An official website of the United States government
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KCode Census Job Title Industries Affected A185 Flag decorator 732,733,735,7383-7389 F744 Flag maker 239 H876 Flag signalman Dock 44 G809 Flag-car driver All Industries I479 Flagman 071,072,075,076 H889 Flagman 10-14,331,332,pt333,334,3351,3356-7, pt336,339,34(exc.348),791,794,799 H869 Flagman 15-17,481 H496 Flagman 241 G825 Flagman 40 K425 Flagman 41(exc.412) K425 Flagman Sugar plantation 01 E563 Flagstone layer 15-17 F777 Flake cutter operator 242-249,25 H889 Flaker 207,209 F763 Flaker operator 207,209 F755 Flaking roll operator All Industries F724 Flame annealing machine setter All Industries F783 Flame burner All Industries E617 Flame channeler All Industries F783 Flame cutter All Industries F766 Flame degreaser All Industries F724 Flame hardener 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F724 Flame hardening machine setter All Industries F745 Flamer 313,314 F795 Flange turner 371 F707 Flange-machine operator 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) F785 Flange-machine operator Any not listed above F707 Flanger 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) F795 Flanger Any not listed above F777 Flap curer 301 F744 Flap maker 231-238 F777 Flap presser 301 F777 Flapper 301 H889 Flapper 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F777 Flare maker 36 H869 Flare man 15-17 F777 Flaring-machine operator 20-39 F766 Flash drier operator All Industries F783 Flash welder All Industries H889 Flask carrier 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 H889 Flask cleaner 33-37(exc.348),40,76 F719 Flask fitter 33 H889 Flask handler 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F719 Flask maker 33-37(exc.348),40,753,7549 H889 Flask man 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) H889 Flask pusher 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F796 Flat examiner 225 F747 Flat finisher 721 L403 Flat ironer 88 F747 Flat ironer Exc. 88 F744 Flat locker 225 F709 Flat polisher 387 F795 Flat surfacer Clock and watch 387 F744 Flat-bed operator 231-238 F744 Flat-lock operator 20-30,311,315-319,32-39 F745 Flat-lock operator 313,314 F744 Flat-lock-machine operator 20-30,311,315-319,32-39 F745 Flat-lock-machine operator 313,314 F769 Flat-machine cutter 27 F777 Flat-screen man 261-263 E519 Flatcar whacker All Industries F764 Flattening-press operator 301-306 F755 Flatware maker 39(exc.394) F747 Flatwork finisher 721 F747 Flatwork ironer 721 F747 Flatwork presser 721 F756 Flavor extractor 204 F777 Flavor room worker 202 F756 Flavorer 21 I479 Fleece tier 02 D318 Fleet-service clerk 45 F786 Flesher 311,39(exc.394) F745 Flesher 313,314 F743 Fleshing-machine operator 311 F785 Fletcher Sporting goods 394 D385 Flex-o-writer operator All Industries F766 Flex-tube attendant All Industries F777 Flexboard operator 328,329 F734 Flexographic press operator All Industries D318 Flight agent 45 A044 Flight analyst 372,376 K456 Flight attendant, ramp All Industries K463 Flight attendant, n. s. 45 B022 Flight director 45 A227 Flight dispatcher 45,96,97 A044 Flight dynamicist All Industries K463 Flight hostess 45 A226 Flight navigator 45 D389 Flight operations specialist 45,96,97 K463 Flight purser 45 K426 Flight security specialist 45 K463 Flight steward 45 B022 Flight superintendent 45 A084 Flight surgeon All Industries A216 Flight technician 372,376 A227 Flight-communications officer 45,96,97 A227 Flight-control specialist 45,96,97 D338 Flight-crew scheduler 45 D338 Flight-crew-time clerk 45 D363 Flight-information expediter 45 B022 Flight-operation coordinator 45 A227 Flight-radio officer 45,96,97 A227 Flight-radio operator 45,96,97 D318 Flight-service agent 45 A227 Flight-service