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Paid sick leave: Limit on days accumulated
Table 37. Paid sick leave: Limit on days accumulated, State and local government workers, March 2018
(Includes workers in sick leave plans1 that specify a fixed number of days and limit the number of accumulated carryover days)
Limit on paid sick leave days accumulated2
Mean number of days
10th percentile
25th percentile
50th percentile (median)
75th percentile
90th percentile
All workers
29 |
75 |
125 |
180 |
250 |
137 |
Worker characteristics
Management, professional, and related
30 |
90 |
150 |
190 |
250 |
146 |
Professional and related
30 |
90 |
150 |
186 |
245 |
145 |
30 |
100 |
160 |
200 |
260 |
155 |
Primary, secondary, and special education school teachers
34 |
100 |
160 |
200 |
260 |
159 |
25 |
56 |
120 |
180 |
250 |
124 |
Protective service
30 |
45 |
120 |
150 |
250 |
121 |
Sales and office
30 |
120 |
200 |
255 |
135 |
Office and administrative support
30 |
120 |
200 |
255 |
134 |
Natural resources, construction, and maintenance
13 |
48 |
90 |
130 |
200 |
101 |
Production, transportation, and material moving
10 |
120 |
180 |
240 |
121 |
Full time
30 |
80 |
125 |
180 |
250 |
137 |
Part time
8 |
135 |
200 |
240 |
133 |
30 |
100 |
160 |
200 |
273 |
158 |
60 |
105 |
150 |
200 |
114 |
Average wage within the following categories:3
Lowest 25 percent
20 |
60 |
115 |
180 |
240 |
119 |
Lowest 10 percent
90 |
120 |
195 |
104 |
Second 25 percent
60 |
120 |
180 |
240 |
129 |
Third 25 percent
30 |
80 |
120 |
180 |
250 |
134 |
Highest 25 percent
110 |
160 |
200 |
260 |
160 |
Highest 10 percent
130 |
160 |
200 |
240 |
164 |
Establishment characteristics
Service-providing industries
28 |
75 |
125 |
180 |
250 |
137 |
Education and health services
30 |
90 |
150 |
191 |
259 |
148 |
Educational services
27 |
90 |
160 |
200 |
259 |
150 |
Elementary and secondary schools
30 |
90 |
160 |
200 |
260 |
151 |
Junior colleges, colleges, and universities
15 |
100 |
150 |
200 |
220 |
146 |
Health care and social assistance
126 |
101 |
Public administration
54 |
120 |
165 |
240 |
120 |
1 to 99 workers
40 |
90 |
120 |
180 |
260 |
136 |
1 to 49 workers
40 |
120 |
175 |
200 |
126 |
50 to 99 workers
90 |
120 |
190 |
260 |
144 |
100 workers or more
24 |
72 |
130 |
185 |
250 |
137 |
100 to 499 workers
60 |
120 |
185 |
260 |
133 |
500 workers or more
27 |
90 |
135 |
185 |
240 |
139 |
State government
40 |
90 |
125 |
200 |
300 |
151 |
Local government
25 |
68 |
120 |
180 |
240 |
134 |
Geographic areas
40 |
120 |
170 |
200 |
300 |
169 |
New England
115 |
130 |
190 |
230 |
149 |
Middle Atlantic
38 |
160 |
180 |
200 |
300 |
178 |
60 |
105 |
150 |
180 |
109 |
South Atlantic
90 |
120 |
180 |
180 |
120 |
East South Central
72 |
150 |
180 |
124 |
West South Central
20 |
90 |
120 |
180 |
90 |
60 |
120 |
180 |
265 |
137 |
East North Central
132 |
240 |
340 |
157 |
West North Central
30 |
60 |
115 |
150 |
180 |
108 |
54 |
120 |
180 |
248 |
120 |
125 |
10 |
125 |
180 |
248 |
115 |
1Employees earn or accrue a specified number of sick leave days per year. This number may vary by length of service.
2The 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 90th percentiles designate position within each published series. For example, at the 50th percentile or median, half of participating workers receive the same as or more than the amount shown, and half receive the same as or less than the amount shown. At the 25th percentile, one-fourth of participating workers receive the same or less than the amount shown. The remaining percentiles follow the same logic.
3Surveyed occupations are classified into wage categories based on the average wage for the occupation, which may include workers with earnings both above and below the threshold. The categories were formed using percentile estimates generated using wage data for March 2018.
Note: Dash indicates no workers in this category or data did not meet publication criteria. For definitions of major plans, key provisions, and related terms, see the "Glossary of Employee Benefit Terms" at
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, National Compensation Survey.