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Consumer Expenditure Surveys

CE Library

The CE Library is a collection of articles, papers, reports, and presentations produced by BLS and outside researchers, as well as presented at other CE related events, on CE economic analyses and methodological research, development, and testing. The library is updated on a continuous basis. Please contact us with any questions about library documents, or to suggest an addition to the library.

Title Author Year Gemini 1   Venue/Publication  
Enhancing Data Quality Using Expenditure Records Abdirizak, S., L. Erhard, Y. Lee, and B. McBride 2017 Y AAPOR
Evaluating the Impact of Eliminating a Bounding Interview McBride, B., and J. Dixon 2017 N AAPOR
Exploring monetary incentives and respondent burden in the Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey Lee, A., and C. Knappenberger 2018 Y AAPOR
For Clueless Consumers, Can Records Improve Data Quality? O'Brien, E. 2010 Y AAPOR
Hunting for Auxiliary Variables in the Census Planning Database Tract File Knappenberger, C., A. Rojas, and L. Tan 2017 Y AAPOR
Is it worth the effort? Respondent record use on the British Household Panel Study Laurie, H., and N. Moon 2010 Y AAPOR
The Burden of Proof: Panel Attrition and Record Usage on the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey Hubbard, R., and B. Edwards 2010 Y AAPOR
The Use of Utility Bills as an Information Retrieval Aid in the American Housing Survey Carter, G. 2010 Y AAPOR
Is a User-Friendly Diary More Effective? To, N., and L. Tan 2006 N AAPOR
Respondent Record Use in the U.S. Consumer Expenditure Survey Edgar, J. 2010 Y AAPOR
Temporal Patterns of Survey Response Rates and Reporting Rates in the U.S. Consumer Expenditure Interview and Other Panel Surveys Cho, M., J. Eltinge, and B. Steinberg 2004 N AAPOR
The Effects of Incentives on the Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey Goldenberg, K., D. McGrath, and L. Tan 2009 N AAPOR
Using Contact Attempt History Data to Determine the Optimal Number of Contact Attempts Safir, A., and L. Tan 2009 N AAPOR
What Does "Usual" Usually Mean? Edgar, J. 2009 N AAPOR
Comparing Economic Status of Pre-Recession Millennials to Post-Recession 'September 11ths' Paulin, G. 2017 N ACCI
Developing Poverty Thresholds 1993-2003 Garner, T. 2005 N ASA
Some Experimentation With Recall Procedures and Diaries For Consumer Expenditures Sudman, S., and R. Ferber 1971 N ASA
The Intrahousehold Communications Study: A Typology of Family Cohesion Miller, L., and C. Tucker 1993 Y ASA
The Intrahousehold Communications Study: Estimating the Accuracy of Proxy Responses at the Dyadic Level Kojetin, B., and L. Miller 1993 Y ASA
The Use of Paradata for Evaluating Interviewer Training and Performance Mockovak, W., and R. Powers 2008 N ASA
Household Survey Producers Workshop Agenda BRPD 2011 Y BLSHSPW
Household Survey Producers Workshop Opening Remarks Horrigan, M. 2011 Y BLSHSPW
A comparison of the characteristics and spending patterns of Food Stamp recipients and nonrecipients Bureau of Labor Statistics 2000 N BLSILS
Characteristics and spending patterns of consumer units in the lowest 10 percent of the expenditure distribution Bureau of Labor Statistics 2001 N BLSILS
Computer Ownership Up Sharply in the 1990s Bureau of Labor Statistics 1999 N BLSILS
Consumer Spending on Traveling for Pleasure Bureau of Labor Statistics 1999 N BLSILS
Consumer Spending Patterns Differ by Region Bureau of Labor Statistics 2002 N BLSILS
Expenditures on Public Transportation Bureau of Labor Statistics 1999 N BLSILS
Health Expenditures and the Aging Population Bureau of Labor Statistics 1997 N BLSILS
Housing expenditures Bureau of Labor Statistics 2002 N BLSILS
Spending Patterns By Age Bureau of Labor Statistics 2000 N BLSILS
Spending Patterns of High-income Households Bureau of Labor Statistics 1998 N BLSILS
What the Nation Spends on Health Care: A Regional Comparison Bureau of Labor Statistics 1999 N BLSILS
Out-of-pocket health care expenditures: a comparison Foster, A. 2010 N BLSMLR
A Macro Perspective on the Consumer Expenditure Survey Redesign McCully, C. 2011 Y BLSPRCES
Assessing Proposed CE Redesign Options: Implications for Academic Economic Research Stephens, M. 2011 Y BLSPRCES
Consumer Expenditure Survey CNSTAT Panel Briefing Ryan, J., and Survey Program Staff 2011 Y BLSPRCES
Design A Evaluation Nusser, S. 2012 Y BLSPRCES
Design B: A Comprehensive Picture of Expenditures & Income Gillingham, R. 2012 Y BLSPRCES
Discussion of Methodology/cognitive Issues and the Proposed Redesigns Kulka, R 2011 Y BLSPRCES
Evaluation of Design C Tucker, C. 2012 Y BLSPRCES
Expanding Upon Issues in Measuring What We Spend: Toward a New Consumer Expenditure Survey Stephens, M. 2012 Y BLSPRCES
First Meeting of the Panel on Redesigning the BLS Consumer Expenditure Surveys Agenda BRPD 2011 Y BLSPRCES
Incentives Discussions Peytchev, A. 2012 Y BLSPRCES
Information Dissemination and Data Users Henderson, S. 2011 Y BLSPRCES
Interview Structure in the Consumer Expenditure Surveys BRPD 2009 Y BLSPRCES
Intro for Consumer Expenditure Surveys Methods Workshop BRPD 2010 Y BLSPRCES
Issues in Implementing Change in a Complex Survey Bowie, C. 2011 Y BLSPRCES
Issues in Proxy Reporting in the Consumer Expenditure Survey Schaeffer, N. 2010 Y BLSPRCES
Issues with The Current Consumer Expenditure Surveys Dillman, D. 2012 Y BLSPRCES
Measurement Error & Gemini Project Overview Safir, A. 2011 Y BLSPRCES
Measurement Error Continued (CE vs. Personal Consumption Expenditures Comparisons) Garner, T., and W. Passero 2011 Y BLSPRCES
Measuring What We Spend: Toward a New Consumer Expenditure Survey House, C. 2012 Y BLSPRCES
Measuring What We Spend: Toward a New Consumer Expenditure Survey Peytchev, A. 2012 Y BLSPRCES
MEASURING WHAT WE SPEND; Toward a New Consumer Expenditure Survey Dillman, D., C. House, and Committee on National Statistics 2013 Y BLSPRCES
Official Charge to Committee: CNSTAT Panel on the Redesign of the CE Horrigan, M. 2011 Y BLSPRCES
Overview of the National Crime Victimization Survey Redesign Process Sinclair, M., and M. Rand 2010 Y BLSPRCES
Proxy Reporting BRPD 2009 Y BLSPRCES
Recall Period in Consumer Expenditure Surveys Program Bradburn, N. 2011 Y BLSPRCES
Recall Period in Consumer Expenditure Surveys Program Bradburn, N. 2011 Y BLSPRCES
Recall Period in the Consumer Expenditure Surveys Program BRPD 2010 Y BLSPRCES
Redesign of the Consumer Expenditure Surveys Edgar, J. 2010 Y BLSPRCES
Redesign Options for the Consumer Expenditure Survey Cantor, D. 2013 Y BLSPRCES
Redesign Options for the Consumer Expenditure Survey Cantor, D., S. Schneider, and B. Edwards 2011 Y BLSPRCES
Redesign Options for the Consumer Expenditure Survey Cantor, D., S. Schneider, and B. Edwards 2011 Y BLSPRCES
Redesign Options for the Consumer Expenditure Survey Mathiowetz, N., K. Olson, and C. Kennedy 2011 Y BLSPRCES
Redesign Options for the Consumer Expenditure Survey Mathiowetz, N., K. Olson, and C. Kennedy 2011 Y BLSPRCES
Redesigning the BLS Consumer Expenditure Surveys: NAS Panel House, C. 2012 Y BLSPRCES
Redesigning the BLS Consumer Expenditure Surveys; Challenges With Opportunities Dillman, D. 2012 Y BLSPRCES
Redesigning the NHES Zuckerberg, A. 2010 Y BLSPRCES
Response to Interview Structure Issue Paper Conrad, F. 2011 Y BLSPRCES
Response to Issue Paper on CE Interview Structure Conrad, F. 2011 Y BLSPRCES
Split Questionnaire BRPD 2009 Y BLSPRCES
Split Questionnaire Designs for Consumer Expenditure Survey Raghunathan, T. 2011 Y BLSPRCES
Split Questionnaire Methods for the Consumer Expenditure Surveys Program Eltinge, J. 2011 Y BLSPRCES
Supported Journal Design Schoeber, M. 2012 Y BLSPRCES
Survey Design and Data Collection Safir, A. 2011 Y BLSPRCES
Technology: Further comments on the choice of tablets Nusser, S. 2012 Y BLSPRCES
The Gemini Project to Redesign the Consumer Expenditure Survey: Redesign Proposal Edgar, J., D. Nelson, L. Paszkiewicz, and A. Safir 2013 Y BLSPRCES
The Process of NAS Panels Beston, D. 2012 Y BLSPRCES
Westat Redesign Recommendations Report appendices Cantor, D., S. Schneider, and B. Edwards 2011 Y BLSPRCES
Workshop on Redesigning the Consumer Expenditure Surveys: Issues in Implementing Change in a Complex Survey Bowie, C. 2011 Y BLSPRCES
New Estimates Of Personal Taxes In Consumer Expenditure Survey Cobet, A. 2015 N BLSSOS
Consumer Expenditure Survey Anthology, 2003 Bureau of Labor Statistics 2003 N BLSWP
Consumer Expenditure Survey Anthology, 2005 Bureau of Labor Statistics 2005 N BLSWP
Consumer Expenditure Survey Anthology, 2011 Bureau of Labor Statistics 2011 N BLSWP
Consumer Expenditure Survey Biennial Report, 2004-2005 Bureau of Labor Statistics 2008 N BLSWP
Consumer Expenditure Survey Biennial Report, 2006-2007 Bureau of Labor Statistics 2010 N BLSWP
Creating a Consistent Poverty Measure over Time Using NAS Procedures: 1996-2005 Garner, T., and K. Short 2008 N BLSWP
Household Spending Patterns: A Comparison of Four Census Regions Yocum, C. 2007 N BLSWP
Note on Standard Errors and Other Relevant Statistics of Experimental Poverty Thresholds Produced at the Bureau of Labor Statistics: 2006 to 2008 Garner, T. 2010 N BLSWP
Reconciling User Costs and Rental Equivalence: Evidence from the U.S. Consumer Expenditure Survey Garner, T., and R. Verbrugge 2009 N BLSWP
Setting and Updating Modern Poverty Thresholds Garner, T., and D. Betson 2010 N BLSWP
The Puzzling Divergence of U.S. Rents and User Costs, 1980-2004: Summary and Extensions Garner, T., and R. Verbrugge 2007 N BLSWP
A closer look at spending patterns of older Americans Foster, A 2016 N BTN
Americans' aging autos Pfirrmann-Powell, R. 2014 N BTN
Consumer Expenditures Vary By Age Foster, A. 2015 N BTN
Consumer spending by state: BLS puts New Jersey to the test Wilson, T. 2018 N BTN
Eating and drinking in Miami: Consumer Expenditures, 2010-2014 Dotson, M. 2016 N BTN
Expenditures of urban and rural households in 2011 Hawk, W. 2013 N BTN
Hispanic Household Spending in 2015 Foster, A. 2015 N BTN
Household healthcare spending in 2014 Foster, A. 2016 N BTN
Housing and Expenditures: Before, During, and After the Bubble Paulin, G. 2018 N BTN
How do United States consumer expenditures compare with the United Kingdom and Japan? Creech, B. 2017 N BTN
Income and spending patterns among Black households Noel, R. 2014 N BTN
More than 75 Percent of American Households Own Computers Creech, B. 2008 N BTN
Spending Habits of Urban Consumers and "Blue-Collar" Consumers Living in Urban Areas, 1984 and 2015 Church, J. 2017 N BTN
Spending on pets: "Tails" from the Consumer Expenditure Survey Henderson, S. 2013 N BTN
Tradeoffs in the Expenditure Patterns of Families with Children Hubener, E., Rojas, A., and Tseng, N. 2018 N BTN
Use with Caution: Interpreting Consumer Expenditure income group data Wilson, T., and V. Crain 2017 N BTN
Using gasoline data to explain inelasticity Eitches, E., and V. Crain 2016 N BTN
What the Consumer Expenditure Survey tells us about mortgage instruments before and after the housing collapse Wilson, T. 2016 N BTN