specialist 45,96,97 F777 Flipper 302-306 F777 Flipping-machine operator 302-306 E588 Float operator 15-17 G829 Float tender 44 F766 Floater 333-339 G829 Floatman 40,421,423 H889 Flocker 226 E599 Floor & wall applier, liquid 15-17 H883 Floor attendant 321-323 C276 Floor cashier 52-59,701,791,794,799 L407 Floor cleaner 88 K453 Floor cleaner Exc. 88 C274 Floor clerk 52-59 D317 Floor clerk 701 D379 Floor clerk 806 E566 Floor coverer All Industries E599 Floor finisher All Industries E588 Floor grinder 15-17 E566 Floor layer, carpet or linoleum All Industries E567 Floor layer, hardwood All Industries E565 Floor layer, tile All Industries E567 Floor layer, n. s. 15-17 F755 Floor molder 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 K453 Floor polisher All Industries E599 Floor refinisher All Industries E599 Floor renovator 15-17 E599 Floor sander All Industries E599 Floor scraper All Industries L407 Floor scrubber 88 K453 Floor scrubber Exc. 88 E505 Floor service worker, spring 371 E599 Floor surfacer 15-17 K453 Floor sweeper All Industries K453 Floor waxer 734 D307 Floor-space allocator 21,50,51 E617 Floorhand 13 H889 Floorhand Exc. 13 F777 Flooring-machine operator 242,243,245 E514 Floorperson, body shop 371,527,55,752-754 E505 Floorperson, exc. body shop 371,527,55,752-754 K459 Floorperson, hotel casino All Industries H878 Floorperson, machine feeder All Industries G859 Floorperson, material handler All Industries D357 Floorperson, messenger All Industries F744 Floorperson, sewing machine oerator All Industries K459 Floorperson, slot machine department All Industries H877 Floorperson, stock handler All Industries E628 Floorperson, supervising 20-39 E617 Floorperson, well service 13 E617 Floorperson, n. s. 13 G859 Floorperson, n. s. 20(exc.206),21,245,25-30,311, 315-319,32-39 H888 Floorperson, n. s. 206 F744 Floorperson, n. s. 22,23 H889 Floorperson, n. s. 244,249 F745 Floorperson, n. s. 313,314 K443 Floorperson, n. s. 58 K426 Floorperson, n. s. 60(exc.603,606) K426 Floorperson, n. s. 791,794,799(exc.game parlor) K459 Floorperson, n. s. 793 K459 Floorperson, n. s. Game parlor 791,794,799 K453 Floorperson, n. s. Janitorial service 734 H883 Floorperson, n. s. TV Broadcasting Co. 483,484 K426 Floorwalker 701 K459 Floorwalker Game parlor 791,794,799 A185 Floral decorator 5992 A185 Floral designer 5992 A077 Floriculturist All Industries A185 Florist Exc. 01 I476 Florist GOV,OBI or PR 01 I474 Florist OBNI 01 A185 Florist designer 5992 A185 Florist's decorator 5992 F744 Flosser 231-238 F757 Flotation man All Industries F757 Flotation operator All Industries F757 Flotation-tank operator 10 F756 Flour blender 204,205 B033 Flour broker 514 F777 Flour man 205 F756 Flour mixer 204 F797 Flour tester 204 F766 Flow man 333-339 A185 Flower arranger 5992 F744 Flower cheniller All Industries H484 Flower cutter 01,519,5992 I476 Flower gardener GOV,OBI or PR 01 I474 Flower gardener OBNI 01 I488 Flower grader 01,514,515,5191,5992 F785 Flower maker 39(exc.394) H484 Flower picker 01,5191,5992 H484 Flower planter 078 H484 Flower planter GOV or PR 01,071,072,075,076 I474 Flower planter OBNI 01 H486 Flower planter Any not listed above H484 Flower stripper GOV or PR 01,071,072,075,076 H887 Flue blower All Industries H887 Flue cleaner All Industries E696 Flue gas analyst All Industries A069 Fluid dynamicist All Industries E567 Flume man 10 H496 Flume tender 241 G859 Flumer 203,206,207,209 F756 Fluorescent-solution mixer All Industries F796 Fluoroscope operator 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 H887 Flusher 204 F757 Flusher 281,286,289 F757 Flusher Smoking pipes 39(exc.394) F709 Flute grinder 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F709 Flute polisher 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F756 