, as new information becomes available.
All archived CE presentations can be viewed in the CE Library.
(All times EDT)
4:00 - 5:50 p.m. | Testing a Probability-Based Online Panel Self-Administration of the Consumer Expenditure Diary Survey ‐ Nikki Graf |
2:00 - 3:50 p.m. | Using Online Diary Paradata to Evaluate Diary Design and Usability ‐ Parvati Krishnamurty |
10:30 - 12:20 p.m. | The Impact of CARI Consent on Interviewer Behavior and Data Quality ‐ Ariana Welsh |
For more information on regional CE data, please contact your local BLS Regional Information Offices.
If you have questions, please contact the CE National Office Staff.
Last Modified Date: June 14, 2022