Expenditures on cellular phone services have increased significantly since 2007 Creech, B. 2016 N BTN
Understanding the Relationship: CE Survey and PCE Passero, W., T. Garner, and C. McCully 2013 N BWP
Considerations Regarding the Use of Global Survey Questions Beatty, P. 2010 Y CEMW
Considerations Regarding the Use of Global Survey Questions Presentation Beatty, P. 2010 Y CEMW
Global Questions Bureau of Labor Statistics 2010 Y CEMW
Interview Structure Bureau of Labor Statistics 2010 Y CEMW
Introduction for Consumer Expenditure Surveys Methods Workshop Bureau of Labor Statistics 2010 Y CEMW
Proxy Reporting Bureau of Labor Statistics 2010 Y CEMW
Recall Period Bureau of Labor Statistics 2010 Y CEMW
Self vs. Proxy Reporting in the Consumer Expenditure Survey Mathiowetz, N. 2010 Y CEMW
Self vs. Proxy Reporting in the Consumer Expenditure Survey Presentation Mathiowetz, N. 2010 Y CEMW
Split Questionnaire Bureau of Labor Statistics 2010 Y CEMW
The BLS Consumer Expenditure Tablet Pierzchala, M. 2012 Y CEPR
A Comparison of Consumer Expenditure Surveys To, N., and B. McBride 2013 Y CEPR
A Comparison of Economic Well-Being Measures Using SIPP and CE Data: Personal Assessments of Expenditures and Income Garner, T. 2003 N CEPR
A Proposal for a Preliminary Framework for Monitoring and Reporting on Data Quality for the Consumer Expenditure Survey Fricker, S., and L. Tan 2012 N CEPR
CE Data Quality Definition Report Gonzalez, J., C. Hackett, N. To, and L. Tan 2009 Y CEPR
Comparison of Consumer Expenditure Survey Designs To, N., J. Davis, and B. Creech 2011 Y CEPR
Consumer Expenditures in 1999 Bureau of Labor Statistics 2001 N CEPR
Consumer Expenditures in 2000 Bureau of Labor Statistics 2002 N CEPR
Consumer Expenditures in 2001 Bureau of Labor Statistics 2003 N CEPR
Consumer Expenditures in 2002 Bureau of Labor Statistics 2004 N CEPR
Consumer Expenditures in 2003 Bureau of Labor Statistics 2005 N CEPR
Consumer Expenditures in 2004 Bureau of Labor Statistics 2006 N CEPR
Consumer Expenditures in 2005 Bureau of Labor Statistics 2007 N CEPR
Consumer Expenditures in 2006 Bureau of Labor Statistics 2008 N CEPR
Consumer Expenditures in 2007 Bureau of Labor Statistics 2009 N CEPR
Consumer Expenditures in 2008 Bureau of Labor Statistics 2010 N CEPR
Consumer Expenditures in 2009 Bureau of Labor Statistics 2011 N CEPR
Consumer Expenditures in 2010 Bureau of Labor Statistics 2012 N CEPR
Consumer Expenditures in 2011 Bureau of Labor Statistics 2013 N CEPR
Consumer Expenditures in 2012 Bureau of Labor Statistics 2014 N CEPR
Consumer Expenditures in 2013 Bureau of Labor Statistics 2015 N CEPR
Consumer Expenditures in 2014 Bureau of Labor Statistics 2016 N CEPR
Consumer Expenditures in 2015 Bureau of Labor Statistics 2017 N CEPR
Gemini Data Users Impact Team Final Report Passero, B., B. Creech, L. Erhard, A. Reichenberger, and A. Safir 2014 Y CEPR
Gemini Incentive Structure Review To, N. 2014 Y CEPR
Gemini Project Vision Document Gemini Project Steering Team 2015 Y CEPR
Gemini Redesign Project High Level Timeline BRPD 2014 Y CEPR
Recommendation Regarding the Use of a CE Bounding Interview Elkin, I. 2012 N CEPR
Results from The Incentives Field Test for The Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey Elkin, I., B. McBride, and B. Steinberg 2018 Y CEPR
The Consumer Expenditure Survey Data Quality Profile (Prototype Iteration 2) Hubener, E., C. Knappenberger, J. Sullivan, and L. Tan 2017 Y CEPR
CE's Sample Design Swanson, D. 2011 Y CESEM
A Comparison of Consumer Expenditure Surveys: Handout To, N., and B. McBride 2013 Y CESMPSM
An Introduction to the CE Gemini Redesign Krishnamurty, P. 2018 Y CESMPSM
Converting the National Household Education Survey from RDD/CATI to ABS/Mail Zuckerberg, A. 2012 Y CESMPSM
Developing a Data Quality Profile for the Consumer Expenditure Survey - Survey Methods Symposium Lee, A., V. Crain, S. Fricker, E. Hubener, C. Knappenberger, B. Kopp, J. Sullivan, and L. Tan. 2017 Y CESMPSM
Evaluating Respondents' Burden via Indirect Indicators of Data Quality: Item vs. Index Scores Yang, D. 2017 Y CESMPSM
Evolution of a Phoenix: Re-engineering the Survey of Income and Program Participation Fields, J. 2012 Y CESMPSM
Factors that Affect Reporting in Online and Personal Diaries McBride, B. 2017 Y CESMPSM
Finding the Value of Electronic Records in the CE Yu, E. 2017 Y CESMPSM
Making Audit Trails Accessible for the CE Quarterly Interview Survey Kopp, B., A. Lee, and L. Tan 2018 Y CESMPSM
National Crime Victimization Survey Presentation Lynch, J. 2012 Y CESMPSM
NSDUH Redesign Kennet, J. 2012 Y CESMPSM
Online Diaries for Everyone: Data Quality, Device Usage and Compliance with Personal Expenditure Diaries Williams, D., and H. Sun 2017 Y CESMPSM
Overview of the Proposed CE Redesign Erhard, L. 2013 Y CESMPSM
Reducing Nonresponse Bias through Responsive Design and External Benchmarks Lee, J. 2012 Y CESMPSM
Revising the CE Surveys to Collect Outlets Yu, E. 2018 Y CESMPSM
The CEQ Worksheet: A Respondent Tool for Streamlining the Interview Experience and Improving Data Quality To, N., and A. Lee 2018 Y CESMPSM
The Good, The Bad, and The Online Diaries Elkin, I. 2018 Y CESMPSM
The Impact of Record Use in the CE Interview Survey Wilson, T. 2017 N CESMPSM
Welcome and Logistics; Overview of CE Research Safir, A. 2012 Y CESMPSM
Welcome to the CE Survey Methods Symposium Krishnamurty, P. 2017 Y CESMPSM
A comparison of CE to international agencies McBride, B., and N. To 2013 Y CESMPSM
A comparison of CE to international agencies handout To, N., and B. McBride 2013 Y CESMPSM
Assessing measurement error in the CE Tourangeau, R., B. Kopp, L. Tan, and S. Fricker 2013 Y CESMPSM
CE 2013 symposium Agenda BRPD 2013 Y CESMPSM
CE Survey Methods Symposium Program BRPD 2012 Y CESMPSM
Considering the Structure of the Consumer Expenditure: Designing Computer Assisted Interviewing Stafford, F. 2011 Y CESMPSM
Considering the Structure of the Consumer Expenditure: Designing Computer Assisted Interviewing Considering the Structure of the Consumer Expenditure: Designing Computer Assisted Interviewing Stafford, F. 2011 Y CESMPSM
Consumer Expenditure Survey Redesign Downey, K. 2012 Y CESMPSM
Consumer Expenditure Survey Redesign Options Workshop Agenda BRPD 2011 Y CESMPSM
Consumer Expenditure Survey Research & Plans for the Future Safir, A. 2012 Y CESMPSM
Consumer Expenditure Survey Research Highlights Safir, A. 2012 Y CESMPSM
Discussion: Proxy Reporting Schaeffer, N. 2011 Y CESMPSM
Errors In Survey Reports of Consumption Expenditures Battistin, E. 2003 N CESMPSM
Experiments in Reducing Measurement Error Through Cross-Survey Imputation: Preliminary Findings for Diary to Interview Survey Imputations Paulin, G. 2012 Y CESMPSM
Exploring a Balance Edit Approach in the Consumer Expenditure Quarterly Interview Survey Fricker, S., B. Kopp, and N. To 2011 Y CESMPSM
Field Test of a Multiple Diary Procedures for the Consumer Expenditure Survey WESTAT 2005 N CESMPSM
Global Questions Cognitive Testing Results Edgar, J. 2011 Y CESMPSM
Global Questions in the Consumer Expenditure Surveys Program BRPD 2010 Y CESMPSM
Global versus Specific Questions for the Consumer Expenditure Survey Peytchev, A. 2011 Y CESMPSM
Global versus Specific Questions for the Consumer Expenditure Survey Peytchev, A. 2011 Y CESMPSM
Imputing Across Interviews: Balancing Time Savings with Data Quality Paulin, G. 2013 Y CESMPSM
Incentives in the CE Interview Survey: Present Findings and Future Research Elkin, I. 2017 Y CESMPSM
Overview of Gemini Project Downey, K. 2012 Y CESMPSM
Redesigning the Consumer Expenditure Survey Gemini Design Team 2013 Y CESMPSM
Use of Financial Records in the CE Survey Kopp, B. 2013 Y CESMPSM
Web Diary Feasibility Test: Preliminary Findings Elkin, I., M. Freeman, J. Gloster, L. Kirkpatrick, and B. McBride 2013 Y CESMPSM
Consumer Expenditure Annual Updates 2015 Bureau of Labor Statistics 2016 N CEWEB
Consumer Expenditures Midyear Updates July 2014 - June 2015 Bureau of Labor Statistics 2016 N CEWEB
Getting the most from Consumer Expenditure Survey (CE) tables Zwileneff, N. 2017 N CEWEB
High-income Household Spending And The Economic Recovery Cobet, A. 2014 N CEWEB
How does the variability of Consumer Expenditure data impact your analysis? Cobet, A. 2017 N CEWEB
Marginal Propensity to Consume He, Z. 2018 N CEWKSHP
Balancing Respondent Confidentiality and Data User Needs Cobet, A. 2018 N CEWKSHP
Consumer Expenditure (CE) Public-Use Microdata (PUMD) File Structure Rojas, A. 2018 N CEWKSHP
Consumer Expenditure Surveys Public-Use Microdata(PUMD) Overview Choi, J. 2018 N CEWKSHP
Consumption Pattern of the Middle Class Household: Using Consumer Expenditure Survey Lee, R. 2018 N CEWKSHP
Imputation and Allocation of CE Data Knappenberger, C. 2018 N CEWKSHP
Investigating the Imputation of Assets and Liabilities in the CE Interview Survey Paulin, G. 2018 N CEWKSHP
Just what do we actually know about household spending on transportation services and how are they changing in the 21st Century? Peters, J., D. King, C. Gordon, and N. Santiago 2018 N CEWKSHP
Overview of the CE Surveys Program Safir, A. 2018 N CEWKSHP
Price stickiness along the income distribution and the effects of monetary policy Cravino, J., T. Lan, and A. Levchenko 2018 N CEWKSHP
Project 3: Adding More Detail About Expenditures Cobet, A. 2018 N CEWKSHP
Project 4: Using the Diary Survey to get a complete educational expenditure Cobet, A. 2018 N CEWKSHP
Project 9: Generating Weighted Average Annual Calendar Year Education Expenditure Wilson, T. 2018 N CEWKSHP
Regional Household Spending Using the Consumer Spending Microdata to Estimate Household Spending and Buying Power at Any Level of Regionality Conte, M. 2018 N CEWKSHP
Sales Tax in CE Data Johnson-Cox, B. 2018 N CEWKSHP
Sampling Methods and Derivation of Sampling Weights Nix, B. 2018 N CEWKSHP
Sneak Peek: Where are we going this year and beyond? Henderson, S. 2018 N CEWKSHP
State Weights for the Consumer Expenditure Survey Wilson, T. 2018 N CEWKSHP
Submitting a Monthly Labor Review Article Schau, T. 2018 N CEWKSHP
Testing stochastic rationality and normality of demand with unobserved heterogeneity and endogenous expenditures: the case of two goods Nchare, K. 2018 N CEWKSHP
The Impact of In-kind Food Benefit Increase on Consumption: Evidence from the SNAP Lan, Y. 2018 N CEWKSHP
Tracking Changes in Ride-hailing/Ride-sharing Expenditures Poyer, D. 2018 N CEWKSHP
Trade-offs in Parental Spending on Children: Apparel vs. Education Rojas, A. 2017 N CEWKSHP
United States Dietary Recommendations and Grocery Spending: A Cohort Analysis Wilson, L. and O. Ozturk 2018 N CEWKSHP
Weighting in the 2010's Steinberg, B. and S. Reyes-Morales 2018 N CEWKSHP
Assessing Household Wellbeing Comparing Consumption and Income based Measures for Farm and All U.S. Households using USDA ARMS and BLS CE Surveys Katz, A. 2010 Y CEWKSHP
BLS Consumer Expenditure Survey Data Usage IRS Experience Lee, W. 2010 Y CEWKSHP
CE Data from the Perspectives of Researchers and Survey Managers Li, G., and R. Schoeni 2010 Y CEWKSHP
CE Data in the CPI Production Requirements and Redesign Interests Casey, W. 2010 Y CEWKSHP