Flux mixer All Industries F766 Flux tube attendant All Industries F766 Flux-plant operator 333-339 H889 Fluxer 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) H878 Fly boy 27 F785 Fly finisher 394 F744 Fly maker 231-238 F785 Fly maker 394 H883 Fly man 781-783,792 F785 Fly tier 394 F738 Fly-frame tender 22 A226 Flyer 071,072,075,076 F777 Flyer 22 H883 Flyer 483,484,791,794,799 F777 Flyer boy 22 F777 Flyer maker 221-224,228 F706 Flying shear operator All Industries F777 Flying squadman 301 F777 Foam charger 355,356,358,359 F789 Foam gun operator All Industries F777 Foam machine operator All Industries F766 Foam rubber curer 302-306 F756 Foamite mixer 20-39 F796 Focuser 361,362,364,367,369 F796 Focusing-machine operator 361,362,364,367,369 F758 Foil operator 20-39 F777 Foil spinner 20-39 F777 Foil spooler 20-39 H888 Foil wrapper 20-39 E518 Foiling-machine adjuster All Industries F758 Foiling-machine operator 20-39 F765 Folder operator 20,21,23-30,311,315-319,32-39 F777 Folder operator 22 F744 Folder seamer All Industries F745 Folder, machine 313,314 F765 Folder, n. s. 20,21,23-30,311,315-319,32-39 F777 Folder, n. s. 22 F745 Folder, n. s. 313,314 F748 Folder, n. s. 721 F765 Folder-machine operator 20,21,23-30,311,315-319,32-39 F777 Folder-machine operator 22 F777 Folding machine setter 27 H878 Folding-machine feeder 27 F765 Folding-machine operator 20,21,23-30,311,315-319,32-39 F777 Folding-machine operator 22 F748 Folding-machine operator 721 D346 Folding-machine operator Any not listed above D363 Follow-up clerk All Industries D363 Follow-up man All Industries A097 Food adviser All Industries K444 Food aide 806 A223 Food analyst All Industries D373 Food and beverage analyst 58,701 D344 Food and beverage checker 58,701 D344 Food and beverage controller 58,701 B029 Food broker 50-59(exc.515) B028 Food broker 515 B033 Food broker Any not listed above C276 Food checker, cashier All Industries C276 Food checker, check out food at cash register All Industries D344 Food checker, exc. cashier 58,701 C276 Food checker, n. s. 541 A073 Food chemist All Industries A097 Food consultant All Industries C283 Food counselor 514,541-544,549 K444 Food handler Exc. frozen food locker 422 H888 Food handler Frozen food locker 422 K444 Food order expediter 58 K436 Food preparer All Industries E688 Food processor 203-209 K444 Food runner All Industries A077 Food scientist All Industries H889 Food selector 541 K443 Food server, cafeteria All Industries K439 Food server, kitchen All Industries K443 Food server, n. s. All Industries K444 Food service worker All Industries D344 Food tabulator, cafeteria 58,701 A077 Food technologist All Industries A224 Food tester All Industries F754 Food-bagging-machine operator All Industries K444 Food-cart boy 806 D344 Food-checking-machine operator 58,701 C277 Food-mobile driver OWN 5963 A073 Food-processing chemist All Industries G804 Food-service agent 58,701 G804 Food-service driver 58,701 A208 Food-service technician 805-809 E675 Foot caster 321-323 A088 Foot doctor 8043,8049 F777 Foot gatherer 321-323 A088 Foot orthopedist 8043,8049 A088 Foot roentgenologist 8043,8049 F777 Foot setter 321-323 A088 Foot specialist 8043,8049 G848 Foot tender 12 E617 Foot worker 14 F708 Foot-drill operator All Industries F706 Foot-press operator All Industries A156 Football coach Elementary school 821 A199 Football coach Exc. 821 A157 Football coach Secondary school 821 A199 Football player All Industries F739 Footer 225 G848 Footman 12 F777 Footman 281,286,289 L405 Footman 88 E634 Forcer maker 39(exc.394) A074 Forecaster 95 D337 Foreclosure clerk All Industries D383 Foreign banknote teller-trader 60 D343 Foreign clerk All Industries A195 Foreign correspondent All Industries B005 Foreign-claims adjustor or developer Social Security Admin. 