An official website of the United States government
At BLS, we are committed to providing employment opportunities for the men and women who have served our Nation. Here is an overview of the benefits you can accrue. Opportunities for qualified veteran applicants are available throughout the United States.
When you transition from the military to a career at BLS, our benefits package will look very familiar. Let’s take a look at a few of the things you are probably interested in.
If you are separated (but not retired) military, you receive full annual leave credit for service performed under honorable conditions. If you are retired military, you are generally not eligible for annual leave accrual credit.
Full-time employees earn four hours of sick leave per two-week pay period, which adds up to 13 sick-leave days per year.
If you had a Thrift Savings Plan account while serving in the military, you may be able to merge most of your account balance after you establish a civilian account. Tax-exempt balances (contributions from combat zone pay) cannot be transferred to your civilian account. After you have served your new employee waiting period, you become eligible to receive Agency Automatic (1 percent) contributions and Agency Matching contributions (up to 4 percent).
If you are separated (but not retired) military, you can use your uniformed service for credit toward civilian retirement by making a deposit to the retirement fund of 7 percent (for Civil Service Retirement System - CSRS) or 3 percent (for Federal Employees Retirement System - FERS) of basic military pay.
If you are retired military, you can use your uniformed service towards civilian retirement by making a deposit to the retirement fund and waiving your military retirement pay at your civilian retirement. If you want to keep your military retirement pay, you cannot use the military service towards civilian retirement.
Retired military personnel no longer receive reductions to their retired or retainer pay when employed in a civilian office or position of the U.S. Government.
BLS employees who serve in the National Guard or Reserves for either active duty or training receive military leave benefits. Your type of deployment will determine how much leave you can accrue.
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Last Modified Date: July 19, 2008