CE Data in the CPI Production Requirements and Redesign Interests Casey, W. 2010 Y CEWKSHP
Consumer Expenditure Survey Data Users' Need Forum Horrigan, M. 2010 Y CEWKSHP
Consumer Expenditure Survey Data Users' Needs Forum Agenda BRPD 2010 Y CEWKSHP
Consumer Expenditure Survey Design Workshop: Discussion of Methodological/Cognitive Issues and Proposed Redesigns Kulka, R. 2011 Y CEWKSHP
Consumer Expenditure Survey Methods Symposium Agenda BRPD 2014 Y CEWKSHP
Data to Examine Consumption Poverty and Inequality in the U.S. 1960 2008 Meyer, B. 2010 Y CEWKSHP
Discussion of Plans for Designing the Recall Period for the Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey Cantor, D. 2010 Y CEWKSHP
Discussion of Plans for Designing the Recall Period for the Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey Cantor, D. 2011 Y CEWKSHP
Exploring the Effects of Socioeconomic and Demographic Variables on Household Expenditures Wagner, J. 2010 Y CEWKSHP
How ERS FED uses the CE Diary Hanson, K. 2010 Y CEWKSHP
Improving the Consumer Expenditure Survey A View from the Research Community Carrol, C., and J. Sabelhaus 2010 Y CEWKSHP
Minnesota's Consumer Expenditure Survey Uses Anthony, P., and P. Wilson 2010 Y CEWKSHP
Patterns of Household Overspending Hanna, S., and Z. Hua 2010 Y CEWKSHP
Some Uses of CE Bils, M. 2010 Y CEWKSHP
The CE Program Dedicated to Improvement Ryan, J. 2010 Y CEWKSHP
Use of CE Data in the National Health Expenditure Accounts Cowan, C. 2010 Y CEWKSHP
A Comparison of CE and PSID Expenditure Data: 1999-2011 Creech, B. 2015 N DCA
Comparing Global questions and answers to results from detailed specific questions: Data on Food Expenditures from the Consumer Expenditure Survey, 1998 - 2016 Henderson, S. 2017 N DCA
Redesign Considerations for the NSDUH Jones, M. 2010 Y DCAAPOR
Re-engineered SIPP: Progress Update Fields, J. 2010 Y DCAAPOR
A Mobile Technologies System for Collecting and Managing Study Data Medeiros, D. 2010 Y DCTF
Integrating Multi-modes VR, Web, Paper Hicks, W., M. Laidlaw, J. Shepherd, and M. Friedman 2010 Y DCTF
mCASI: Survey for Mobile Devices Kalu, O. 2010 Y DCTF
Nielsen Homescan and Life360 Technologies Link, M. 2010 Y DCTF
Results of a Pilot Test: Smartphone-Enabled, Full-Probability Panel Hill, C. 2010 Y DCTF
Expenditures on Children by Families Lino, M 2010 Y DUNF
Expenditures on Children By Families Lino, M. 2010 Y DUNF
Three Questions About Consumer Spending and the Middle Class Bernstein, J. 2010 Y DUNF
Improving diary keeping of daily expenditures with online diaries Erhard, L., and B. McBride 2017 Y ESRA
A Household Survey Perspective on Re-Engineering an Establishment Survey Safir, A. 2018 Y FCSM
Controlling for Prices before Estimating SPM Thresholds and the Impact on SPM Poverty Statistics Garner, T., and J. Munoz Henao 2018 N FCSM
Moving Towards a User-Friendly Diary Abdirizak, S. 2018 N FCSM
R: Innovating at the Bureau of Labor Statistics Rojas, A. 2018 N FCSM
CE in the SPM Short, K. 2010 Y FCSM
Properties of Alternative Sample Design and Estimation Methods for the Consumer Expenditure Surveys Eltinge, J., and J. Gonzalez 2007 N FCSM
CPI Outlet Frame Survey Redesign Saxton, M. 2018 Y FedCASIC
Creating a redesigned questionnaire for the Consumer Expenditure Survey using Colectica Krishnamurty, P. 2018 Y FedCASIC
Developing an Online Mode for the Consumer Expenditure Diary Survey Elkin, I., N. To, and D. Williams 2017 Y FedCASIC
Consumer Spending in 2010 Bureau of Labor Statistics 2011 N FOPS
Health Care Spending: 1998, 2003, and 2008 Bureau of Labor Statistics 2010 N FOPS
Household energy spending: two surveys compared Bureau of Labor Statistics 2010 N FOPS
How Consumers Used the 2009 Economic Recovery Payments of $250 Paulin, G. 2011 N FOPS
Mortgage Composition and Risk Evaluation Wilson, T. 2017 N GMUS
Applying Event History Methods in a National Panel: The Design and Use of Event History Calendars in the Panel Study of Income Dynamics Beaule, A., and F. Stafford 2011 Y HSPW
BRDIS Reporting Tools Facilitating the reporting process Hough, R. 2011 Y HSPW
Collection of hierarchical information in the family section of the National Health Interview Survey Gentleman, J. 2011 Y HSPW
Combining Information from Multiple Surveys: Examples with NCHS Surveys Schenker, N., and V. Parsons 2011 Y HSPW
Design of the National Household Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey Cole, N. 2011 Y HSPW
Does giving people their preferred survey mode actually increase survey participation rates? Olson, K., J Smyth, and H. Woods 2011 Y HSPW
Energy Records in lieu of Bills and Self Reports: Optimizing data utility, quality and burden in the Residential Energy Consumption Survey O'Brien, E. 2011 Y HSPW
Integrating Varied Data Needs Into a Single Data Collection Aune, D. 2011 Y HSPW
Living Costs and Food Survey Horsfield, G. 2011 Y HSPW
National Postsecondary Student Aid Study Wine, J., and J. Riccobono 2011 Y HSPW
Nielsen Life360 Approach Bailey, J. 2011 Y HSPW
Personal Diary and Survey Methodologies for Health and Environmental Data Collection Kizakevich, P. 2011 Y HSPW
Redesign of the Canadian Survey of Household Spending Gubreuil, G., J. Lynch, J. Tremblay and M. Lemire 2011 Y HSPW
Re-engineering the SIPP: Creating the SIPP-EHC Fields, J. 2011 Y HSPW
SIPP Core and Topical Modules Organization and Issues Fields, J. 2011 Y HSPW
The EU harmonization of the Household Budget Surveys: State of play and future developments Borg, B. 2011 Y HSPW
Using Multiple Data Sources and Methods to Improve Estimates in Surveys Tucker, C. 2011 Y HSPW
Comparing characteristics and expenditures of consumer units in selected income ranges Bureau of Labor Statistics 2006 N ILS
Spending by Asian families Bureau of Labor Statistics 2005 N ILS
The Effects of Power Transformations on Consumer Expenditure Survey Data Wilson, T. 2018 N JID
Recall Effects in the U.S. Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey Silberstein, A. 1989 N JOS
Veblen Goods and Urban Distinction: The Economic Geography of Conspicuous Consumption, A Survey of 21 Cities Currid-Halkett, E., H. Lee, and G. Painter 2017 N JRS
Developing a Data Quality Profile for the Consumer Expenditure Survey Lee, A., V. Crain, S. Fricker, E. Hubener, C. Knappenberger, B. Kopp, J. Sullivan, and L. Tan. 2017 Y JSM
Evaluating Quality in CE's Proof of Concept Test Erhard L., S. Abdirizak, A. Lee, and B. McBride 2017 Y JSM
Is a User-Friendly Diary More Effective? Findings from a Field Test Figueroa, E., J. Davis, S. Reyes-Morales, N. To, and L. Tan 2006 N JSM
Monetary Incentives in the Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey: An Assessment of Data Quality Elkin, I., B. Steinberg, and B. McBride 2017 Y JSM
Results from a Test of Online Modes for the Consumer Expenditure Diary Survey Elkin, I., D. Williams, and H. Sun 2018 Y JSM
Statistical Examination of Rounding Tendencies in the Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey Wilson, T. 2017 N JSM
Assessing Nonresponse Bias in the Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey King, S., B. Chopova, J. Edgar, J. Gonzalez, D. McGrath, and L. Tan 2009 N JSM
Correlates of Data Quality in the Consumer Expenditure Quarterly Interview Survey Edgar, J., and J. Gonzales 2009 N JSM
Imputation Methods for Adaptive Matrix Sampling Gonzalez, J., and J. Eltinge 2009 N JSM
Nonresponse Bias in the Consumer Expenditure Survey: A Case Study King, S., J. Edgar, J. Gonzalez, B. Chopova, and L. Tan 2010 N JSM
Source Selection: Selecting and Evaluating America's Expenditures Steinberg, B., B. Creech, M. Schmidt, P. Falwell 2010 N JSM
Calculating State Weights for the Consumer Expenditure Survey King, S. 2017 N JSMP
Improving Comprehension and Recall in the Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey: Discrepancies in Comprehension and Recall as a Source of Nonsampling Error Miller, L., and T. Downes-LeGuin 1989 N JSMP
Inferential Methods to Identify Possible Interviewer Fraud Using Leading Digit Preference Patterns and Design Effect Matrices Cho, M., J. Eltinge, and D. Swanson 2003 N JSMP
Latent Class Analysis of Consumer Expenditure Reports Tucker, C., B. Meekins, and P. Biemer 2010 N JSMP
Mode Effects in a Survey of Consumer Expenditures Safir, A., and K. Goldenberg 2008 N JSMP
Modeling of Survey Response Rates and Reporting Rates in the U.S. Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey Cho, M., and J. Eltinge 2004 N JSMP
Modeling the Difference in Interview Characteristics for Different Respondents Dixon, J. 2009 N JSMP
Multiple Matrix Sampling: A Review Gonzalez, J., and J. Eltinge 2007 N JSMP
Reduction of Sample Areas in the Consumer Price Index and Consumer Expenditure Survey December 2007 Designs Ernst, L., W. Johnson, and W. Larson 2007 N JSMP
Families of Working Wives Spending More on Services, Nondurables Jacobs, E., Shipp, S., Brown, G. 1989 N MLR
Program participation and spending patterns of families receiving government means-tested assistance Foster, A., and A. Rojas 2018 N MLR
The Consumer Expenditure Survey redesign initiative Safir, A., J. Ryan, L. Erhard, L. Jilk, and L. Tan 2016 Y MLR
The Retirement-Consumption Puzzle: New Evidence from Personal Finances Olafsson, A. and M. Pagel 2018 N NBER
Comments on Improving Consumption Measurement Carroll, C. 2009 Y NBER
Strengths and Weaknesses of the Consumer Expenditure Survey from a BLS Perspective Garner, T., R. McCelland, and W. Passero 2009 Y NBER
Accounting for owner-occupied dwelling services: Aggregates and distributions Garner, T., and K. Short 2009 N OTHER
Comments on Methodological Issues Questionnaire Design Advisory Conference Cannell, C. 1987 Y OTHER
Estimating the Distribution of Consumption based Taxes with the Consumer Expenditure Survey Harris E., and K. Perese 2010 Y OTHER
Optimal Pairing for Stratum Collapse Methods with Interviewer-Level Measurement Error Shared Across Strata Cho, M., and J. Eltinge 2005 N OTHER
Ideas for Change: New Designs & Data Collection Technologies Safir, A. 2011 Y PRCES
Potential Topics for Study in Evaluating Uses of External Administrative Data for the Consumer Expenditure Surveys Eltinge, J. 2011 Y PRCES
Testimony to CNSTAT Panel on CE Redesign Carroll, C. 2011 Y PRCES
Understanding Consumers: The Nielsen Perspective Link, M. 2011 Y PRCES
Identifying the Poor: Poverty Measurement for the United States 1996 to 2005 Garner, T., and K. Short 2010 N RIW
Evolution and Change in the Consumer Expenditure Surveys Adapting Methodologies to Meet Changing Needs Goldenberg, K., and J. Ryan 2009 Y RIW
Modeling Topics in Survey Interviewer Notes Martinez, W., and T. Savitsky 2018 N SDSS
Food-at-Home Expenditures: Comparing Commercial Household Scanner Data From IRI and Government Survey Data Sweitzer, M., D. Brown, S. Karns, M. Muth, P. Siegel, and C. Zhen 2017 N USDA
Calculating Inputs for the NBER TAXSIM model, using the Consumer Expenditure Survey (CE) Public Use Microdata (PUMD) Curtin, S. 2017 N OTHER
CE Online Diary Usability Testing Report Williams, D., and H. Sun 2017 Y OTHER
Developing a Model Based Approach to Identifying and Correcting Misclassified Data Knappenberger, C. 2018 N OTHER
