An official website of the United States government
Occupational outlook | Contact | Telephone number |
Occupational projections, general |
Staff | (202) 691-5700 |
Education and training categories and statistics |
Teri Morisi | (202) 691-6501 |
EP publications |
Kathleen Green | (202) 691-5717 |
Replacement and separation rates |
Michael Wolf | (202) 691-5714 |
Industry employment projections | ||
Aggregate economy |
Kevin Dubina | (202) 691-6482 |
Final demand |
Katy Laurence | (202) 691-5691 |
Industry output and employment |
Andrea Wagoner | (202) 691-6334 |
Industry input-output system |
Richard Graham | (202) 691-5692 |
Labor force |
Kevin Dubina | (202) 691-6482 |
Last Modified Date: September 4, 2019