An official website of the United States government
These national industry-specific occupational employment and wage estimates are calculated with data collected from employers of all sizes, in metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas in every state and the District of Columbia, in NAICS 621330 - Offices of Mental Health Practitioners (except Physicians).
Additional information, including the hourly and annual 10th, 25th, 75th, and 90th percentile wages, and the percent of establishments reporting the occupation, is available in the downloadable XLS files.
NAICS 621330 - Offices of Mental Health Practitioners (except Physicians) is part of: NAICS 621300 - Offices of Other Health Practitioners.
Links to OES estimates for other industries
SOC Major Groups in NAICS 621330 - Offices of Mental Health Practitioners (except Physicians):
To sort this table by a different column, click on the column header
Occupation code | Occupation title (click on the occupation title to view an occupational profile) | Group | Employment | Employment RSE | Percent of total employment | Median hourly wage | Mean hourly wage | Annual mean wage | Mean wage RSE |
00-0000 | All Occupations | total | 99,160 | 1.1% | 100.00% | $22.35 | $29.25 | $60,840 | 1.5% |
11-0000 | Management Occupations | major | 3,710 | 4.7% | 3.74% | $41.41 | $51.71 | $107,550 | 3.9% |
11-1000 | Top Executives | minor | 1,260 | 7.4% | 1.27% | $45.85 | $57.46 | $119,510 | 4.8% |
11-1011 | Chief Executives | detail | 130 | 21.9% | 0.14% | $82.40 | $85.56 | $177,970 | 11.7% |
11-1021 | General and Operations Managers | detail | 1,120 | 7.9% | 1.13% | $44.52 | $54.08 | $112,490 | 5.3% |
11-2000 | Advertising, Marketing, Promotions, Public Relations, and Sales Managers | minor | 40 | 21.5% | 0.04% | $44.05 | $43.12 | $89,690 | 6.6% |
11-3000 | Operations Specialties Managers | minor | 330 | 11.0% | 0.33% | $39.23 | $48.53 | $100,950 | 9.7% |
11-3011 | Administrative Services Managers | detail | 170 | 17.1% | 0.17% | $33.07 | $37.52 | $78,050 | 4.3% |
11-3031 | Financial Managers | detail | 80 | 20.7% | 0.08% | $56.12 | $73.89 | $153,700 | 18.6% |
11-3121 | Human Resources Managers | detail | 50 | 15.6% | 0.05% | $45.59 | $47.91 | $99,650 | 6.0% |
11-9000 | Other Management Occupations | minor | 2,090 | 6.8% | 2.11% | $39.46 | $48.89 | $101,680 | 5.9% |
11-9111 | Medical and Health Services Managers | detail | 1,370 | 9.4% | 1.38% | $44.31 | $53.71 | $111,710 | 7.9% |
11-9151 | Social and Community Service Managers | detail | 620 | 9.8% | 0.63% | $34.65 | $37.01 | $76,970 | 2.0% |
11-9199 | Managers, All Other | detail | 70 | 19.2% | 0.07% | $41.42 | $46.24 | $96,170 | 8.0% |
13-0000 | Business and Financial Operations Occupations | major | 1,360 | 9.2% | 1.37% | $26.11 | $29.68 | $61,740 | 3.9% |
13-1000 | Business Operations Specialists | minor | 1,120 | 10.7% | 1.13% | $24.92 | $29.06 | $60,450 | 4.8% |