How much does out-of-pocket medical spending eat away at retirement income? McInerney, M., M. Rutledge, and S. E. King 2017 N OTHER
Implementing DDI to Document the Consumer Expenditure Surveys Noel, R. and P. Krishnamurty 2018 Y OTHER
Investigating the Use of Administrative Records in the Consumer Expenditure Survey Brummet, Q., D. Flanagan-Doyle, J. Mitchell, and J. Voorheis 2017 Y OTHER
Is There a Retirement Crisis? Examining Retirement Planning in the Household and Government Sectors Biggs, A. 2017 N OTHER
OPLC Requirements for the Consumer Expenditure Survey Passero, B., J. Ryan, R. Cage, S. Stanley, and T. Garner 2013 Y OTHER
Power Transformations for Consumer Expenditure Data Wilson, T. 2018 N OTHER
Proof of Concept Test for the Consumer Expenditure Survey (part 3 of 3): Results on Interview and Diary Expenditure Reports and Data Quality Abdirizak, S., A. Lee, and B. McBride 2017 Y OTHER
Proof of Concept Test for the Consumer Expenditure Survey: Results on Respondent Cooperation, Select Interview and Diary Characteristics, and Respondent Experience Erhard, L., Y. Lee, B. McBride, S. Park, and L. Tan 2018 Y OTHER
Results from the Individual Diaries Feasibility Test for the Consumer Expenditure Diary Survey Elkin, I., B. Kopp, B. McBride, and L. Tan 2015 Y OTHER
Standard Errors in the 2016 Consumer Expenditure Survey Swanson, D. 2017 N OTHER
Statistical Examination of Rounding Tendencies in the Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey Wilson, T., and S. Abdirizak 2017 Y OTHER
The Intrahousehold Communications Study: Family Cohesion and the Level of Knowledge About Expenses Tucker, C., and L. Miller 1993 Y OTHER
Use of Consumer Expenditure Survey Data in the Consumer Price Index Cage, R. 2011 Y OTHER
A Microlevel Latent Class Model for Measurement Error in the Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey Tucker, C., B. Meekins, and P. Biemer 2008 N OTHER
An Application of Regression and Calibration Estimation to Post-Stratification in a Household Survey Jayasuriya, B., and R. Valliant 1995 N OTHER
An Examination of Spending Patterns of Families Receiving Forms of Public Assistance Passero, W. 2012 N OTHER
An Exploration of the Application of PLS Path Modeling Approach to Creating a Summary Index of Respondent Burden Fricker, S., C. Kreisler, and L. Tan 2012 Y OTHER
An Incentives Experiment in the U.S. Consumer Expenditure Quarterly Survey McGrath, D. 2006 N OTHER
Analysis of Recall Effect on the Reporting of Expenditures For the Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey Steinberg, B., B. Chopova, L. Tan, J. Ogden, and P. Bahizi 2006 N OTHER
Assessing Contact History Paradata Quality Across Several Federal Surveys Bates, N., J. Dahlhamer, P. Phipps, A. Safir, and L. Tan 2010 N OTHER
BEA's Use of Housing Related Data from the Consumer Expenditure Survey Jones, C. 2010 Y OTHER
CE Interview Global Questions Research: BLS Conference Presentation Report Research Triangle Institute 2000 N OTHER
CE Survey Gemini Project: Current and upcoming research BRPD 2015 Y OTHER
Comments and Ideas for the BLS Research Agenda for the Consumer Expenditure Survey and the Current Population Survey Lessler, J. 1987 Y OTHER
Comparison of Item and Unit Nonresponse in Household Surveys Dixon, J. 2005 N OTHER
Conceptual and Practical Issues in the Statistical Design and Analysis of Usability Tests Bosley, J., J. Eltinge, J. Fox, and S. Fricker 2003 N OTHER
Data Capture Technologies and Financial Software for Collecting Consumer Expenditure Data Westat 2011 Y OTHER
Detecting Possibly Fraudulent or Error-Prone Survey Data Using Benford's Law Swanson, D., M. Cho, and J. Eltinge 2003 N OTHER
Determining within-PSU sample Sizes for the Consumer Expenditure Survey Johnson-Herring, S., S. Krieger, and D. Swanson 2002 N OTHER
Distributions and Transformations for Family Expenditures Scott, S., and D. Rope 1993 N OTHER
Effect of Computer-Assisted Personal Interviews in the U.S. Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey Cho, M., and C. Pickering 2006 N OTHER
Electronic Desktop Diary Design Improvements Report Maitland, A. and D. Williams 2016 Y OTHER
Estimating the Level of Underreporting of Expenditures among Expenditure Reporters: A Further Micro-Level Latent Class Analysis Tucker, C., P. Biemer, and B. Meekins 2005 N OTHER
Estimating the Level of Underreporting of Expenditures among Expenditure Reporters: A Micro-Level Latent Class Analysis Tucker, C., P. Biemer, B. Meekins and J. Shields 2005 N OTHER
Measurement Issues Study Final Report Creech, B., M. Smith, J. Davis, L. Tan, N. To, S. Fricker, and J. Gonzalez 2011 Y OTHER
Possible Methods for Improving Response Quality in the Consumer Expenditure Survey and Current Population Survey Burton, S. 1987 Y OTHER
Proposal on Tracking Measurement Error in the CE Tourangeau, R., S. Fricker, and L. Tan 2012 Y OTHER
Questionnaire Design Advisory Conference Mathiowetz, N. 1987 Y OTHER
Questionnaire Design Advisory Conference Agenda Dippo, C. 1986 Y OTHER
Questionnaire Design Advisory Conference Report February 1987 Schaeffer, N. 1987 Y OTHER
Recommendations on Redesigning the Consumer Expenditure Surveys and the Current Population Survey Bishop, G. 1987 Y OTHER
Records Information and Feasibility of Use Study Sjoblom, M., and L. Lee 2012 Y OTHER
Report on BLS Conference January 1987 O'Muircheartaigh, C. 1987 Y OTHER
Report on BLS Conference on Survey Questionnaire Design Tanur, J. 1987 Y OTHER
Report on the Consumer Expenditure Survey Mingay, D. 1987 Y OTHER
Report on the State of Knowledge on Measurement Error in the CE 2013 Tourangeau, R., S. Fricker, B. Kopp, L. Tan 2013 Y OTHER
Results From Testing a Web Mode for the Consumer Expenditure Diary Survey Elkin, I., L. Erhard, and B. McBride 2014 Y OTHER
Results of 2004 Field Representative Focus Groups Shields, J. 2004 N OTHER
The Quality of Proxy Reports on the Consumer Expenditure Survey Kojetin, B., and S. Jerstad 1997 N OTHER
U.S. Consumer Expenditure Records Study: Final Report Geisen, E., A. Richards, and C. Strohm 2011 Y OTHER
"Happy Birthday": Life Events as Reminders of Spending (CE Survey Methods Symposium) McBride, B. 2014 N CESMPSM
2015 CE Survey Microdata Users' Workshop Sample Design and Weights (CE Microdata Workshop) Nix, B. 2015 N CEWKSHP
2019 Microdata Users' Workshop Safir, A., J. Choi, T. Wilson, A. Cobet, B. Creech, B. Nix, B. Johnson-Cox, C. Knappenberger, S. Henderson, G. Paulin, and J. Sullivan 2019 N CEWKSHP
A Multi-dimensional Measure of Economic Well-Being for the U.S.: The Material Condition Index Garner, T., and K. Short 2013 N JSM
An Application of Markov Latent Class Analysis for Evaluating Reporting Error Biemer, P. 2000 N N/A
Asking questions about household member activities to improve expenditure reporting Yu, E. 2013 N N/A
Asking Questions About Household Members to Improve Proxy Reporting (CE Survey Methods Symposium) Yu, E. 2014 Y CESMPSM
Asking Questions About Others to Improve Proxy Reporting (AAPOR Poster) Yu, E. 2014 Y AAPOR
Baby Boomers and Their Parents: How Does Their Economic Well-Being Compare in Middle Age? Sabelhaus, J. and J. Manchester 1993 N N/A
Balancing Respondent Confidentiality and Data User Needs Cobet, A. 2017 N CEWKSHP
Balancing Respondent Confidentiality and Data User Needs Cobet, A. 2019 N CEWKSHP
Balancing respondent confidentiality and data user needs (CE Microdata Users Workshop) Rojas, A. 2015 N CEWKSHP
CE's Gemini Redesign: Updates on Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (CE Survey Methods Symposium) Erhard, L. 2014 Y CESMPSM
Comparing Selected Expenditures of Dual and Single Income Households with Children Sullivan, J. 2019 N ACCI
Comparison of Estimates from the CE Survey and PCE from the NIPA: The Case of Recreation Expenditures (American Council on Consumer Interest Conference) Passero, W. 2006 N ACCI
Compiling Respondent Burden Items: A Composite Index Approach (CE Survey Methods Symposium) Yang, D. 2015 N CESMPSM
Consumer Expenditure Survey (CE) Public-Use Microdata (PUMD) File Structure Wilson, T. 2017 N CEWKSHP
Consumer Expenditure Survey Microdata Overview and Practical Training (CE Microdata Users Workshop) Cobet, A., B. Creech, S. Curtin, W. Passero, G. Paulin, and A. Rojas 2015 N CEWKSHP
Coping Strategies for "Making Ends Meet": Findings from a Cognitive Research Study Garner, T., and L. Stinson 1997 N ACCI
Differences in the Prevalence of Vice Expenditures: Millennials vs. GenX Rojas, A. 2019 N ACCI
Do Fences Really Make Good Neighbors? A Side-by-Side Comparison of RDD and GeofencingMethods Using Risk Factor Surveys Jans, M., J. Dayton, and S. Worthge 2018 N CESMPSM
Does Encouraging Record Use for Financial Assets Improve Data Accuracy? Evidence from Administrative Data Eggleston, J., and L. Reeder 2018 N CESMPSM
Electronically Mediated Employment:Designing new questions and assessing data quality Kosanovich, K., and R. Edwards 2019 Y CESMPSM
Encouraging Record Use in the Consumer Expenditure Survey Presentation (CE Survey Methods Symposium) Yu, E. 2016 N CESMPSM
Estimating State Expenditures for New Jersey, Florida, and California King, S. 2017 N CEWKSHP
Evaluating Measurement Error in the Consumer Expenditure Survey (AAPOR) Geisen, E., A. Richards, C. Strohm, M.C. Stringer, Tseng, N., J. Brattland, J. Davis, and B. Kopp 2011 N AAPOR
Evaluating the Association of Initial Expressions of Reluctance with Panel Survey Behavior (AAPOR) McBride, B., B. Kopp, and L. Tan 2014 N AAPOR
Examining Relationships between Doorstep Concerns and Edit Check Frequency in the CE Interview Survey Wilson, T. 2019 Y AAPOR
Examining Response Fatigue and Non-cooperation in the National Household Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey (FoodAPS) (CE Survey Methods Symposium) Kirlin, J. 2016 N CESMPSM
Examining the relationship between the accuracy of self-reported data and the availability of respondent financial records (AAPOR) Geisen, E., C. Strohm, C. Stringer, B. Kopp, and A. Richards 2012 N AAPOR
Experimenting with Monetary Incentives in the CE Survey Steinberg, B. 2019 Y CESMPSM
Exploring the Characteristics of Partial Interviews in the Consumer Expenditure Survey Erhard, L. 2019 N CESMPSM
Exploring the Use of Classification Trees in Categorizing Survey Respondents on Perceived Survey Burden (AAPOR) Rojas, A., S. Fricker, and L. Tan 2016 N AAPOR
Factors to consider for web-based collection of time diary data in the ATUS Woods, R. 2019 Y CESMPSM
Field Testing the CE Online Diary Krishnamurty, P. 2019 Y CESMPSM
Financial record checking in surveys: Do suggestive prompts improve data quality? (CE Survey Methods Symposium) Murphy, J. 2016 N CESMPSM
Frequency of Consumer Expenditure: An Empirical Analysis Nelson, J. 1994 N OTHER
Gaining Perspective Through Individual Diaries Presentation (CE Survey Methods Symposium) McBride, B. 2016 Y CESMPSM
Household Participation and Response Quality in a Survey Featuring Mobile and Desktop Modes Presentation (AAPOR) McBride, B., I. Elkin, and L. Tan 2016 N AAPOR