94 D383 Foreign-exchange clerk 60,61 D383 Foreign-exchange man 60(exc.603,606) B025 Foreign-exchange trader 60(exc.603,606) D337 Foreign-exchange-position clerk 60 B005 Foreign-service officer 97 A084 Forensic pathologist 801,803 H495 Forest aide 08 A079 Forest ecologist 08 A166 Forest economist All Industries A079 Forest examiner 08 K417 Forest fire fighter 08 A079 Forest pathologist 08 H495 Forest products gatherer 08 A079 Forest ranger 08 H495 Forest technician 08 H495 Forest worker 08 A079 Forester 08 H495 Forester aide 08 A079 Forestry consultant 08 H498 Forestry hunter All Industries A079 Forestry scientist All Industries F713 Forge hand 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F724 Forge heater 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) F713 Forge operator 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F713 Forge tender 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F713 Forgeman 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F713 Forger 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F713 Forgesmith All Industries F713 Forging roll operator All Industries F713 Forging-machine hand 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F713 Forging-machine operator 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F713 Forging-press operator 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 G856 Fork operator All Industries G856 Fork-lift driver All Industries G856 Fork-lift operator All Industries G856 Fork-truck driver All Industries H889 Forker 201 E567 Form builder 15-17 E645 Form builder 371,372,376 F795 Form coverer All Industries E684 Form designer 272-279 E567 Form layer Bridge construction 15-17 H866 Form layer Exc. bridge construction 15-17 E567 Form maker 15-17 F777 Form maker 231-238,301-306,56(exc.566) F755 Form maker 313,314 F736 Form man 27 E567 Form raiser 15-17 F736 Form setter 27 E567 Form setter Bridge construction 15-17 H866 Form setter Exc. 27,bridge construction 15-17 G855 Form-grader 15-17 H869 Form-stripper 15-17 E594 Form-tamper 15-17 E594 Form-tamper operator 15-17 E689 Formation testing operator 291 E684 Former, hand 20-39 E518 Forming-machine adjusting All Industries F755 Forming-machine operator 20-39 F706 Forming-press operator All Industries E699 Forming-process worker 36 F707 Forming-roll operator All Industries F796 Forming-tube selector 22 A065 Forms analyst FGOV B026 Forms analyst PR B036 Forms examiner FGOV E563 Formstone fitter 15-17 F756 Formula maker 22 K446 Formula maker 806 F756 Formula man 22 F756 Formula mixer 201 K446 Formula mixer 806 K446 Formula technician 806 F798 Formula weigher All Industries K446 Formula-room worker 806 A224 Formulator 28 A194 Fortune teller 791,794,799 F777 Forwarder 272-279 D364 Forwarder Exc. 272-279 K468 Foster grandparent 836 K468 Foster mother 836 K468 Foster parent 836 F738 Foster winder 22 A199 Foul judge, sports activities All Industries G853 Foundation digger All Industries E684 Foundation maker Wigs 39(exc.394) E598 Foundation-drill operator 15-17 F766 Founder 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 H889 Foundry hand 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F766 Foundry man 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 A045 Foundry metallurgist All Industries A216 Foundry technician 333-339 F766 Foundry tender 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) H889 Foundry worker 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 K438 Fountain attendant All Industries K438 Fountain boy All Industries K438 Fountain clerk All Industries K438 Fountain dispenser All Industries K438 Fountain girl All Industries K438 Fountain jerk All Industries K438 Fountain server All Industries K438 Fountain waitress