13-1041 | Compliance Officers | detail | 100 | 17.1% | 0.10% | $28.07 | $29.52 | $61,400 | 4.5% |
13-1070 | Human Resources Workers | broad | 230 | 8.7% | 0.23% | $23.67 | $25.49 | $53,020 | 2.6% |
13-1071 | Human Resources Specialists | detail | 230 | 8.7% | 0.23% | $23.67 | $25.49 | $53,020 | 2.6% |
13-1111 | Management Analysts | detail | 80 | 34.8% | 0.08% | $36.65 | $53.02 | $110,290 | 22.2% |
13-1151 | Training and Development Specialists | detail | 310 | 32.9% | 0.32% | $26.45 | $29.94 | $62,270 | 5.4% |
13-1161 | Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists | detail | 70 | 19.4% | 0.07% | $21.92 | $22.63 | $47,070 | 4.7% |
13-1199 | Business Operations Specialists, All Other | detail | 280 | 15.3% | 0.28% | $23.96 | $26.74 | $55,630 | 3.9% |
13-2000 | Financial Specialists | minor | 240 | 14.5% | 0.24% | $30.11 | $32.62 | $67,840 | 3.6% |
13-2011 | Accountants and Auditors | detail | 220 | 15.3% | 0.22% | $30.55 | $33.22 | $69,100 | 3.7% |
15-0000 | Computer and Mathematical Occupations | major | 330 | 15.1% | 0.33% | $22.04 | $23.97 | $49,850 | 5.7% |
15-1100 | Computer Occupations | minor | 330 | 15.1% | 0.33% | $22.04 | $23.97 | $49,850 | 5.7% |
15-1130 | Software Developers and Programmers | broad | (8) | (8) | (8) | $9.42 | $20.02 | $41,640 | 24.3% |
15-1140 | Database and Systems Administrators and Network Architects | broad | 60 | 18.0% | 0.06% | $33.55 | $37.86 | $78,750 | 7.3% |
15-1142 | Network and Computer Systems Administrators | detail | 50 | 19.2% | 0.05% | $34.38 | $39.21 | $81,560 | 7.1% |
15-1150 | Computer Support Specialists | broad | 220 | 18.8% | 0.22% | $20.65 | $20.87 | $43,410 | 3.9% |
15-1151 | Computer User Support Specialists | detail | 220 | 19.0% | 0.22% | $20.57 | $20.78 | $43,220 | 4.0% |
19-0000 | Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations | major | 18,630 | 3.5% | 18.79% | $36.38 | $46.18 | $96,060 | 3.1% |
19-3000 | Social Scientists and Related Workers | minor | 18,440 | 3.6% | 18.59% | $36.64 | $46.42 | $96,560 | 3.1% |
19-3030 | Psychologists | broad | 18,320 | 3.6% | 18.47% | $36.76 | $46.56 | $96,850 | 3.1% |
19-3031 | Clinical, Counseling, and School Psychologists | detail | 16,910 | 3.5% | 17.05% | $36.59 | $45.77 | $95,210 | 3.0% |
19-3039 | Psychologists, All Other | detail | 1,410 | 19.9% | 1.42% | $39.69 | $56.01 | $116,510 | 17.5% |
19-3090 | Miscellaneous Social Scientists and Related Workers | broad | 120 | 36.9% | 0.12% | $22.94 | $25.38 | $52,780 | 15.2% |
19-3099 | Social Scientists and Related Workers, All Other | detail | 120 | 36.9% | 0.12% | $22.94 | $25.38 | $52,780 | 15.2% |
19-4000 | Life, Physical, and Social Science Technicians | minor | 190 | 42.8% | 0.19% | $24.71 | $22.74 | $47,300 | 9.6% |
19-4090 | Miscellaneous Life, Physical, and Social Science Technicians | broad | (8) | (8) | (8) | $25.27 | $23.16 | $48,180 | 9.5% |
19-4099 | Life, Physical, and Social Science Technicians, All Other | detail | (8) | (8) | (8) | $25.09 | $22.72 | $47,250 | 10.3% |
