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For release 10:00 a.m. (EDT) Thursday, October 20, 2011 USDL-11-1501 Technical information: (202) 691-6378 * * Media contact: (202) 691-5902 * USUAL WEEKLY EARNINGS OF WAGE AND SALARY WORKERS THIRD QUARTER 2018 Median weekly earnings of the nation's 101.4 million full-time wage and salary workers were $753 in the third quarter of 2018(not seasonally adjusted), the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. This was 1.8 percent higher than a year earlier, compared with a gain of 3.8 percent in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) over the same period. //WKYENG QCT Resilio Test 10/03/2023// Data on usual weekly earnings are collected as part of the Current Population Survey, a nationwide sample survey of households in which respondents are asked, among other things, how much each wage and salary worker usually earns. (See the Technical Note.) Data shown in this release are not seasonally adjusted unless otherwise specified. Highlights from the third-quarter data are: --Seasonally adjusted median weekly earnings were $758 in the third quarter of 2011, little changed from the previous quarter ($756). (See table 1.) --On a not seasonally adjusted basis, median weekly earnings were $753 in the third quarter of 2011. Women who usually worked full time had median weekly earnings of $673, or 81.4 percent of the $827 median for men. (See table 2.) --The female-to-male earnings ratio varied by race and ethnicity. White women earned 82.5 percent as much as their male counterparts, compared with black (90.2 percent), Asian (70.1 percent), and Hispanic women (92.9 percent). (See table 2.) --Among the major race and ethnicity groups, median weekly earnings for black men working at full-time jobs were $661 per week, or 78.0 percent of the median for white men ($847). The difference was less among women, as black women's median earnings ($596) were 85.3 percent of those for white women ($699). Overall, median earnings of Hispanics who worked full time ($545) were lower than those of blacks ($616), whites ($772), and Asians ($869). (See table 2.) --Usual weekly earnings of full-time workers varied by age. Among men, those age 45 to 54 and 55 to 64 had the highest median weekly earnings, $983 and $985, respectively. Usual weekly earnings were highest for women age 35 to 64; weekly earnings were $728 for women age 35 to 44, $741 for women age 45 to 54, and $748 for women age 55 to 64. Workers age 16 to 24 had the lowest median weekly earnings, at $432. (See table 3.) --Among the major occupational groups, persons employed full time in management, professional, and related occupations had the highest median weekly earnings--$1,267 for men and $946 for women. Men and women employed in service jobs earned the least, $528 and $427, respectively. (See table 4.) --By educational attainment, full-time workers age 25 and over without a high school diploma had median weekly earnings of $459, compared with $636 for high school graduates (no college) and $1,152 for those holding at least a bachelor's degree. Among college graduates with advanced degrees (professional or master's degree and above), the highest earning 10 percent of male workers made $3,131 or more per week, compared with $2,311 or more for their female counterparts. (See table 5.) ------------------------------------------------------------------ | | | Revision of Seasonally Adjusted Usual Weekly Earnings Data | | | | The Usual Weekly Earnings news release for the fourth quarter of | | 2011 will incorporate annual revisions to seasonally adjusted | | data for the number of full-time wage and salary workers and | | median weekly earnings in current dollars. (See table 1.) | | Estimates for constant (1982-84) dollar median weekly earnings | | also will be affected by revisions to the current dollar series. | | Seasonally adjusted estimates back to the first quarter of 2007 | | will be subject to revision. | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------