All Industries A159 Four- H agent 829 F765 Four-corner former machine operator All Industries F717 Four-slide machine setter All Industries F717 Four-slide operator 33-34,36 F744 Fourchette sewer 20-30,311,315-319,32-39 F777 Fourdrinier machine tender 20-39 F777 Fourdrinier operator 20-39 F777 Fourdrinier-wire weaver All Industries F777 Fourth hand 261-263 G828 Fourth mate 44 G828 Fourth officer 44 I475 Fox raiser GOV,OBI or PR 02 I473 Fox raiser OBNI 02 F769 Foxer 301-306 F745 Foxer 313,314 F745 Foxing closer 313,314 F777 Fractionating-still operator 291 E519 Frame bander All Industries F785 Frame builder 242-249,25,371 E519 Frame changer 22 F777 Frame coverer Pocketbooks 315-317,319 F785 Frame expander 344 H878 Frame feeder 281,286,289 E518 Frame fixer 22 F738 Frame hand 22 H889 Frame hand 239 E684 Frame maker 56(exc.566) F785 Frame maker Exc. 561-564,569 F738 Frame operator 22 F709 Frame polisher 242-249,25 F738 Frame runner 22 F738 Frame spinner 22 E547 Frame straightner All Industries H889 Frame stripper 281,286,289 F777 Frame stripper 284 F777 Frame table operator 242-249,25 F738 Frame tender 22 F789 Frame trimmer All Industries E505 Frameman 371,527,55,752-754 E529 Frameman 481 E567 Framer 15-17,374,40,41(exc.412),47 F738 Framer 22 F777 Framer 242-249,25 F785 Framer 321-323 F777 Framer Any not listed above E529 Framette 481 F777 Frazer All Industries A194 Freak 791,794,799 A188 Free-lance artist All Industries C283 Free-lance model 736 A186 Free-lance musician 781-783,792 A183 Free-lance writer 899 B005 Freeholder FGOV F777 Freezer machine operator All Industries F777 Freezer man 202 H877 Freezer man 203,207,209 F777 Freezer operator All Industries F777 Freezer tunnel operator All Industries H877 Freezer unloader 203,207,209 H883 Freezer worker All Industries H883 Freezing room worker 203,207,209 F777 Freezing-machine operator 283 D376 Freight adjuster 40 D364 Freight agent 40-47 D364 Freight booker 40-47 G825 Freight brakeman 40 D364 Freight breaker 40 C243 Freight broker 47 D357 Freight caller 40 D368 Freight checker All Industries D364 Freight clerk All Industries G823 Freight conductor 40 D359 Freight dispatcher All Industries H876 Freight handler 44 H883 Freight handler Exc. 44 H883 Freight hustler 40 H876 Freight loader 44 H883 Freight loader Exc. 44 H883 Freight man All Industries D364 Freight receiver All Industries D364 Freight representative 40-47 D364 Freight router All Industries D364 Freight separator 20-39,421,423 C257 Freight solicitor 40-47 H883 Freight sorter All Industries D368 Freight tallyman All Industries G859 Freight trucker GOV or PR H876 Freight unloader 44 H883 Freight unloader Exc. 44 E516 Freight-car builder All Industries H887 Freight-car cleaner 40 H883 Freight-car loader 40 D376 Freight-claim investigator 40-47 E543 Freight-elevator erector All Industries K454 Freight-elevator operator All Industries D343 Freight-rate clerk All Industries D343 Freight-rate specialist All Industries F745 French binder 313,314 F777 French comber 22 F738 French drawer 22 F745 French folder 313,314 E684 French weaver 721 F745 French-cord binder 313,314 F745 French-folding-machine operator 313,314 E687 French-pastry cook 205 D363 Frequency checker 22 A188 Fresco artist All Industries F777 Friction paint machine tender 39(exc.394) F727 Friction-saw operator All Industries A178 Friend-of-the-Court 43,91-97 F777 Frier 203,205,207,209 F777 Fringe knotter All Industries F777 Fringe maker All Industries F739 Fringe weaver 22 H889 Fringer All Industries H878 Fringing-machine operator 225 F756 Frit burner All Industries F759 Frit maker 326 F756 Frit mixer 326 H498 Frog catcher 09 H498 Frog farmer 09 H885 Front attendant 527,55,752-754 K459 Front desk clerk, bowling or skating 791,793,794,799 D317 Front