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For release 10:00 a.m. (ET), Tuesday, December 6, 2022 USDL-xx-xxxx Technical Information: (202) 691-6567 * * Media Contact: (202) 691-5902 * TELEWORK, HIRING, AND VACANCIES: DATA FROM THE BUSINESS RESPONSE SURVEY In August-September 2022, xx.x percent of private-sector establishments had employees (x.x million) teleworking, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Industries with the highest percent of establishments employing teleworkers were information with xx.x percent, followed by professional and business services with xx.x percent, educational services with xx.x percent, and wholesale trade at xx.x percent. //BRS1 Resilio ZUNI3 11272024// Data in this release are from the 2022 Business Response Survey (BRS). BRS data were collected from private-sector establishments from August 1, 2022, through September 30, 2022. The survey’s topics included telework at establishments both at the time of the survey and before the COVID-19 pandemic, hiring by establishments in July 2022, and job vacancies at establishments at the time of the survey. Detailed tables by industry, state, and establishment size are available at Telework at private-sector establishments • The amount of telework at establishments has changed considerably over the last year. In August-September 2022, xx.x percent of establishments had little or no telework, when in July-September 2021, the percent was xx.x. The percent of establishments with some employees teleworking was xx.x in 2022, compared to xx.x percent in 2021. • The percent of establishments with all their employees teleworking all of the time was xx.x in August-September 2022, compared to xx.x percent in July-September 2021. • In August-September 2022, xx.x percent of establishments expected the amount of telework at their establishment to remain the same over the next six months. Private-sector new hires in July 2022 • Nationwide, xx.x percent of establishments hired new employees in July 2022. • Of the establishments that hired new employees in July 2022, the most common method used to attract more applicants for the newly filled positions was increased starting pay at xx.x percent. Other methods used to attract more applicants were expanded advertising at xx.x percent, started to use recruiters/talent agencies at xx.x percent, offered hiring bonuses at xx.x percent, expanded benefits at x.x percent, reduced the job’s qualifications (e.g.,education or experience) at x.x percent, offered more hours at x.x percent, and expanded telework or remote work at x.x percent. • Of the establishments that hired new employees in July 2022, xx.x percent hired at least one employee who will telework all of the time. • Of the establishments that hired new employees in July 2022, xx.x percent took more than 30 days to fill at least one of their positions. The percentage of establishments taking more than 30 days to fill positions varied by industry. In health care and social assistance, xx.x percent of establishments took more than 30 days to fill at least one of their positions, compared with xx.x percent of establishments in retail trade. Private-sector job vacancies in August-September 2022 • Nationwide, xx.x percent of establishments had vacancies in August-September 2022, and xx.x percent had vacancies in the 12 months prior to the survey (August 2021-September 2022). • Of the establishments with vacancies in August-September 2022, xx.x percent had at least one vacancy eligible for telework all of the time. • Of the establishments with vacancies in the 12 months prior to the survey (August 2021- September 2022), how establishments advertised their vacancies varied by the educational requirements of the position. Nationwide, xx.x percent of establishments used online job boards or hiring platforms to advertise positions requiring a bachelor’s degree or higher, while xx.x percent did so for positions that did not require a bachelor’s degree or higher. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | Additional Industry, State, and Employment Size Data | | for the 2022 Business Response Survey | | | | Tables with detailed, industry, state, and establishment size class data along with highlighted | | results, charts, and state maps can be found at | | | | Data tables by industry, state, and establishment size class are available at | | | | | | Charts by industry and establishment size class and maps by state are available at | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More Information • Data were collected from private-sector establishments only; government establishments were not surveyed. As a result, the estimates of establishments and employment refer to private-sector establishments and employment. Total U.S. estimates include the 50 states, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands. • The full 2022 BRS Technical Note is available at • The 2022 Business Response Survey asked twenty-one questions about telework, hiring, and vacancies. The questionnaire is available at • The 2021 Business Response Survey asked twenty-two questions about changes businesses made to their operations during the pandemic through September 2021. These data are available at • The 2020 Business Response Survey asked seven questions about changes businesses made to their operations during the pandemic through September 2020. These data are available at