An official website of the United States government
A | Apprentice | Assembler | Assistant | Ba-Be | Bi-Bl | Bo | Br-By | C-Ce | Ch-Cl | Co-Com | Con-Cyt | D-Dir | Dis-Dy | E | Engineer | F-Fix | Fl-Fu | G | H | Helper | I | Inspector | J | K | L-Le | Li-Ly | M-Mem | Men-Myc | Manager | Mechanic | N | O | P-Pe | Ph-Pol | Pom-Py | Q | Ra-Rer | Repairer | Res-Ru | Sa-Se | Sh-Sp | Sq-Sy | Salesperson | Supervisor | T-Te | Th-To | Tr-Ty | Teacher, elementary and secondary | Teacher, except elementary and secondary | U | V | W | X-Z |
Major Occupational Groups: A |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
About the Occupational Classification System Manual
Last modified: October 16, 2001