How a Paper Diary of Radio Listening become an Online Measurement Instrument (CE Survey Methods Symposium) Gentry, R. 2016 N CESMPSM
How different are "not eligible" cases and the ATUS sample: a consideration of demographic factors and data quality indicators Biagas, D. 2019 Y CESMPSM
How Do Different Cues Affect Proxy Reporting of Transit Use McBride, B. 2018 N AAPOR
Improving Consumer Payments Measurement with the Diary of Consumer Payment Choice (CE Survey Methods Symposium) Foster, K. 2016 N CESMPSM
Improving Efficiencies on FoodAPS with Online Food Logs May, L. 2018 N CESMPSM
Improving Proxy Reporting (AAPOR) Edgar, J. 2013 Y AAPOR
Imputation and Allocation in Consumer Expenditure Survey Data (CE Microdata Users Workshop) Smith, M. 2015 N CEWKSHP
Imputation and Allocation of CE Data Knappenberger, C. 2017 N CEWKSHP
Incentives and the American Time Use Survey: Experimenting with cash Krantz-Kent, R. 2019 Y CESMPSM
Incentives for the CE Survey: Past, Present, and Future Presentation (CE Survey Methods Symposium) Elkin, I. 2016 N CESMPSM
Incentives in the Consumer Expenditure Survey: One Payment, Lasting Effects (AAPOR) Goldenberg, K., L. Tan, D. McGrath 2009 N AAPOR
Innovations in Incentives in the NLS Rothstein, D. 2019 Y CESMPSM
Investigating Signs of Interview Fatigue: Decreased Reporting of Category Expenditures (AAPOR) McBride, B. 2013 N AAPOR
Keeping up with the Times: A Web Diary Design for the Consumer Expenditure Survey (AAPOR) To, N. 2016 Y AAPOR
Key Features of E-diary for the Expenditure Survey in Korea Choi, Y. 2018 N CESMPSM
Measurement Error in the CE: Monitoring the Quality of the Estimates (CE Survey Methods Symposium) Tourangeau, R., L. Tan, B. Meekins, and B. Kopp 2014 N CESMPSM
Measurement Errors in Self-Reports of Consumer Expenditures: Are Errors Attributable to Respondents or Expenditures? (AAPOR) Strohm, C., E. Geisen, A. Richards, and B. Kopp 2012 N AAPOR
Measuring National Housing Costs from Consumer Expenditure (CE) Data Wilson, T. 2019 N ACCI
Measuring Subjective Economic Well-being: An Economist's Viewpoint Garner, T., L. Stinson, and S. Shipp 1998 N AAPOR
MEPS - Provider Look-up Enhancement Stagnitti, M., and A. Biener 2018 N CESMPSM
Microdata Sneak Peek: Where are we going this year and beyond? (CE Microdata Users Workshop) Henderson, S. 2015 N CEWKSHP
Miscellaneous Issues: Using 4-Interview CU's vs. Each CU Interview Independently (CE Microdata UsersWorkshop) Hubener, E. 2015 N CEWKSHP
Mode changes in the NLS Olson, H 2019 Y CESMPSM
Monetary Incentives and Response Rates in Household Surveys: How much gets you how much? (CE Survey Methodology Symposium) Caporaso, A., A. Mercer, D. Cantor, and R. Townsend 2016 N CESMPSM
Moving from a Household-Level Set-Based Diary to a Personal Level Multi-Source TV Diary Williams, K. 2016 N CESMPSM
Multi-phase Pretesting during a Survey Redesign Davis, M. 2018 N CESMPSM
New CE income tax estimates (CE Microdata Users Workshop) Cobet, A. 2015 N CEWKSHP
Overview of the Consumer Expenditure Survey Research Agenda (CE Survey Methods Symposium) Safir, A., and L. Jilk 2015 Y CESMPSM
Overview of the Consumer Expenditure Surveys Safir, A. 2017 N CEWKSHP
Overview of the Consumer Expenditure Surveys Program Safir, A. 2020 N CEWKSHP
Overview of the Gemini Project (CE Survey Methods Symposium) Erhard, L. 2015 Y CESMPSM
Project 9: Generating Weighted Average Annual Calendar Year Education Expenditure Wilson, T. 2018 N CEWKSHP
Providing Time to Find Income Records-- Does it Help? Some Evidence from the National Household Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey (FoodAPS) (CE Survey Methods Symposium) Kirlin, J. 2016 N CESMPSM
Redesigning the PUMD website to improve the user experience (CE Microdata Users Workshop) Cobet, A. 2015 N CEWKSHP
Respondent Burden: Lessons Learned from a Mixed Methods Approach to Assessing Measures of Perceived Burden (AAPOR presentation) Earp, M., Fricker, S., and Dixon, J. 2015 N AAPOR
Response Burden: What Predicts It and Who is Burdened by It? (AAPOR) Yan, T., S. Fricker, and S. Tsai 2014 N AAPOR
Restaurant Demand in the CE Diary Survey Wilson, T. 2017 N ACCI
Sales Tax in CE Data (CE Microdata Users Workshop) Johnson-Cox, B. 2015 N CEWKSHP
Sampling Methods and Derivation of Sampling Weights Nix, B. 2017 N CEWKSHP
Sampling Methods and Derivation of Sampling Weights Nix, B. 2019 N CEWKSHP
Testing the Feasibility of Collecting Expenditure Data via Individual Mobile and Desktop Diaries: Preliminary Results (CE Survey Methods Symposium) Elkin, I., B. Kopp, B. McBride, and L. Tan 2015 Y CESMPSM
Testing the Feasibility of Integrating Outlets into the CE Diary (CE Survey Methods Symposium) Yu, E., and B. Kopp 2015 Y CESMPSM
The Consumer Expenditure Survey (CE) Microdata User's Workshop (CE Microdata Users Workshop) Pfirmann-Powell, R. 2015 N CEWKSHP
The Consumer Expenditure Survey in Comparison: Focus on Personal Consumption Expenditures of the National Income and Product Accounts (American Council on Consumer Interests Conference Passero, W. 2003 N ACCI
The Effect of Large Monetary Incentives on Survey Completion: Evidence From a Randomized Experiment (CE Survey Methodology Symposium) Hsu, J., M. Schmeiser, C. Haggerty, and S. Nelson 2016 N CESMPSM
The Use of Receipts in the Survey of Household Spending Diary Haymes, T., and D. Malo 2018 N CESMPSM
The Use of Respondent Records in Collecting Cost and Utilization Data on the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS) Reed-Gillette, D. 2018 N CESMPSM
Towards Determining an Optimal Contact Attempt Threshold for a Large-Scale Personal Visit Survey (AAPOR) Safir, A., and L. Tan 2015 N AAPOR
Tradeoffs in the expenditure patterns of families with children Hubener, E. 2019 N ACCI
Trends in Out-of-Pocket Spending on Health Care: 1980-92 Acs, G., and J. Sabelhaus 1995 N MLR
Understanding Data Collection Through a Survey of Field Staff (IFD&TC) Kopp, B., L. Tan, and A. Safir 2016 Y IFDTC
Unique Equivalence Scales: Estimation and Implications for Distributional Analysis Johnson, D., and T. Garner 1994 N JID
Usability Testing for the Consumer Expenditure Survey Electronic Diary (CE Survey Methods Symposium) Kopp, B. 2015 Y CESMPSM
Use of GPS Devices to Enhance Travel Behavior Diaries DeLaRosa, J. 2017 N CESMPSM
Using a Two-Part Markov Latent Class Model to Examine Expenditure Report Quality (AAPOR) Meekins, B. 2015 N AAPOR
Using Call Records to Study Sources of Nonresponse Bias in Consumer Expenditure Surveys Dixon, J., and E. Figueroa 2003 N N/A
Using Early-Wave Interviewer Observations to Predict Respondent Burden and Survey Nonresponse in Later Panel Survey Waves Presentation (AAPOR) Fricker, S., A. Rojas, and L. Tan 2016 N AAPOR
Using the Data Documentation Initiative to Document the Consumer Expenditure (CE) Survey (AAPOR) Gillman, D., and R. Noel 2016 N AAPOR
Welcome and CE redesign update Krishnamurty, P. 2019 Y CESMPSM
What Does It Mean to be Poor in America? Federman, M., T. Garner, K. Short, W. Cutter, J. Kiely, D. Levine, D. McGough, and M. McMillen 1996 N MLR
What is the Distributional Burden of Taxing Consumption? Sabelhaus, J. 1993 N NTJ
What's New With the CE Online Diary? Presentation (CE Survey Methods Symposium) Kopp, B. 2016 N CESMPSM
An Introduction to the CE Gemini Redesign Krishnamurty, P. 2018 Y CESMPSM
Balancing Respondent Confidentiality and Data User Needs Cobet, A. 2018 N CEWKSHP
Consumer Expenditure (CE) Public-Use Microdata (PUMD) File Structure Rojas, A. 2018 N CEWKSHP
Consumer Expenditure Surveys Public-Use Microdata (PUMD) Overview Choi, J. 2018 N CEWKSHP
Consumer spending by state: BLS puts New Jersey to the test Wilson, T. 2018 N BTN
Consumption Pattern of the Middle Class Household: using Consumer Expenditure Survey Lee, R. 2018 N CEWKSHP
Evaluating Perceived Burden of Household Survey Respondents Yang, D. 2018 N AAPOR
Exploring Monetary Incentives and Respondent Burden in the Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey Lee, Y., and C. Knappenberger 2018 N AAPOR
Housing and expenditures: before, during, and after the bubble Paulin, G. 2018 N BTN
Imputation and Allocation of CE Data Knappenberger, C. 2018 N CEWKSHP
Investigating the Imputation of Assets and Liabilities in the CE Interview Survey Paulin, G. 2018 N CEWKSHP
Just what do we actually know about household spending on transportation services and how are they changing in the 21st Century? Peters, J., D. King, C. Gordon, and N. Santiago 2018 N CEWKSHP
Making Audit Trails Accessible for the CE Quarterly Interview Survey Kopp, B., Y. Lee, and L. Tan 2018 N CESMPSM
Marginal Propensity to Consume He, Z. 2018 N CEWKSHP
Overview of the CE Surveys Program Safir, A. 2018 N CEWKSHP
Power Transformations for Consumer Expenditure Data Wilson, T. 2018 N CEWKSHP
Price stickiness along the income distribution and the effects of monetary policy Cravino, J., T. Lan, and A. Levchenko 2018 N CEWKSHP
Program participation and spending patterns of families receiving government means-tested assistance Foster, A., and A. Rojas 2018 N MLR
Project 3: Adding More Detail About Expenditures Cobet, A. 2018 N CEWKSHP
Project 4: Using the Diary Survey to get a complete educational expenditure Cobet, A. 2018 N CEWKSHP
R: Innovating at the Bureau of Labor Statistics Rojas, A. 2018 N FCSM
Regional Household Spending Using the Consumer Spending Microdata to Estimate Household Spending and Buying Power at Any Level of Regionality Conte, M. 2018 N CEWKSHP
Results from a Test of Online Modes for the Consumer Expenditure Diary Survey Elkin, I., D. Williams, and H. Sun 2018 Y JSM
Results from The Incentives Field Test for The Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey Elkin, I., B. McBride, and B. Steinberg 2018 Y CEPR
Revising the CE Surveys to Collect Outlets Yu, E. 2018 N CESMPSM
Sales Tax in CE Data Johnson-Cox, B. 2018 N CEWKSHP
Sampling Methods and Derivation of Sampling Weights Nix, B. 2018 N CEWKSHP
Sneak Peek: Where are we going this year and beyond? Henderson, S. 2018 N CEWKSHP
State Weights for the Consumer Expenditure Survey Wilson, T. 2018 N CEWKSHP
Submitting a Monthly Labor Review Article Schau, T. 2018 N CEWKSHP
Testing stochastic rationality and normality of demand with unobserved heterogeneity and endogenous expenditures: the case of two goods Nchare, K. 2018 N CEWKSHP
The CEQ Worksheet: A Respondent Tool for Streamlining the Interview Experience and Improving Data Quality To, N., and Y. Lee 2018 N CESMPSM
The Effects of Power Transformations on Consumer Expenditure Survey Data Wilson, T. 2018 N JID
The Good, The Bad, and The Online Diaries Elkin, I. 2018 N CESMPSM
The Impact of In-kind Food Benefit Increase on Consumption: Evidence from the SNAP Lan, Y. 2018 N CEWKSHP
The Retirement-Consumption Puzzle: New Evidence from Personal Finances Olafsson, A., and M., Pagel 2018 N NBER
Tracking Changes in Ride-hailing/Ride-sharing Expenditures Poyer, D. 2018 N CEWKSHP
Tradeoffs in the expenditure patterns of families with children Hubener, E., A. Rojas, and N. Tseng 2018 N BTN
United States Dietary Recommendations and Grocery Spending: A Cohort Analysis Wilson, L. and O. Ozturk 2018 N CEWKSHP