desk clerk, hotel or motel 701 D317 Front desk clerk, n. s. 701 K459 Front desk clerk, n. s. 791,793,794,799 D379 Front desk clerk, n. s. Any not listed above F744 Front edger 225 F744 Front facer 231-238 C275 Front girl 721 F744 Front maker 231-238 H885 Front man 554 E505 Front-end alignment man 371,527,55,752-754 E505 Front-end man 371,527,55,752-754 G856 Front-end-loader operator All Industries F756 Frothing machine operator 302-306 H889 Frozen-food selector 541 F795 Frozen-pie maker 203 B028 Fruit buyer 203,514 F754 Fruit canner 203 F796 Fruit checker 203 I488 Fruit culler 514 I479 Fruit cutter 01,071,072,075,076 H889 Fruit cutter Exc. 01,071,072,075,076 F763 Fruit dryer 203 H883 Fruit dumper 203 I475 Fruit farmer GOV,OBI or PR 01 I473 Fruit farmer OBNI 01 I488 Fruit grader 01,071,072,075,076,514,515,5191 F799 Fruit grader Any not listed above I475 Fruit grower GOV,OBI or PR 01 I473 Fruit grower OBNI 01 I479 Fruit harvester 01,071,072,075,076 I479 Fruit loader 01,071,072,075,076 I488 Fruit packer 01,071,072,075,076,514,515,5191 H888 Fruit packer 203 F799 Fruit packer Any not listed above F769 Fruit peeler 203 I479 Fruit picker 01,071,072,075,076 F777 Fruit pitter 203 F757 Fruit preserver 203 F758 Fruit press operator 203 I475 Fruit raiser GOV,OBI or PR 01 I473 Fruit raiser OBNI 01 I475 Fruit rancher GOV,OBI or PR 01 I473 Fruit rancher OBNI 01 D364 Fruit receiver 203 B028 Fruit shipper 071,072,075,076,514 I488 Fruit sorter 01,071,072,075,076,514,515,5191 F799 Fruit sorter Any not listed above I479 Fruit sprayer 01,071,072,075,076 I488 Fruit sprayer 514 A223 Fruit tester 203 I479 Fruit thinner 01,078 F777 Fruit trimmer 203 C277 Fruit vendor 5963 F764 Fruit washer All Industries I488 Fruit worker 01,071,072,075,076,514,515,5191 F777 Fruit worker 203 F799 Fruit worker Any not listed above D364 Fruit-express agent Fruit Growers Express Co. 47 F777 Fruit-room hand 205 K436 Fry cook All Industries K436 Fryline attendant 58 F745 Fudger 313,314 B033 Fuel agent 40 B033 Fuel buyer 40 F777 Fuel-cell binder 302-306 F777 Fuel-cell builder 302-306 H889 Fuel-house attendant, man, etc. 242,243 E505 Fuel-injection servicer All Industries D364 Fuel-oil clerk 348 G804 Fuel-oil-truck driver All Industries E515 Fuel-system-maintenance worker 372,376 G804 Fuel-truck driver All Industries H889 Fueler 40,44,45 H885 Fueler 41,421,423,554 E667 Full-pants operator 231-238 F777 Fuller 22 C277 Fuller-brush man 5963 C277 Fullerette 5963 F777 Fulling machine operator 22 F777 Fulling-mill operator 22 I479 Fumigator 01,071,072,075,076 K455 Fumigator Exc. 01,071,072,075,076 K459 Fun-house operator 791,794,799 C277 Fund raiser All Industries K469 Funeral attendant All Industries B019 Funeral director All Industries B019 Funeral director and embalmer 726 G809 Funeral-car driver All Industries K469 Funeral-home attendant 726 F789 Funnel coater, hand All Industries F777 Funnel man 282 F777 Funnel setter 282 F789 Fur blender All Industries F777 Fur blower operator 231-238,56(exc.566) B029 Fur buyer 513,531,539,56(exc.566) B028 Fur buyer 515 F748 Fur cleaner 721 F777 Fur cleaner Exc. 721 E684 Fur comber 39(exc.394) E684 Fur cutter 231-238,531,539,56(exc.566),5963,721 F769 Fur cutter Exc. 231-238,531,539,561-565,569, 5963,721 A185 Fur designer 231-238 E684 Fur dresser All Industries F777 Fur drummer 39(exc.394) F756 Fur dyer All Industries F796 Fur examiner 39(exc.394) I475 Fur farmer GOV,OBI or PR 01 I473 Fur farmer OBNI 02 F777 Fur feeder 231-238 E666 Fur finisher, seamstress All Industries A185 Fur finisher, tailor All Industries E684 Fur finisher, n. s. 20-30,311,315-319,32-39 F745 Fur finisher, n. s. 313,314 F748 Fur glazer 721 F777 Fur glazer Exc. 721 F748 Fur glosser 721 F777 Fur glosser Exc. 721 F799 Fur grader 231-238,513,56(exc.566) E684 