21-0000 | Community and Social Service Occupations | major | 42,690 | 2.5% | 43.06% | $22.14 | $24.75 | $51,470 | 1.3% |
21-1000 | Counselors, Social Workers, and Other Community and Social Service Specialists | minor | 42,680 | 2.5% | 43.04% | $22.14 | $24.75 | $51,470 | 1.3% |
21-1010 | Counselors | broad | 28,840 | 3.3% | 29.08% | $23.02 | $25.23 | $52,480 | 1.4% |
21-1012 | Educational, Guidance, School, and Vocational Counselors | detail | (8) | (8) | (8) | $18.48 | $21.82 | $45,390 | 5.1% |
21-1013 | Marriage and Family Therapists | detail | 7,930 | 9.9% | 7.99% | $24.10 | $25.71 | $53,480 | 2.7% |
21-1015 | Rehabilitation Counselors | detail | 480 | 21.0% | 0.49% | $20.62 | $21.33 | $44,360 | 3.7% |
21-1018 | Substance Abuse, Behavioral Disorder, and Mental Health Counselors | detail | 19,770 | 3.5% | 19.94% | $22.72 | $25.11 | $52,220 | 1.7% |
21-1019 | Counselors, All Other | detail | 570 | 11.1% | 0.58% | $25.63 | $26.64 | $55,400 | 11.6% |
21-1020 | Social Workers | broad | 9,460 | 8.1% | 9.54% | $23.28 | $26.80 | $55,740 | 3.4% |
21-1021 | Child, Family, and School Social Workers | detail | 1,380 | 10.2% | 1.39% | $21.42 | $23.10 | $48,050 | 3.3% |
21-1022 | Healthcare Social Workers | detail | 980 | 23.3% | 0.98% | $21.71 | $24.69 | $51,350 | 6.3% |
21-1023 | Mental Health and Substance Abuse Social Workers | detail | 7,000 | 10.1% | 7.06% | $24.06 | $27.83 | $57,890 | 4.2% |
21-1029 | Social Workers, All Other | detail | 100 | 28.2% | 0.10% | $26.19 | $25.83 | $53,740 | 5.8% |
21-1090 | Miscellaneous Community and Social Service Specialists | broad | 4,380 | 8.3% | 4.42% | $16.28 | $17.15 | $35,670 | 2.1% |
21-1091 | Health Educators | detail | 100 | 22.1% | 0.10% | $29.89 | $28.82 | $59,940 | 4.9% |
21-1093 | Social and Human Service Assistants | detail | 3,450 | 8.8% | 3.47% | $15.47 | $15.87 | $33,010 | 1.8% |
21-1094 | Community Health Workers | detail | 620 | 27.4% | 0.62% | $17.75 | $19.40 | $40,360 | 4.0% |
21-1099 | Community and Social Service Specialists, All Other | detail | 220 | 14.1% | 0.22% | $26.48 | $25.71 | $53,480 | 3.4% |
25-0000 | Education, Training, and Library Occupations | major | 440 | 22.6% | 0.45% | $17.68 | $21.51 | $44,740 | 8.2% |
25-2000 | Preschool, Primary, Secondary, and Special Education School Teachers | minor | 170 | 44.4% | 0.18% | (4) | (4) | $37,630 | 7.9% |
25-2050 | Special Education Teachers | broad | 160 | 46.9% | 0.17% | (4) | (4) | $38,540 | 8.0% |
25-3000 | Other Teachers and Instructors | minor | 150 | 21.1% | 0.15% | $18.14 | $22.32 | $46,430 | 11.8% |
25-3021 | Self-Enrichment Education Teachers | detail | (8) | (8) | (8) | $21.33 | $22.63 | $47,070 | 7.4% |
25-3090 | Miscellaneous Teachers and Instructors | broad | 120 | 21.3% | 0.12% | $17.60 | $22.23 | $46,240 | 15.7% |
25-3097 | Teachers and Instructors, All Other, Except Substitute Teachers | detail | 110 | 21.9% | 0.11% | (4) | (4) | $46,950 | 16.3% |