Weighting in the 2010's Steinberg, B. and S. Reyes-Morales 2018 N CEWKSHP
Comparing Economic Status of Pre-Recession Millennials to Post-Recession 'September 11ths' Paulin, G. 2017 N ACCI
Developing a Data Quality Profile for the Consumer Expenditure Survey Lee, Y., V. Crain, S. Fricker, E. Hubener, C. Knappenberger, B. Kopp, J. Sullivan, and L. Tan. 2017 Y JSM
Enhancing Data Quality Using Expenditure Records Abdirizak, S., L. Erhard, Y. Lee, and B. McBride 2017 Y AAPOR
Evaluating Respondents' Burden via Indirect Indicators of Data Quality: Item vs. Index Scores Yang, D. 2017 Y CESMPSM
Evaluating the Impact of Eliminating a Bounding Interview McBride, B., and J. Dixon 2017 N AAPOR
Factors that Affect Reporting in Online and Personal Diaries McBride, B. 2017 Y CESMPSM
Finding the Value of Electronic Records in the CE Yu, E. 2017 Y CESMPSM
How do United States consumer expenditures compare with the United Kingdom and Japan? Creech, B. 2017 N BTN
Hunting for Auxiliary Variables in the Census Planning Database Tract File Knappenberger, C., A. Rojas, and L. Tan 2017 Y AAPOR
Incentives in the CE Interview Survey: Present Findings and Future Research Elkin, I. 2017 Y CESMPSM
Online Diaries for Everyone: Data Quality, Device Usage and Compliance with Personal Expenditure Diaries Williams, D., and H. Sun 2017 Y CESMPSM
Spending habits of urban consumers and "blue-collar" consumers living in urban areas, 1984 and 2015 Church, J. 2017 N BTN
Standard Errors in the 2016 Consumer Expenditure Survey Swanson, D. 2017 N N/A
Statistical Examination of Rounding Tendencies in the Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey Wilson, T. 2017 N JSM
Statistical Examination of Rounding Tendencies in the Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey Wilson, T., and S. Abdirizak 2017 Y JSM
The Impact of Record Use in the CE Interview Survey Wilson, T. 2017 N CESMPSM
Trade-offs in Parental Spending on Children: Apparel vs. Education Rojas, A. 2017 N N/A
Use with Caution: Interpreting Consumer Expenditure income group data Wilson, T., and V. Crain 2017 N BTN
Veblen Goods and Urban Distinction: The Economic Geography of Conspicuous Consumption, A Survey of 21 Cities Currid-Halkett, E., H. Lee, and G. Painter 2017 N JRS
Welcome to the CE Survey Methods Symposium Krishnamurty, P. 2017 Y CESMPSM
A closer look at spending patterns of older Americans Foster, A. 2016 N BTN
Eating and drinking in Miami: Consumer Expenditures, 2010-2014 Dotson, M. 2016 N BTN
Household healthcare spending in 2014 Foster, A. 2016 N BTN
The Consumer Expenditure Survey redesign initiative Safir, A., J. Ryan, L. Erhard, L. Jilk, and L. Tan 2016 Y OTHER
Using gasoline data to explain inelasticity Eitches, E., and V. Crain 2016 N BTN
What the Consumer Expenditure Survey tells us about mortgage instruments before and after the housing collapse Wilson, T. 2016 N BTN
Consumer Expenditures Vary by Age Foster, A. 2015 N BTN
Hispanic household spending in 2015 Foster, A. 2015 N BTN
Investigating the Imputation of Assets and Liabilities in the CE Interview Survey (CE Survey Methods Symposium) G. Paulin 2015 N CESMPSM
Results from the Individual Diaries Feasibility Test for the Consumer Expenditure Diary Survey Elkin, I., B. Kopp, B. McBride, and L. Tan 2015 Y N/A
Measuring Income Inequality with Consumer Expenditure Data Bunting, D 2020 N N/A
Patterns and Factors Associated With Medical Expenses and Health Insurance Premium Payments Choi, S. and J. Blackburn 2018 N JFCP
Experimental State Weights Providing More Geographic Data Choi, J. 2020 N CEWKSHP
Sneak Peek: CE Now and in the Future Creech, B. 2020 N CEWKSHP
Consumer Expenditure Surveys Public-Use Microdata (PUMD) Overview Rigg, B. 2020 N CEWKSHP
Balancing Respondent Confidentiality and Data User Needs Cobet, A. 2020 N CEWKSHP
Investigating the Imputation of Assets and Liabilities in the CE Interview Survey Paulin, G. 2020 N CEWKSHP
Overview of the Consumer Expenditure Surveys Program Curtin, S. 2020 N CEWKSHP
Generating a Weighted Average Annual Education Expenditure and Standard Error by the Number of Children in a Cu, Using the Interview Survey Files Curtin, S. 2020 N CEWKSHP
Going Online: Results from the Consumer Expenditure Survey's Large Scale Online Diary Feasibility Test (LSF) Erhard, L. 2020 Y CESMPSM
Americans' aging autos Pfirrmann-Powell, R. 2014 N BTN
Income and spending patterns among Black households Noel, R. 2014 N BTN
Results from Testing a Web Mode for the Consumer Expenditure Diary Survey (AAPOR) Elkin, I., L. Erhard, B. McBride, and D. Nelson 2014 Y AAPOR
Results from Testing a Web Mode for the Consumer Expenditure Diary Survey (CE Survey Methods Symposium) Elkin, I., L. Erhard, B. McBride, and D. Nelson 2014 Y CESMPSM
A comparison of CE to international agencies McBride, B., and N. To 2013 Y CESMPSM
A comparison of CE to international agencies handout To, N., and B. McBride 2013 Y CESMPSM
Expenditures of urban and rural households in 2011 Hawk, W. 2013 N BTN
Improving Proxy Reporting (AAPOR) Edgar, J. 2013 Y AAPOR
Imputing Across Interviews: Balancing Time Savings with Data Quality (CE Survey Methods Symposium) Paulin, G 2013 Y CESMPSM
OPLC Requirements for the Consumer Expenditure Survey Passero, B., J. Ryan, R. Cage, S. Stanley, and T. Garner 2013 Y N/A
Overview of the Proposed CE Redesign Erhard, L. 2013 Y CESMPSM
Spending on pets: "Tails" from the Consumer Expenditure Survey Henderson, S. 2013 N BTN
Understanding the Relationship: CE Survey and PCE Passero, W., T. Garner, and C. McCully 2013 N BWP
Use of Financial Records in the CE Survey Kopp, B 2013 Y CESMPSM
Web Diary Feasibility Test: Preliminary Findings Elkin, I. 2013 Y CESMPSM
Understanding the Relationship: CE Survey and PCE Passero, W., T. Garner, and C. McCully 2013 N OTHER
Strengths and Weaknesses of the Consumer Expenditure Survey from a BLS Perspective Garner, T., R. McClelland, and W. Passero 2009 N CEWEB
The CE and the PCE: a comparison Garner, T., G. Janini, W. Passero, L. Paskziewicz, and M. Vendemia 2006 N BLSMLR
Consumer Expenditure Survey compared with Personal Consumption Expenditures BLS 2005 N OTHER
Consumer Expenditure Survey compared with Personal Consumption Expenditures BLS 2003 N OTHER
Comparison with other data sources: Personal Consumption Expenditures BLS 1999 N OTHER
Comparison with other data sources: Personal Consumption Expenditures BLS 1997 N OTHER
Comparison with other data sources: Personal Consumption Expenditures BLS 1995 N OTHER
Comparison with other data sources: Personal Consumption Expenditures in the National Income and Product Accounts BLS 1993 N OTHER
Comparison with other data sources: Personal Consumption Expenditures in the National Income and Product Accounts BLS 1991 N OTHER
Comparison of Estimates from the Consumer Expenditure Survey with 2002 Benchmark Personal Consumption Expenditures from the National Income and Product Accounts Passero, W. 2010 N ACCI
Strengths and Weaknesses of the Consumer Expenditure Survey from a BLS Perspective Garner, T., R. McClelland, and W. Passero 2009 N NBER
Comparison of Estimates from the CE Survey and PCE from the NIPA: The Case of Recreation Expenditures Passero, W. 2006 N ACCI
A Journey into the PCE Jungle with CE Colored Glasses Passero, W. 2005 N OTHER
The Consumer Expenditure Survey in Comparison: Focus on Personal Consumption Expenditures of the National Income and Product Accounts Passero, W. 2003 N ACCI
The Consumer Expenditure Survey in Comparison: Focus on Personal Consumption Expenditures Passero, W. 2003 N FESAC
Consumer Expenditure Survey: Overview and Recent Developments in the Consumer Expenditure Surveys Passero, W. 2002 N NBER
Consumer Expenditure Survey: Construction and Research Use of the Consumer Expenditure Survey McCarthy, M., T. Garner, W. Passero, D. Johnson, and G. Paulin 1998 N OTHER
Comparing measures of residential energy consumption from two surveys for 2001, 2005, and 2009 (years compared: 2001, 2005 and 2009) BLS 2009 N CEWEB
Household Energy Spending: Two Surveys Compared (2001 and 2005) BLS 2010 N BTN
Comparison with other data sources: Residential Energy Consumption Survey (April 1984-March 1985, 1987, and 1990) BLS 1990 N OTHER
Household Health Care Spending: Comparing the Consumer Expenditure Survey and the National Health Expenditure Accounts (years compared: 2013-2016) Foster, A. 2018 N CEWEB
Household Health Care Spending: Comparing the Consumer Expenditure Survey and the National Health Expenditure Accounts (years compared: 2012-2015) Foster, A. 2017 N CEWEB
Household Health Care Spending: Comparing the Consumer Expenditure Survey and the National Health Expenditure Accounts (years compared: 2011-2014) Foster, A. 2016 N CEWEB
Household Health Care Spending: Comparing the Consumer Expenditure Survey and the National Health Expenditure Accounts (years compared: 2009-2012) Foster, A. 2014 N CEWEB
Household Health Care Spending: Comparing the Consumer Expenditure Survey and the National Health Expenditure Accounts (years compared: 2007-2010) Foster, A. 2012 N CEWEB
Consumer Expenditure Survey Compared with National Health Expenditure Accounts (years compared: 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007) BLS 2007 N OTHER
Consumer Expenditure Survey Comparisons with National Health Expenditures and the Current Population Survey (years compared: 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2005) BLS 2005 N OTHER
Consumer Expenditure Survey Comparisons with National Health Expenditures and the Current Population Survey (years compared: 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2003) BLS 2003 N OTHER
Comparison with other data sources: National Health Expenditures (years compared: 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001) BLS 2001 N OTHER
Comparison with other data sources: National Health Expenditures (years compared: 1996, 1997, 1998, and 1999) BLS 1999 N OTHER
Comparison with other data sources: National Health Expenditures (years compared: 1994, 1995, 1996, and 1997) BLS 1997 N OTHER
Comparison with other data sources: National Health Expenditures (years compared: 1992, 1993, 1994, and 1995) BLS 1995 N OTHER
Comparison with other data sources: National Health Accounts (years compared: 1990, 1991, 1992, and 1993) BLS 1993 N OTHER
Comparison with other data sources: National Health Accounts (years compared: 1988, 1989, 1990, and 1991) BLS 1991 N OTHER
Out-of-pocket health care expenditures: a comparison (years compared: 1996-2006) Foster, A. 2010 N BLSMLR
Measuring the Impact of Income Imputation in the Consumer Expenditure Survey: A Multi-year Comparison of Income Data with Estimates from the Current Population Survey (years compared: 2002-2007) BLS 2007 N OTHER
The impact of income imputation in the Consumer Expenditure Survey (years compared: 2002-2006) Passero, W. 2009 N BLSMLR
Consumer Expenditure Survey comparisons with National Health Expenditures and the Current Population Survey (years compared: 2003, 2004, and 2005) DUPLICATE 2005 N OTHER
Consumer Expenditure Survey Comparisons with National Health Expenditures and the Current Population Survey (years compared: 2001, 2002, and 2003) BLS 2003 N OTHER
