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Economic News Release
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Table 4. Long-tenured displaced workers(1) by industry and class of worker of lost job and employment status in January 2010

Table 4. Long-tenured displaced workers(1) by industry and class of worker of lost job and employment status in
January 2010
                                                                         Percent distribution by employment status   
        Industry and class of worker of lost job          (thousands)                                                
                                                                         Total      Employed   Unemployed  Not in the
                                                                                                          labor force
     Total, 20 years and over (2)........................     6,938      100.0        48.8        36.1        15.2   
Agriculture and related industries wage and salary                                                                   
 workers.................................................        36      100.0        (3)         (3)         (3)    
Nonagricultural industries wage and salary workers.......     6,811      100.0        49.1        36.0        15.0   
  Private nonagricultural wage and salary workers........     6,546      100.0        48.8        36.2        15.0   
        Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction....        73      100.0        (3)         (3)         (3)    
        Construction.....................................       919      100.0        49.1        39.2        11.6   
        Manufacturing....................................     1,568      100.0        38.7        44.6        16.7   
             Durable goods manufacturing ................     1,134      100.0        33.4        49.1        17.5   
                 Primary metals and fabricated metal                                                                 
                  products...............................       149      100.0        36.5        53.5        10.0   
                 Machinery manufacturing.................       154      100.0        30.7        52.4        16.9   
                 Computers and electronic products.......       184      100.0        38.0        47.4        14.6   
                 Electrical equipment and appliances.....        50      100.0        (3)         (3)         (3)    
                 Transportation equipment................       276      100.0        35.9        42.4        21.8   
                 Miscellaneous manufacturing.............       130      100.0        30.7        47.3        22.0   
                 Other durable goods industries..........       191      100.0        27.4        53.7        18.8   
             Nondurable goods manufacturing .............       435      100.0        52.6        32.7        14.7   
                 Food manufacturing......................        39      100.0        (3)         (3)         (3)    
                 Textiles, apparel, and leather..........        81      100.0        48.1        32.4        19.5   
                 Paper and printing......................       105      100.0        29.8        47.2        23.0   
                 Other nondurable goods industries.......       209      100.0        60.1        29.4        10.4   
        Wholesale and retail trade.......................       995      100.0        48.8        32.6        18.6   
             Wholesale trade.............................       294      100.0        50.4        36.7        12.9   
             Retail trade................................       701      100.0        48.1        30.9        21.0   
        Transportation and utilities (4).................       312      100.0        44.5        38.8        16.7   
             Transportation and warehousing..............       297      100.0        44.6        39.2        16.2   
        Information (4)..................................       195      100.0        41.3        43.5        15.2   
             Telecommunications..........................        68      100.0        (3)         (3)         (3)    
        Financial activities.............................       607      100.0        58.4        28.7        12.8   
             Finance and insurance.......................       463      100.0        57.6        29.1        13.3   
                 Finance.................................       331      100.0        58.0        28.7        13.3   
                 Insurance...............................       132      100.0        56.7        30.1        13.2   
             Real estate and rental and leasing..........       144      100.0        61.1        27.4        11.5   
        Professional and business services...............       778      100.0        52.0        35.2        12.8   
             Professional and technical services.........       507      100.0        56.5        33.7         9.8   
             Management, administrative, and waste                                                                   
              services...................................       271      100.0        43.5        38.1        18.3   
        Education and health services....................       543      100.0        56.9        28.5        14.6   
             Educational services........................       105      100.0        49.3        28.6        22.1   
             Health care and social assistance (4).......       438      100.0        58.7        28.4        12.8   
                 Hospitals...............................       121      100.0        64.0        27.6         8.4   
                 Health services, except hospitals.......       233      100.0        55.6        31.6        12.8   
        Leisure and hospitality (4)......................       326      100.0        52.2        32.5        15.3   
             Accommodation and food services (4).........       223      100.0        62.5        26.0        11.4   
                 Food services and drinking places.......       181      100.0        67.2        20.5        12.2   
        Other services...................................       231      100.0        64.0        20.4        15.6   
  Government wage and salary workers.....................       265      100.0        55.3        30.2        14.5   

   1 Data refer to persons who had 3 or more years of tenure on a job they had lost or left between January 2007 and
December 2009 because of plant or company closings or moves, insufficient work, or the abolishment of their positions
or shifts.
   2 Total includes a small number of unpaid family workers and persons who did not report industry or class of
  3 Data not shown where base is less than 75,000.
  4 Includes other industries, not shown separately.
  NOTE: Beginning with data for January 2010, industries reflect the introduction of the 2007 census industry
classification system into the Current Population Survey. This industry classification system is derived from the
2007 North American Industry Classification System. No historical data have been revised.

Last Modified Date: September 12, 2024