Green Goods and Services
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- 2011 Green Goods and Services (HTML) (PDF)
Supplemental Tables
- GGS employment by industry sector comparing initial and revised 2010 estimates (PDF) (XLS)
- GGS employment by industry sector in government comparing initial and revised 2010 annual estimates (PDF) (XLS)
- Private sector GGS employment by detailed industry comparing initial and revised 2010 estimates (PDF ) (XLS)
- Private sector GGS employment by detailed industry with over-the-year change (PDF) (XLS)
- GGS employment by state with over-the-year change (PDF) (XLS)
- Private sector GGS employment by state and industry sector with over-the-year change (PDF) (XLS)
- GGS employment by industry sector and test of significance (PDF) ( XLS)
- 2010 Green Goods and Services Survey (HTML) (PDF)