An official website of the United States government
Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the National Employment, Hours, and Earnings series identifier:
1 2 12345678901234567890 Series ID CEU0800000003 Positions Value Field Name 1-2 CE Prefix 3 U Seasonal Adjustment Code 4-11 08000000 Supersector and Industry Codes 12-13 03 Data Type Code
To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:
Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the State and Area Employment, Hours, and Earnings series identifier:
1 2 12345678901234567890 Series ID SMU19197802023800001 Positions Value Field Name 1-2 SM Prefix 3 U Seasonal Adjustment Code 4-5 19 State Code 6-10 19780 Area Code 11-18 20238000 SuperSector and Industry Code 19-20 01 Data Type Code
To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:
Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages series identifier:
1 2 12345678901234567890 Series ID ENU04013105111150 Positions Value Field Name 1-2 EN Prefix 3 U Seasonal Adjustment Code 4-8 04013 Area Code 9 1 Data Type Code 10 0 Size Code 11 5 Ownership Code 12-17 111150 Industry Code
To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:
Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Business Employment Dynamics series identifier:
1 2 1234567890123456789012345678 Series ID BDS0000000000000000110101LQ5 Positions Value Field Name 1-2 BD Prefix 3 S Seasonal Adjustment Code 4-13 0000000000 Area Code 14-19 000000 Industry Code 20 0 Unit Analysis Code 21 0 Data Element Code 22-23 01 Size Class Code 24-25 01 Data Class Code 26 L Rate/Level Code 27 Q Record Type Code 28 5 Ownership Code
To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:
Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Local Area Unemployment Statistics' series identifier:
1 2 12345678901234567890 Series ID LAUCN281070000000003 Positions Value Field Name 1-2 LA Prefix 3 U Seasonal Adjustment Code 4-18 CN2810700000000 Area Code 19-20 03 Measure Code
To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:
Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey Statistics series identifier:
1 2 3 12345678901234567890123456790 Series ID JTU110099000000000HIL Positions Value Field Name 1-2 JT Prefix 3 U Seasonal Adjustment Code 4-9 110099 Industry Code 10-11 00 State Code 12-16 00000 Area Code 17-18 00 Size Class Code 19-20 HI Data Element Code 21 L Rate/Level Code
To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:
Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Average Price series identifier:
1 2 12345678901234567890 Series ID APU000070111 Positions Value Field Name 1-2 AP Prefix 3 U Seasonal Adjustment Code 4-7 0000 Area Code 8-13 701111 Item Code
To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:
Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Consumer Price Index - All Urban Consumers series identifier:
1 2 12345678901234567890 Series ID CUUR0000SA0L1E Positions Value Field Name 1-2 CU Prefix 3 U Not Seasonal Adjustment Code 4 R Periodicity Code 5-8 0000 Area Code 9 S Base Code 10-16 A0L1E Item Code
To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:
Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Consumer Price Index - Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers series identifier:
1 2 12345678901234567890 Series ID CWSR0000SA111211 Positions Value Field Name 1-2 CW Prefix 3 S Seasonal Adjustment Code 4 R Periodicity Code 5-8 0000 Area Code 9 S Base Code 10-16 A111211 Item Code
To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:
Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Department Store Inventory Price Index series identifier:
1 2 12345678901234567890 Series ID SUUR0000SA0 Positions Value Field Name 1-2 SU Prefix 3 U Seasonal Adjustment Code 4 R Periodicity Code 5-8 0000 Area Code 9-11 SA0 Item Code
To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:
Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Producer Price Index Industry Data - Current series identifier:
1 2 12345678901234567890 Series ID PCU22112222112241 Positions Value Field Name 1-2 PC Prefix 3 U Seasonal Adjustment Code 4-9 221122 Industry Code 10-19 22112241 Product Code
For higher-level index aggregations (NAICS industry groups whose length is less than 6 digits) will use hyphens as place holders. For example:
1 2 12345678901234567890 Series ID PCU2211--2211-- Positions Value Field Name 1-2 PC Prefix 3 U Seasonal Adjustment Code 4-9 2211-- Industry Code 10-15 2211-- Product Code
To assist you in formatting series IDs, access the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:
Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Producer Price Index Commodity Data - Current series identifiers:
1 2 12345678901234567890 Series ID WPS141101 Positions Value Field Name 1-2 WP Prefix 3 S Seasonal Adjustment Code 4-5 14 Group Code 6-14 1101 Item Code
For higher-level index aggregations (e.g. Final Demand-Intermediate Demand system indices) will use alpha-numeric group code. For example:
1 2 12345678901234567890 Series ID WPSFD49116 Positions Value Field Name 1-2 WP Prefix 3 S Seasonal Adjustment Code 4-5 FD Group Code 6-14 49116 Item Code
For Inputs to Industry indices, other than construction indices, Bureau of Economic Analysis industry codes are utilized with zero as placeholders for codes less than 6 digits. For example:
1 2 12345678901234567890 Series ID WPUIP32610012 Positions Value Field Name 1-2 WP Prefix 3 U Seasonal Adjustment Code 4-5 IP Group Code 6-11 326100 Item Code (part 1) and BEA code 12-14 12 Item Code (part 2)
To assist you in formatting series IDs, access the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:
Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the American Time Use Survey series identifier:
1 2 12345678901234567890 Series ID TUU10101AA01011987 Positions Value Field Name 1-2 TU Prefix 3 U Seasonal Adjustment Code 4-8 10101 Type of Estimate Code 9 A Time Period Code 10 A All ATUS data series have the character "A." 11-12 01 Number of years Code 13-18 011987 Character Code
To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:
Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Consumer Expenditure Survey series identifier:
1 2 12345678901234567890 Series ID CXUMENBOYSLB0101M Positions Value Field Name 1-2 CX Prefix 3 U Seasonal Adjustment Code 4-11 MENBOYS Item Code 12-15 LB01 Demographics Code 16-17 01 Characteristics Code 18 M Process Code
To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:
Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the National Benefits series identifier:
1 2 1234567890123456789012345 Series ID NBU20530000000000033030 Positions Value Field Name 1-2 NB Prefix 3 U Seasonal Adjustment Code 4 2 Ownership Code 5-6 05 Estimate Code 7-10 3000 Industry Code 11-16 000000 Occupation Code 17-18 00 Subcell Code 19-20 33 Datatype Code 21-23 030 Provision Code
To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:
Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Employee Cost Index series identifier:
1 2 12345678901234567890 Series ID CIS1010000000000I Positions Value Field Name 1-2 CI Prefix 3 S Seasonal Adjustment Code 4 1 Ownership Code 5-6 01 Component Code 7-10 0000 Industry Code 11-13 000 Occupation Code 14-16 000 Subcell Code 17 I Periodicity Code
To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:
Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Employer Cost for Employee Compensation series identifier:
1 2 12345678901234567890 Series ID CMU1010000100000P Positions Value Field Name 1-2 CM Prefix 3 U Seasonal Adjustment Code 4 1 Ownership Code 5-6 01 Estimate Code 7-10 0000 Industry Code 11-14 1000 Occupation Code 15-16 00 Subcell Code 17 P Datatype Code
To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:
Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Modeled Wage Estimates series identifier:
1 2 12345678901234567890123456789 Series ID WMU40000011020000004130992500 Positions Value Field Name 1-2 WM Prefix 3 U Seasonal Adjustment Code 4-10 4000001 Area Code 11 1 Ownership Code 12-13 02 Estimate Code 14-19 000000 Industry Code 20-25 413099 Occupation Code 26-27 25 Job Characteristic Code 28-29 00 Level Code
To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:
Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the National Wages Survey series identifier:
1 2 3 123456789012345678901234567890 Series ID NWU371674020200000000002505000 Positions Value Field Name 1-2 NW Prefix 3 U Seasonal Adjustment Code 4-5 37 State Code 6-10 16740 Area Code 11 2 Ownership Code 12-13 02 Estimate Code 14-17 0000 Industry Code 18-23 000000 Occupation Code 24-25 25 Subcell Code 26-27 05 Data Type Code 28-29 00 Work Level/Supervisory Code 30 0 Filler Codeseasonal (code)
To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:
Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Work Stoppage series identifier:
1 2 12345678901234567890 Series ID WSUB00 Positions Value Field Name 1-2 WS Prefix 3 U Seasonal Adjustment Code 4-6 B00 Measure Code
To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:
Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Major Sector Productivity and Costs series identifier:
1 2 12345678901234567890 Series ID PRS85006032 Positions Value Field Name 1-2 PR Prefix 3 S Seasonal Adjustment Code 4-7 3000 Sector Code 8 6 Type Code 9-10 08 Measure Code 11 1 Duration Code
To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:
Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Major Sector Total Factor Productivity Index series identifier:
1 2 12345678901234567890 Series ID MPU4900012 Positions Value Field Name 1-2 MP Prefix 3 U Seasonal Adjustment Code 4-7 4900 Sector Code 8-9 01 Measure Code 10 2 Duration Code
To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:
Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Industry Productivity series identifier:
1 2 3 123456789012345678901234567890 Series ID IPUBN212___W000000000 Positions Value Field Name 1-2 IP Prefix 3 U Seasonal Adjustment Code 4 B Sector Code 5-11 N21___ Industry Code 12-14 W00 Measure Code 15 0 Duration Code 16-21 000000 Area Code
To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:
Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Occupational Injuries and Illnesses industry data series identifier:
1 2 12345678901234567890 Series ID ISU00X00000060N00 Positions Value Field Name 1-2 IS Prefix 3 U Seasonal Adjustment Code 4-6 00X Supersector Code 7-12 000000 Industry Code 13 6 Data Type Code 14 0 Case Type Code 15-17 N00 Area Code
To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:
Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries series identifier:
1 2 12345678901234567890 Series ID FAU00X00000080M70 Positions Value Field Name 1-2 FA Prefix 3 U Seasonal Adjustment Code 4-6 00X Category Code 7-12 000000 Detail Code (Industry, Event or Exposure, Primary Source, Secondary Source, Occupation) 13 8 Data Type Code 14 0 Case Type Code 15-17 M70 Area Code
To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:
Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Occupational Injuries and Illnesses industry data series identifier:
1 2 12345678901234567890 Series ID CBUS8C2212XX6E000 Positions Value Field Name 1-2 CB Prefix 3 U Seasonal Adjustment Code 4-6 S8C Category Code 7-12 2212XX Event Code 13 6 Datatype Code 14 E Case Code 15 0 Ownership Code 16-17 00 Area Code
To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:
Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Occupational Requirements Survey series identifier:
1 2 12345678901234567890 Series ID ORUV1000000000001029 Positions Value Field Name 1-2 OR Prefix 3 U Seasonal Adjustment Code 4 V Requirement Code 5 1 Ownership Code 6-9 0000 Industry code 10-12 000 Occupation Code 13-15 000 Job characteristic Code 16-20 01029 Estimate Code
To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:
Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Import/Export Price Indexes series identifier:
1 2 12345678901234567890 Series ID EIUCOCANMANU Positions Value Field Name 1-2 EI Prefix 3 U Seasonal Adjustment Code 4-5 CO Index Code 6-12 CANMANU Series Name
To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:
Last Modified Date: December 19, 2024