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Table 1. Labor force status of 2010 high school graduates and 2009-10 high school dropouts 16 to 24 years old by school enrollment, educational attainment, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, October 2010 (Numbers in thousands) Civilian labor force Civilian Not in Characteristic noninsti- Employed Unemployed labor tutional Percent of force population Total population Total Percent of Number Rate population Total, 2010 high school graduates (1)... 3,160 1,633 51.7 1,179 37.3 454 27.8 1,528 Men.................................... 1,679 926 55.2 659 39.3 267 28.9 752 Women.................................. 1,482 706 47.7 520 35.1 187 26.4 775 White.................................. 2,388 1,285 53.8 989 41.4 296 23.0 1,103 Black or African American.............. 495 241 48.7 120 24.3 121 50.2 254 Asian.................................. 144 40 27.8 33 22.7 7 (2) 104 Hispanic or Latino ethnicity........... 507 278 54.9 215 42.5 63 22.5 229 Enrolled in college.................... 2,152 860 40.0 664 30.9 196 22.8 1,292 Enrolled in 2-year college............ 842 441 52.4 359 42.6 82 18.7 401 Enrolled in 4-year college............ 1,309 419 32.0 305 23.3 114 27.1 890 Full-time students.................... 1,946 714 36.7 537 27.6 176 24.7 1,233 Part-time students.................... 206 147 71.3 127 61.7 20 13.4 59 Men................................... 1,055 433 41.1 317 30.1 116 26.8 621 Women................................. 1,097 427 38.9 347 31.6 80 18.7 670 White................................. 1,637 692 42.2 547 33.4 145 20.9 946 Black or African American............. 304 107 35.1 68 22.5 38 35.8 197 Asian................................. 121 24 19.9 24 19.9 - - 97 Hispanic or Latino ethnicity.......... 302 114 37.6 93 30.8 21 18.1 189 Not enrolled in college................ 1,009 773 76.6 515 51.0 258 33.4 236 Men................................... 624 493 79.0 342 54.8 151 30.7 131 Women................................. 385 280 72.7 173 45.0 107 38.2 105 White................................. 750 593 79.1 442 58.9 151 25.5 157 Black or African American............. 191 134 70.2 52 27.0 83 61.6 57 Asian................................. 22 16 (2) 8 (2) 7 (2) 7 Hispanic or Latino ethnicity.......... 204 164 80.4 122 59.9 42 25.5 40 Total, 2009-10 high school dropouts (3) 340 183 53.9 105 30.9 78 42.7 157 Men.................................... 179 77 43.1 47 25.9 31 39.8 102 Women.................................. 161 106 66.0 59 36.4 48 44.8 55 White.................................. 231 122 52.8 78 33.7 44 36.2 109 Black or African American.............. 65 29 (2) 12 (2) 17 (2) 36 Asian.................................. 12 9 (2) 9 (2) - - 3 Hispanic or Latino ethnicity........... 93 54 58.0 32 33.9 22 (2) 39 1 Data refer to persons who graduated from high school in January through October 2010. 2 Data not shown where base is less than 75,000. 3 Data refer to persons who dropped out of school between October 2009 and October 2010. NOTE: Detail for the above race groups (white, black or African American, and Asian) do not sum to totals because data are not presented for all races. Persons whose ethnicity is identified as Hispanic or Latino may be of any race. Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal totals. Updated population controls are introduced annually with the release of January data. Dash represents or rounds to zero.