Comparison with other data sources: Current Population Survey (years compared: 1999, 2000, and 2001) BLS 2001 N OTHER
Comparison with other data sources: Current Population Survey (years compared: 1997, 1998, and 1999) BLS 1999 N OTHER
Comparison with other data sources: Current Population Survey (years compared: 1995, 1996, and 1997) BLS 1997 N OTHER
Comparison with other data sources: Current Population Survey (years compared: 1992, 1993, 1994, and 1995) BLS 1995 N OTHER
Comparison with other data sources: Current Population Survey (years compared: 1990, 1991, 1992, and 1993) BLS 1993 N OTHER
Comparison with other data sources: Current Population Survey (years compared: 1988, 1989, 1990, and 1991) BLS 1991 N OTHER
Assessing the Effects of Imputation on Income Estimates in the U.S. Consumer Expenditure Survey: Comparison with the Current Population Survey Passero, W. 2009 N JSM
Comparison of Estimates from the Consumer Expenditure Survey (CE) with Other Data: CE Imputed Income with Current Population Survey (CPS) Passero, W. 2008 N SEA
Consumer Expenditure Survey: Construction and Research Use of the Consumer Expenditure Survey McCarthy, M., Garner, T., Passero, W., Johnson D., and Paulin G. 1998 N OTHER
Consumer Expenditure Survey Compared with the American Community Survey (years compared: 2006 and 2007) BLS 2007 N OTHER
A Comparison of Consumer Expenditure Survey and Panel Study of Income Dynamics Expenditure Data: 1999-2011 (years compared: 1999-2011) Creech, B. 2015 N CEWEB
New expenditure data in the PSID: comparisons with the CE (1999, 2001 and 2003) Li, G., Schoeni, R., Danziger, S. Charles, K. 2010 N BLSMLR
Household liability data in the Consumer Expenditure Survey (years compared: 1992, 1995, 1998, 2001, 2004, and 2007) Johnson, K., Li, G. 2009 N BLSMLR
Consumer Expenditure Survey: Construction and Research Use of the Consumer Expenditure Survey McCarthy, M., Garner, T., Passero, W., Johnson D., and Paulin G. 1998 N OTHER
Comparing global questions and answers to results from detailed specific questions: Data on food expenditures from the Consumer Expenditure Survey (years compared: 1998-2018) 2019 N CEWEB
Comparison with other data sources: Detailed Food Comparisons (years compared: 1998 and 1999) BLS 1999 N OTHER
Comparison with other data sources: Detailed Food Comparisons (years compared: 1996 and 1997) BLS 1997 N OTHER
Comparison with other data sources: Detailed Food Comparisons (years compared: 1994 and 1995) BLS 1995 N OTHER
Comparison with other data sources: Detailed Food Comparisons (years compared: 1992 and 1993) BLS 1993 N OTHER
Comparison with other data sources: Detailed Food Comparisons BLS 1991 N OTHER
Consumer Expenditure Survey: Construction and Research Use of the Consumer Expenditure Survey McCarthy, M., Garner, T., Passero, W., Johnson D., and Paulin G. 1998 N OTHER
Summary comparison of aggregate Consumer Expenditures (CE) and Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE), based on 2007 Benchmark and restricted to the most comparable categories on the basis of concepts involved and comprehensiveness, 2010-2017 (Preliminary) - PCE values as of 9/28/18 (XLSX) Wilson, T. 2018 N CEWEB
Concordance Mapping of CE UCC Codes to PCE Series from Table 2.4.5U: Expenditures by Type of Product (XLSX) Wilson, T. 2018 N CEWEB
Summary comparison of aggregate Consumer Expenditures (CE) and Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE), based on 2002 Benchmark and restricted to the most comparable categories on the basis of concepts involved and comprehensiveness, 2003-2009 (Preliminary) - Revised 11/28/2011 (XLSX) Passero, W. 2011 N CEWEB
Table 1A. Aggregate income and ratios for Current Population Survey (CPS) and three alternative measures of CE income, 2002-2017 (years compared: 2002-2017) (XLSX) BLS 2019 N CEWEB
Table 1B. Aggregate income and ratios for Current Population Survey (CPS) and three alternative measures of CE income, by total and source of income, 2017 (XLSX) Hubener, E. 2019 N CEWEB
Summary comparison of comparable category means in the Consumer Expenditures (CE) and American Community Survey (ACS) (years compared: 2007-2017) (XLSX) Wilson, T. 2018 N CEWEB
Final Report of the Interagency Technical Working Group on Evaluating Alternative Measures of Poverty ITWG-EAMP 2021 N OTHER
Has Consumption Inequality Mirrored Income Inequality? Aguiar, M., and M. Bils 2011 N NBER
End of Purchase Requirement Fails to Change Food Stamp Participation Brown, G. 1988 N BLSMLR
How Does Rental Assistance Influence Spending Behavior? Cage, R. 1994 N BLSMLR
Consumer Expenditure Survey Methods Symposium and Microdata Users' Workshop Paulin, G., and P., Krishnamurty 2021 Y BLSMLR
Propensity Score Models for Nonresponse and Measurement Error Dixon, J. 2011 N N/A
Economic inequality through the prisms of income and consumption Johnson D., T. Smeeding, and B. Torrey 2005 N BLSMLR
Evaluation of Financial Application Software Report To, N., K. Downey, and I. Elkin 2012 N N/A
Health care and prescription drug spending by seniors Fan, J., D. Sharpe, and G. Hong 2003 N BLSMLR
Methodology of Consumer Expenditure Surveys (JSM) Flueck, J., M. Kaitz, and J. Waksberg 1971 N JSM
Moving to the Median and Expanding the Estimation Sample: The Case for Changing the Expenditures Underlying SPM Thresholds Fox, L., and T. Garner 2019 N N/A
Economic Dimensions of Household Gift-Giving Garner, T. and J. Wagner 1991 N JCR
Influence of Demographic and Hh. Specific Price Indices on Distributions of Exp.s .. Garner, T., J. Ruiz-Castillo, and M. Garcia 1997 N SEA
Experimental Poverty Measurement for the 1990s Garner, T., K. Short, S. Shipp, C. Nelson, and G. Paulin 1998 N BLSMLR
Income Sufficiency vs. Poverty: Results from the U.S. and the Netherlands Garner, T., and K. de Vos 1995 N N/A
Financial and Housing Wealth, Expenditures and the Dividend to Ownership (Paper) Guo, S. and W. Hardin 2014 N N/A
How Family Spending Has Changed in the U.S. Jacobs, E., and S. Shipp 1990 N BLSMLR
Longer Interviews May Not Affect Subsequent Survey Participation Propensity Lynn, P. 2014 N POQ
Quantifying CHI doorstep concerns as risk factors of Wave 1 nonresponse for the CE Interview Survey McBride, B., and L. Tan 2014 N N/A
Household Surveys in Crisis Meyer, B., W. Mok, and J. Sullivan 2015 N N/A
Household Expenditures and Income: Balancing family finances in today's economy The Pew Charitable Trusts 2016 N N/A
Methodology and Expert Judgement in Evidence-Based Policy: Lessons From the CPI Controversy Reiss, J. 2008 N N/A
Expenditures of Urban and Rural Consumers, 1972-73 to 1985 Rogers, J. 1988 N BLSMLR
Do Consumer Expenditures Follow Their Sentiment? (Midwestern Economics Association Conference) Rojas, A. 2016 N MEA
Methodological Issues in the Collection of Consumer Expenditures in the U.S. Silberstein, A. 1991 N N/A
Effects of Format Changes on Reporting in the 1991 CE Diary Survey Tucker, C. 1993 N N/A
Estimation of Instrument Effects on Data Quality in the CE Diary Survey Tucker, C. 1992 N N/A
Methodological Research in the CE Program Tucker, C. 1986 N N/A
Procedural Effects in the Collection of Consumer Expenditure Information Tucker, C., and C. Bennett 1988 N N/A
Implementing the Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) for the Consumer Expenditure Surveys Wilson, T. 2018 N FCSM
Metadata Wilson, T. 2016 N N/A
Mortgage Debt and Consumption (Eastern Economic Association) Wilson, T. 2016 N EEA
Overview of the Consumer Expenditure Surveys (CE) Wilson, T. 2019 N N/A
Impact of Design Changes on Economic Analyses Project Yang, D., and J. Gonzalez 2013 N N/A
Methods for Exploratory Assessment of Consent-to-link in a Household Survey Yang, D., S. Fricker, and J. Eltinge 2019 N JSSM
COVID-19 Response and Data Quality Impacts in the CE Interview Survey Lee, Y., and D. Biagas 2021 N CEPR
You've got mail: Estimating the Effects of Postcards and Monetary Incentives on Respondent Recruitment Jones, G. 2021 Y AAPOR
Data Quality in the Consumer Expenditure Survey's Large Scale Online Diary Feasibility Test Erhard, L. 2021 Y JSM
Consumer Expenditure Survey: Redesign Update Erhard, L. 2021 Y CESMPSM
COVID-19 Protocol Changes and Consumer Expenditure Diary Reporting in 2020 McBride, B. and N. Graf 2021 N CESMPSM
Integrated System of Household Income, Consumption, and Wealth Data: BLS and CE - What's New? What's Planned? Safir, A. and T. Garner 2021 N OTHER
Changes in Consumer Spending Behaviors during the Coronavirus Pandemic Safir, A., T. Garner, and J. Schild 2021 N AAPOR
Gemini Project: Redesigning the Consumer Expenditure Surveys Safir, A. 2021 Y DCAAPOR
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Consumer Expenditure Surveys Lee, Y., D. Biagas, J. Ogden, S. Pham, B. Steinberg, M. Smith, M. Edwards 2021 N AAPOR
COVID-19's Effect on the Consumer Expenditure Surveys' Estimates Rigg, B. and B. Creech 2021 N FCSM
Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey: Data Quality Assessment Pre vs. Post COVID-19 Biagas, D. 2021 N FCSM
An Examination of Nonresponse Bias in the Consumer Expenditure Surveys During the COVID-19 Period Ash, S. 2021 N FCSM
Evaluating Diary Collection Mode Changes in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic McBride, B. and N. Graf 2021 N FCSM
The Annual CE Data Quality Profile 2020 Knappenberger, C., Y. Lee, S. Pham, and G. Armstrong 2021 N N/A
The Midyear CE Data Quality Profile 2020 Knappenberger, C., Y. Lee, S. Pham, and G. Armstrong 2021 N N/A
The CE Data Quality Profile 2019 Tan, L., C. Knappenberger, and Y. Lee 2020 N N/A
The CE Data Quality Profile 2018 Tan, L., E. Hubener, C. Knappenberger, and Y. Lee 2019 N N/A
The CE Data Quality Profile 2017 Tan, L., E. Hubener, C. Knappenberger, and Y. Lee 2018 N N/A
The CE Data Quality Profile 2013 Erhard, L., and L. Tan 2015 N N/A
A Framework for the Evaluation and Use of Alternative Data in the Consumer Expenditure Surveys Erhard, L., B. McBride, and A. Safir 2021 N BLSMLR
An Introduction to AAPOR, A Meeting Place and More: Membership Safir, A., and M. Earp 2021 N AAPOR
An Overview of Data Comparisons between PSID and Other US Household Surveys Insolera, N., B. Simmert, and D. Johnson 2021 N OTHER
Assessing & Improving the Quality of Prescription Drug Data from Surveys: A Discussion Paulin, G. 2021 N FCSM
Assessing Consumer Expenditure Surveys data quality through the lens of data use Safir, A. and D. Dorfman 2021 N BLSMLR
Assessing Questionnaire Changes when Experiments are Not Possible: Application to the U.S. Consumer Expenditure Survey Eckman, S. 2021 N N/A
Consumer Response to Stimulus Payment and Life in the Time of COVID-19 Garner, T., J. Schild, and A. Safir 2021 N EEA
Effects of Covid on Household Finances Safir. A., T., Garner, and J., Schild 2021 N N/A
The Road to Equitable Transportation Policy in New Jersey: An Assessment of Cost Burdens, Gaps in Mobility and Recommendations for Reform Peters, J., C. Gordon, and R. Flanagan 2021 N OTHER
Consumer expenditures in 2020 Creech, B. and L. Chalise 2021 N OTHER
Consumption Measurement at BLS: A Research Project Garner, T. and A. Safir 2021 N FESAC