25-9000 | Other Education, Training, and Library Occupations | minor | 120 | 41.2% | 0.12% | (4) | (4) | $53,110 | 19.9% |
25-9031 | Instructional Coordinators | detail | (8) | (8) | (8) | $28.68 | $29.36 | $61,070 | 22.9% |
25-9041 | Teacher Assistants | detail | 30 | 33.5% | 0.03% | (4) | (4) | $34,020 | 12.3% |
27-0000 | Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations | major | 40 | 20.3% | 0.04% | $23.52 | $24.70 | $51,380 | 4.7% |
27-3000 | Media and Communication Workers | minor | 40 | 21.6% | 0.04% | $23.35 | $24.69 | $51,360 | 5.1% |
29-0000 | Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations | major | 7,040 | 6.1% | 7.10% | $26.87 | $43.22 | $89,910 | 6.0% |
29-1000 | Health Diagnosing and Treating Practitioners | minor | 4,480 | 6.4% | 4.51% | $40.14 | $57.22 | $119,010 | 5.9% |
29-1031 | Dietitians and Nutritionists | detail | 60 | 23.4% | 0.06% | $28.14 | $28.29 | $58,850 | 4.1% |
29-1060 | Physicians and Surgeons | broad | 1,190 | 12.4% | 1.20% | (5) | $113.13 | $235,310 | 5.5% |
29-1066 | Psychiatrists | detail | 1,110 | 13.4% | 1.12% | (5) | $112.74 | $234,510 | 5.9% |
29-1069 | Physicians and Surgeons, All Other | detail | 50 | 22.7% | 0.05% | (5) | $113.23 | $235,520 | 10.5% |
29-1071 | Physician Assistants | detail | 60 | 19.3% | 0.07% | $46.29 | $47.75 | $99,330 | 10.9% |
29-1120 | Therapists | broad | 1,590 | 12.8% | 1.61% | $23.63 | $28.44 | $59,160 | 7.5% |
29-1122 | Occupational Therapists | detail | 340 | 28.9% | 0.34% | $38.10 | $39.65 | $82,460 | 5.7% |
29-1123 | Physical Therapists | detail | 200 | 23.4% | 0.20% | $43.75 | $41.88 | $87,110 | 7.3% |
29-1127 | Speech-Language Pathologists | detail | 190 | 32.6% | 0.20% | $28.91 | $31.18 | $64,850 | 15.8% |
29-1129 | Therapists, All Other | detail | 810 | 17.9% | 0.82% | $18.00 | $20.20 | $42,010 | 5.5% |
29-1141 | Registered Nurses | detail | 770 | 9.2% | 0.78% | $32.02 | $32.62 | $67,840 | 2.0% |
29-1171 | Nurse Practitioners | detail | 720 | 10.5% | 0.73% | $56.53 | $61.05 | $126,970 | 5.1% |
29-1199 | Health Diagnosing and Treating Practitioners, All Other | detail | 50 | 39.9% | 0.05% | $22.67 | $26.79 | $55,730 | 11.9% |
29-2000 | Health Technologists and Technicians | minor | 2,510 | 10.0% | 2.53% | $17.64 | $18.75 | $39,000 | 2.1% |
29-2010 | Clinical Laboratory Technologists and Technicians | broad | 30 | 39.0% | 0.03% | $19.72 | $22.03 | $45,810 | 8.6% |
29-2050 | Health Practitioner Support Technologists and Technicians | broad | 1,770 | 12.1% | 1.79% | $17.30 | $18.39 | $38,240 | 2.8% |
29-2053 | Psychiatric Technicians | detail | 1,770 | 12.2% | 1.78% | $17.30 | $18.39 | $38,240 | 2.8% |
29-2061 | Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses | detail | 250 | 16.0% | 0.25% | $21.65 | $21.61 | $44,950 | 2.0% |
29-2071 | Medical Records and Health Information Technicians | detail | 420 | 23.5% | 0.42% | $17.15 | $18.06 | $37,570 | 3.9% |
