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Table 1. The 30 fastest growing occupations covered in the 2008-09 Occupational Outlook Handbook (Numbers in thousands) Employment change Occupation 2006-16 Most significant source of postsecondary education Number Percent training (1) Network systems and data communications .... 140 53.4 Bachelor's degree Personal and home care aides ............... 389 50.6 Short-term on-the-job training Home health aides .......................... 384 48.7 Short-term on-the-job training Computer software engineers, applications .. 226 44.6 Bachelor's degree Veterinary technologists and technicians ... 29 41.0 Associate degree Personal financial advisors ................ 72 41.0 Bachelor's degree Makeup artists, theatrical and performance . 1 39.8 Postsecondary vocational award Medical assistants ......................... 148 35.4 Moderate-term on-the- job training Veterinarians .............................. 22 35.0 First professional degree Substance abuse and behavioral disorder counselors ................................ 29 34.3 Bachelor's degree Skin care specialists ...................... 13 34.3 Postsecondary vocational award Financial analysts ......................... 75 33.8 Bachelor's degree Social and human service assistants ........ 114 33.6 Moderate-term on-the- job training Gaming surveillance officers and gaming Moderate-term on-the- investigators ............................. 3 33.6 job training Physical therapist assistants .............. 20 32.4 Associate degree Pharmacy technicians ....................... 91 32.0 Moderate-term on-the- job training Forensic science technicians ................ 4 30.7 Bachelor's degree Dental hygienists ........................... 50 30.1 Associate degree Mental health counselors .................... 30 30.0 Master's degree Mental health and substance abuse social workers .................................... 37 29.9 Master's degree Marriage and family therapists .............. 7 29.8 Master's degree Dental assistants ........................... 82 29.2 Moderate-term on-the- job training Computer systems analysts ................... 146 29.0 Bachelor's degree Database administrators ..................... 34 28.6 Bachelor's degree Computer software engineers, systems software ................................... 99 28.2 Bachelor's degree Gaming and sports book writers and runners .. 5 28.0 Short-term on-the-job training Environmental science and protection technicians, including health............... 10 28.0 Associate degree Manicurists and pedicurists ................. 22 27.6 Postsecondary vocational award Physical therapists ......................... 47 27.1 Master's degree Physician assistants ........................ 18 27.0 Master's degree 1 An occupation is placed into 1 of 11 categories that best describes the postsecondary education or training needed by most workers to become fully qualified in that occupation. For more information about the categories, see Occupational Projections and Training Data, 2006-07 edition, Bulletin 2602 (Bureau of Labor Statistics, February 2006) and Occupational Projections and Training Data, 2008-09 edition, Bulletin 2702 (Bureau of Labor Statistics, forthcoming).