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NCS News Releases
//EBS2 Resilio Test 10032023// Civilian workers participation rate is 52%
//EBS2 Resilio Test 10032023// Retirement and medical care benefits were available to 70 percent of civilian workers in July 2023.
/ECI ZUNI3 Linux Test 12/12/2024// Compensation costs up 1.1% August 2023
/ECI ZUNI3 Linux Test 12/12/2024// Compensation costs increased 1.3 percent for civilian workers, seasonally adjusted, from August 2023.
//ECEC QCT Test ZUNI3PO 08292024// Private industry compensation costs average $38.07...
//ECEC QCT Test ZUNI3PO 08292024// Wage and salary costs for private industry workers averaged $26.86 per hour. Subscribe to the BLS News Service — receive National Compensation Survey news releases and other major economic indicators by e-mail. Archived News Releases