29-9000 | Other Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations | minor | 50 | 29.0% | 0.05% | $18.89 | $20.74 | $43,130 | 5.7% |
29-9090 | Miscellaneous Health Practitioners and Technical Workers | broad | 50 | 30.0% | 0.05% | $18.77 | $20.50 | $42,630 | 5.5% |
29-9099 | Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Workers, All Other | detail | 40 | 32.5% | 0.04% | $18.18 | $19.21 | $39,960 | 4.9% |
31-0000 | Healthcare Support Occupations | major | 2,450 | 13.3% | 2.47% | $13.40 | $14.73 | $30,640 | 3.1% |
31-1010 | Nursing, Psychiatric, and Home Health Aides | broad | 1,680 | 18.3% | 1.69% | $12.23 | $12.92 | $26,870 | 4.2% |
31-1011 | Home Health Aides | detail | 590 | 21.4% | 0.60% | $11.33 | $11.65 | $24,230 | 6.4% |
31-1013 | Psychiatric Aides | detail | 980 | 27.7% | 0.99% | $12.88 | $13.76 | $28,620 | 5.4% |
31-1014 | Nursing Assistants | detail | 90 | 30.0% | 0.09% | $12.21 | $12.45 | $25,900 | 6.4% |
31-2000 | Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapist Assistants and Aides | minor | 170 | 25.7% | 0.17% | $26.03 | $26.28 | $54,670 | 7.5% |
31-2010 | Occupational Therapy Assistants and Aides | broad | 90 | 29.4% | 0.09% | $28.29 | $28.29 | $58,840 | 3.1% |
31-2011 | Occupational Therapy Assistants | detail | 80 | 30.1% | 0.08% | $28.32 | $28.51 | $59,310 | 3.5% |
31-2020 | Physical Therapist Assistants and Aides | broad | 90 | 35.0% | 0.09% | $22.92 | $24.27 | $50,470 | 14.8% |
31-2021 | Physical Therapist Assistants | detail | 50 | 35.5% | 0.05% | $30.12 | $31.11 | $64,710 | 8.5% |
31-2022 | Physical Therapist Aides | detail | (8) | (8) | (8) | $13.13 | $13.32 | $27,710 | 6.9% |
31-9000 | Other Healthcare Support Occupations | minor | 610 | 13.3% | 0.61% | $15.82 | $16.51 | $34,340 | 3.9% |
31-9090 | Miscellaneous Healthcare Support Occupations | broad | 600 | 13.4% | 0.60% | $15.71 | $16.36 | $34,030 | 4.0% |
31-9092 | Medical Assistants | detail | 360 | 15.8% | 0.37% | $15.73 | $16.74 | $34,820 | 4.3% |
31-9094 | Medical Transcriptionists | detail | 130 | 25.4% | 0.13% | $17.24 | $16.94 | $35,230 | 4.7% |
31-9099 | Healthcare Support Workers, All Other | detail | 90 | 40.3% | 0.10% | $11.76 | $14.35 | $29,850 | 12.0% |
35-0000 | Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations | major | 110 | 20.3% | 0.11% | $13.15 | $14.37 | $29,880 | 5.8% |
35-2000 | Cooks and Food Preparation Workers | minor | 100 | 21.6% | 0.10% | $12.97 | $13.41 | $27,890 | 4.0% |
35-2010 | Cooks | broad | 60 | 16.2% | 0.07% | $14.28 | $14.71 | $30,590 | 3.0% |
35-2012 | Cooks, Institution and Cafeteria | detail | 50 | 16.0% | 0.05% | $14.28 | $14.84 | $30,870 | 3.2% |
35-2021 | Food Preparation Workers | detail | 40 | 40.9% | 0.04% | $10.83 | $11.15 | $23,200 | 4.1% |
37-0000 | Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations | major | 260 | 12.8% | 0.26% | $13.56 | $14.38 | $29,900 | 3.8% |
37-2000 | Building Cleaning and Pest Control Workers | minor | 240 | 13.1% | 0.25% | $13.74 | $14.48 | $30,120 | 3.9% |