Expenditure Patterns of Low and High Income Groups by State: California, Florida, New Jersey, New York, and Texas Armstrong, G. 2021 N EEA
Investigating Risky Behaviors: Innovative Uses of the Consumer Expenditure Survey Historical Evidence from the Diary and Interview Components Paulin, G. 2021 N EEA
Large Scale Feasibility Test preliminary report Dorfman, D., L. Erhard, G. Jones, B. Kopp, P. Krishnamurty, and B. McBride 2021 Y CEPR
Since We Have the Means, Let's Find the Happy Median Cirillo, F. 2021 N EEA
The Impact of COVID-19 on CE Survey Estimates Curtin, S. 2021 N CEPR
The Impact of COVID-19 on CE Survey Estimates for 2020 Curtin, S. 2022 N CEPR
Underreporting of Purchases in the U.S. Consumer Expenditure Survey Eckman, S. 2021 N JSSM
Household Spending Responses to the Economic Impact Payments of 2020: Evidence from the Consumer Expenditure Survey Parker, J., J. Schild, L. Erhard, D. Johnson 2021 N BLSWP
Large Scale Feasibility Test Final Report Jones, G., P. Krishnamurty, and B. McBride 2021 Y CEPR
COVID-19 CE Diary Preliminary Report: Response and Data Quality Impacts McBride, B., N. Graf, M. Edwards, and M. Smith 2021 N CEWEB
SNAP participation and food-at-home expenditures through the Great Recession: United States and the New York Area Mirtcheva, D., L. Boily, G. Paulin, and C. Gillham 2022 N MLR
Model-Assisted State Expenditure Estimates Knappenberger, C. and Y. Lee 2021 N OTHER
Building a Consumption Poverty Measure: Initial Results Following Recommendations of a Federal Interagency Working Group Garner, T., B. Matsumoto, J. Schild, G. Armstrong, C. Cho and J. Munoz 2022 N AEA
Consumer expenditures on travel declined sharply from 2019 to 2020 Paulin, G. 2022 N BLSTED
Report on Nonresponse Bias during the COVID-19 Period for the Consumer Expenditures Interview Survey Ash, S., B. Nix, and B. Steinberg 2022 N CEPR
Redesigning the Consumer Expenditure Survey: Usability and Data Quality (FEDCASIC) Schneider, S., A. Reifer, N. To, and J. Davis 2011 N FedCASIC
Reporting on Household Income: Complete vs. Incomplete Response Garner, T., and L. Blanciforti 1987 N N/A
Response Burden: What Predicts It and What is its Impact on Response Quality? Yan, T. 2015 N TBD
Retirement Security: Better Information on Income Replacement Rates Needed to Help Workers Plan for Retirement GAO 2016 N N/A
Retrieval of Autobiographical Information Yu, E., and S. Fricker 2015 N FCSM
Retrieval of Autobiographical Information (FCSM) Yu, E., and S. Fricker 2015 N FCSM
Retrospective of the CE-PCE Comparisons and a Look to the Future Wilson, T. 2019 N OTHER
Spending by older consumers: 1980 and 1990 Compared Hitschler, P. 1993 N MLR
Spending Differences Across Occupational Fields Cage, R. 1989 N MLR
Spending Patterns and Income of Single and Married Parents Boyle, M. 1989 N MLR
Spending Patterns of Older Persons Revealed in the CE Survey Harrison, B. 1986 N MLR
Subjective Assessments of Economic Well-Being: Wave II Stinson, L. 1998 N N/A
Subjective Assessments of Economic Well-Being: Preliminary Findings from Miami Garner, T., L. Stinson, and S. Shipp 1996 N JSMP
Summary of Research into 2017 Consumer Expenditure Survey Changes McBride, B. 2019 N N/A
Survey Redesign Recommendations from a Survey of Data Collection Field Staff (2016 JSM) Kopp, B., A. Safir, L. Jilk, L. Tan, W. Fraser, T. Keller, and S. Abdirizak 2016 N JSM
Testing Global Questions for the Consumer Expenditure Gemini Recall Interview Crafts, J., R. Tesler, J. Blair, J. Behm, K. Stein, M. Leonard, and J. Folz 2015 N N/A
Testing the Feasibility of Collecting Expenditure Data via Individual Mobile and Desktop Diaries (FCSM) Elkin, I., B. Kopp, B. McBride, and L. Tan 2015 Y FCSM
The Flow of Services from Owned Vehicles in Consumer Expenditure Interview Surveys Cho, C., and D. Smith 2022 N ASSA
Building a Consumption "Poverty" Measure at the BLS: Initial Results Garner, T., B. Matsumoto, J. Schild, G. Armstrong, C. Cho, and J. Munoz 2022 N ASSA
Building a Consumption Poverty Measure: Initial Results Following Recommendations of a Federal Interagency Working Group (paper) Armstrong, G., C. Cho, T. Garner, B. Matsumoto, J. Munoz, and J. Schild 2022 N ASSA
2021 Midyear Data Quality Profile Armstrong, G., G. Jones, T. Miller, and S. Pham 2022 N CE Program Report Series
Reference Guide 2021 Midyear Data Quality Profile Armstrong, G., G. Jones, T. Miller, and S. Pham 2022 N CE Program Report Series
A Nonresponse Bias Study of the Consumer Expenditure Survey for the Ten-Year Period 2010-2019 Steinberg, B., S. Krieger, B. McBride, B. Nix, M. Sverchkov, and D. Yang 2022 N CE Program Report Series
Pandemic-related Spending Changes: Comparing 2019 and 2020 in Consumer Expenditures Hill, Jeff 2022 N BLSDUC
BLS Advances in Expenditure and Consumption Measurement Garner, T., and A. Safir 2022 N CNSTAT
Overview of the Consumer Expenditures Surveys Safir, A. 2022 N USITC
2008 Anthology Preface Consumer Expenditure Surveys 2008 N N/A
"Evaluation of the 2005 Redesigned Consumer Expenditure Survey Diary" Nhien, T., and L. Tan 2008 N N/A
Response rates in the Consumer Expenditure Survey Johnson-Herring, S., and S. Krieger 2008 N N/A
The effect of refusal conversion on data quality in the Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey McDermott, N., L. Tan 2008 N N/A
Outlier detection by forecasting McDermott, N., and B. Livingston 2008 N N/A
Reclassifying low-expenditure consumer units in the Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey Bass, S. 2008 N N/A
Out-of-pocket health care spending patterns of older Americans, as measured by the Consumer Expenditure Survey Duetsch, M. 2008 N N/A
Examining expenditure patterns of young, single adults in a historical context: two recent generations compared Paulin, G. 2008 N N/A
Spending on telephone service Creech, B. 2008 N N/A
Housing expenditures by race and Hispanic or Latino origin Vendemia, M. 2008 N N/A
Appendix: Description of the Consumer Expenditure Survey CE 2008 N N/A
1960-61 Biennial Report CE 1960 N N/A
The Consumer Expenditure Survey - 30 Years as a Continuous Survey CE 2010 N N/A
Spending on newspapers and magazines slides as spending for internet access soars CE 2009 N N/A
Consumer Expenditure Survey Results on the 2008 Economic Stimulus Payments (Tax Rebates) CE 2009 N N/A
A Generation Apart: Comparing the Economic Status of Young Singles in 1984-85 and 2004-05 CE 2009 N N/A
Spending on Cell Phone Services Has Exceeded Spending on Residential Phone Services CE 2009 N N/A
The first 130 years of the Consumer Expenditure Surveys (CE) 1888-2018 Henderson, S. and A. Safir 2018 N N/A
Diary Survey Information Booklet (96-00) CE 1960 N N/A
Diary Survey Information Booklet (01-02) CE 2001 N N/A
Diary Survey Information Booklet (03) CE 2003 N N/A
Diary Survey Information Booklet (04) CE 2004 N N/A
Diary Survey Information Booklet (05-08) CE 2005 N N/A
Diary Survey Information Booklet (09-10) CE 2009 N N/A
Diary Survey Information Booklet (11-12) CE 2011 N N/A
Diary Survey Information Booklet (13-16) CE 2013 N N/A
Diary Survey Information Booklet (17-18) CE 2017 N N/A
Diary Survey Information Booklet (19-20) CE 2019 N N/A
Diary Survey Information Booklet (21-22) CE 2021 N N/A
Diary Survey Form (60-61) CE 1960 N N/A
Diary Survey Form (72) CE 1972 N N/A
Diary Survey Form (73-95) CE 1973 N N/A
Diary Survey Form (96-97) CE 1996 N N/A
Diary Survey Form (98-02) CE 1998 N N/A
Diary Survey Form (05-12) CE 2005 N N/A
Diary Survey Form (13-16) CE 2013 N N/A
Diary Survey Form (17-18) CE 2017 N N/A
Diary Survey Form (19-20) CE 2019 N N/A
Diary Survey Form (21-22) CE 2021 N N/A
Diary Survey Household Characteristics Questionnaire (72) CE 1972 N N/A
Diary Survey Household Characteristics Questionnaire (73-95) CE 1973 N N/A
Diary Survey Household Characteristics Questionnaire (96-97) CE 1996 N N/A
Diary Survey Household Characteristics Questionnaire (98-02) CE 1998 N N/A
Diary Survey Household Characteristics Questionnaire (17-18) CE 2017 N N/A
Diary Survey Household Characteristics Questionnaire (19-20) CE 2019 N N/A
Diary Survey Household Characteristics Questionnaire (Jan 21 - Sept 21) CE 2021 N N/A
Diary Survey Household Characteristics Questionnaire (Oct 21 - June 22) CE 2021 N N/A
Interview Survey Control Card (96-99) CE 1996 N N/A
Interview Survey Information Booklet (96-00) CE 1996 N N/A
Interview Survey Information Booklet (01-02) CE 2003 N N/A
Interview Survey Information Booklet (03) CE 2003 N N/A
Interview Survey Information Booklet (04) CE 2004 N N/A
Interview Survey Information Booklet (05) CE 2005 N N/A
Interview Survey Information Booklet (06) CE 2006 N N/A
Interview Survey Information Booklet (07-08) CE 2007 N N/A
Interview Survey Information Booklet (09-10) CE 2009 N N/A
Interview Survey Information Booklet (11-12) CE 2011 N N/A
Interview Survey Information Booklet (13-14) CE 2013 N N/A
Interview Survey Information Booklet (15-16) CE 2015 N N/A
Interview Survey Information Booklet (17-18) CE 2017 N N/A
Interview Survey Information Booklet (19-20) CE 2019 N N/A
Interview Survey Information Booklet (21-22 English Version) CE 2021 N N/A
Interview Survey Information Booklet (21-22 Spanish Version) CE 2021 N N/A
Interview Survey Questionnaire (60-61) CE 1960 N N/A
Interview Survey Questionnaire (72) CE 1972 N N/A
Interview Survey Questionnaire (73) CE 1973 N N/A
Interview Survey Questionnaire (96-98) CE 1996 N N/A
Interview Survey Questionnaire (99-00) CE 1999 N N/A
Interview Survey Questionnaire (01-02) CE 2001 N N/A
Interview Survey Questionnaire (17-18) CE 2017 N N/A
Interview Survey Questionnaire (19-May 20) CE 2019 N N/A
Interview Survey Questionnaire (June 20 - March 21) CE 2020 N N/A
Interview Survey Questionnaire (Apr 21 - Sept 21) CE 2021 N N/A
Interview Survey Questionnaire (Oct 21 - June 22) CE 2021 N N/A
Distribution of U.S. Personal Consumption Expenditures Using Consumer Expenditure Survey Data: Preliminary Results for 2019 Garner, T., B. Martin, B. Matsumoto, and S. Curtin 2022 N OTHER
The CE in the U.S.: Survey Description and Distributional Analysis Garner, T. and S. Shipp 1990 N N/A
The Consumer Expenditure Survey: A Comparative Analysis Branch, E. 1994 N N/A
Exploring the Characteristics of Partial Interviews in the Consumer Expenditure Survey Erhard, L 2019 N AAPOR
Exploring the Application of Machine Learning Techniques to Construct R-indicators Rojas, A., and L., Tan 2019 N AAPOR
Exploring the Impact of Outlet Questions on Data Quality and Respondent Burden Lee.Y.,and S.,Abdirizak 2019 N AAPOR
Evaluating Perceived Burden of Household Survey Respondents Yang, D. 2018 N DCAAPOR
Examining Relationships between Doorstep Concerns and Edit Check Frequency in the CE Interview Survey Wilson, T. 2019 Y AAPOR
Comparing Selected Expenditures of Dual and Single Income Households with Children Sullivan, J. 2019 N ACCI
Measuring National Housing Costs from Consumer Expenditure (CE) Data Wilson, T. 2019 N ACCI
Tradeoffs in the expenditure patterns of families with children Hubener, E. 2019 N ACCI

1 A paper or presentation affiliated with the CE Gemini Redesign Project.