Fur matcher 39(exc.394) F785 Fur nailer All Industries F744 Fur operator 20-30,311,315-319,32-39 F745 Fur operator 313,314 F786 Fur plucker 39(exc.394) E684 Fur pointer 231-238 F748 Fur polisher 721 F777 Fur polisher Exc. 721 E684 Fur puller 39(exc.394) A185 Fur remodeler 721 F744 Fur sewer 20-30,311,315-319,32-39 F745 Fur sewer 313,314 F799 Fur sorter All Industries A185 Fur stylist 231-238 A185 Fur tailor 231-238 F777 Fur tanner 39(exc.394) H498 Fur trapper 09 F786 Fur trimmer All Industries F744 Fur-coat sewer 231-238 F744 Fur-machine operator 20-30,311,315-319,32-39 F745 Fur-machine operator 313,314 F777 Fur-machine operator Any not listed above C274 Fur-storage clerk 531,56(exc.566) E563 Furnace builder All Industries K453 Furnace caretaker All Industries F777 Furnace charger 281,282,284,286-289,321-323 F766 Furnace charger 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F766 Furnace checker 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) H887 Furnace cleaner All Industries E534 Furnace converter All Industries E534 Furnace erector All Industries F724 Furnace feeder 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) F766 Furnace filler 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) F766 Furnace firer 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 E534 Furnace fitter All Industries F766 Furnace hand 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 E585 Furnace installer, pipe or steam fitters All Industries E596 Furnace installer, sheet metal work, duct All Industries E653 Furnace installer, sheet metal work, exc. duct All Industries E534 Furnace installer, n. s. All Industries E593 Furnace installers, insulation workers All Industries F766 Furnace keeper 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) E563 Furnace liner 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) F766 Furnace loader 361,362,364,367,369 E563 Furnace mason All Industries F763 Furnace operator 20,21 F766 Furnace operator 22-40,763,764,7692,7699 K453 Furnace operator Any not listed above F766 Furnace puncher 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 E563 Furnace reliner 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) F766 Furnace roasterman 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 E534 Furnace setter All Industries F766 Furnace tapper 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 E689 Furnace-combination analyst 321-323 F766 Furnace-door man 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) E563 Furnace-maintenance man 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) A185 Furniture arranger 52-59 F795 Furniture assembler and installer All Industries F748 Furniture cleaner 721,722,729 H888 Furniture crater All Industries A185 Furniture designer 25 F759 Furniture dipper 25 K453 Furniture duster 52-59 F785 Furniture fabricator All Industries E658 Furniture finisher 244,249,25 F785 Furniture maker 25 E657 Furniture maker 571 H883 Furniture mover All Industries H888 Furniture packer All Industries F759 Furniture painter All Industries E658 Furniture polisher All Industries E658 Furniture refinisher All Industries A194 Furniture reproducer All Industries E658 Furniture sander All Industries F759 Furniture sprayer All Industries F789 Furniture stainer All Industries E668 Furniture upholsterer All Industries G804 Furniture-mover driver 421,423 E573 Furrer 15-17 A185 Furrier, designer All Industries E684 Furrier, exc. designer All Industries E684 Fuse coiler All Industries E615 Fuse cutter 10-14 F777 Fuse maker All Industries E684 Fuse spooler All Industries F785 Fuselage framer 372,376 H878 Fusing-furnace loader 3827,384,385 H878 Fusing-machine feeder 231-238 F777 Fusing-machine operator 23 F777 Fusion operator 23
Last modified: October 16, 2001