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Green Goods and Services - Field DefinitionsPrefixA 2-character code that indicates the data series.
Seasonal Adjustment CodeA 1-character code that indicates the adjustment of time series data to eliminate the effect of intra-year variations which tend to occur during the same period on an annual basis. The GGS program uses a 4 quarter employment average which smoothes out seasonal swings in employment:
Periodicity CodeA 1-character code that indicates the time period of measurement.
Area CodeA 5-digit code that identifies the area of measurement: Data are currently available at the National and State level. The first 2-digits represent the State FIPS code.
Industry CodeA 6-digit code that identifies the NAICS sector of measurement: These sectors include the 333 detailed industries considered potentially green according to the BLS definition of green jobs: Total; Total Private; Goods Producing; Agriculture; Construction; Manufacturing; Service Providing; Trade; Transportation; Utilities; Information; Finance Activities; Professional and Business Services; Education; Leisure and hospitality; Other Services; and Government. Ownership CodeA 1-character code that identifies the ownership of firms:
Establishment SizeIndicates the establishment size for which the data were reported. Currently, only data from all establishment sizes combined are reported in this database. Data ElementA 2-digit code that identifies the unit of measurement:
Rate/LevelA 1-character code that identifies the Rate/Level:
Last Modified Date: March 12, 2012 |