37-2010 | Building Cleaning Workers | broad | 240 | 13.1% | 0.25% | $13.74 | $14.48 | $30,120 | 3.9% |
37-2011 | Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners | detail | 210 | 14.2% | 0.22% | $14.36 | $14.84 | $30,870 | 4.3% |
39-0000 | Personal Care and Service Occupations | major | 1,050 | 16.3% | 1.06% | $11.95 | $12.37 | $25,740 | 2.8% |
39-9000 | Other Personal Care and Service Workers | minor | 1,020 | 16.2% | 1.03% | $11.86 | $12.23 | $25,440 | 2.9% |
39-9011 | Childcare Workers | detail | 70 | 35.5% | 0.07% | $11.29 | $12.47 | $25,930 | 4.0% |
39-9021 | Personal Care Aides | detail | 600 | 18.6% | 0.61% | $12.30 | $12.33 | $25,650 | 4.4% |
39-9030 | Recreation and Fitness Workers | broad | 40 | 36.8% | 0.04% | $10.80 | $12.16 | $25,290 | 9.0% |
39-9032 | Recreation Workers | detail | 40 | 39.9% | 0.04% | $9.94 | $11.78 | $24,500 | 10.0% |
39-9041 | Residential Advisors | detail | 240 | 46.0% | 0.24% | $11.89 | $12.08 | $25,130 | 4.1% |
39-9099 | Personal Care and Service Workers, All Other | detail | (8) | (8) | (8) | $10.49 | $11.68 | $24,290 | 6.9% |
41-0000 | Sales and Related Occupations | major | 60 | 36.6% | 0.06% | $27.50 | $26.92 | $56,000 | 4.0% |
41-3000 | Sales Representatives, Services | minor | 50 | 48.3% | 0.05% | $27.02 | $26.15 | $54,390 | 6.3% |
41-3099 | Sales Representatives, Services, All Other | detail | 50 | 48.3% | 0.05% | $27.02 | $26.15 | $54,390 | 6.3% |
43-0000 | Office and Administrative Support Occupations | major | 20,760 | 2.3% | 20.94% | $16.06 | $17.28 | $35,930 | 1.0% |
43-1011 | First-Line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers | detail | 1,860 | 7.0% | 1.87% | $24.21 | $25.28 | $52,590 | 2.4% |
43-3000 | Financial Clerks | minor | 2,820 | 6.1% | 2.84% | $17.81 | $18.44 | $38,360 | 2.0% |
43-3021 | Billing and Posting Clerks | detail | 1,560 | 6.9% | 1.58% | $17.52 | $18.00 | $37,450 | 1.6% |
43-3031 | Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks | detail | 1,120 | 12.2% | 1.12% | $18.11 | $18.69 | $38,870 | 4.6% |
43-3051 | Payroll and Timekeeping Clerks | detail | 110 | 23.9% | 0.11% | $21.25 | $22.12 | $46,010 | 5.7% |
43-4000 | Information and Record Clerks | minor | 3,590 | 8.1% | 3.62% | $13.82 | $14.31 | $29,760 | 1.7% |
43-4051 | Customer Service Representatives | detail | 260 | 14.5% | 0.26% | $16.98 | $18.29 | $38,050 | 5.2% |
43-4071 | File Clerks | detail | 160 | 19.5% | 0.16% | $11.85 | $12.67 | $26,350 | 4.3% |
43-4111 | Interviewers, Except Eligibility and Loan | detail | 240 | 28.4% | 0.24% | $17.03 | $17.13 | $35,620 | 3.0% |
43-4161 | Human Resources Assistants, Except Payroll and Timekeeping | detail | 50 | 14.1% | 0.05% | $17.39 | $17.32 | $36,020 | 3.0% |
43-4171 | Receptionists and Information Clerks | detail | 2,860 | 9.7% | 2.88% | $13.38 | $13.69 | $28,480 | 2.0% |
43-5000 | Material Recording, Scheduling, Dispatching, and Distributing Workers | minor | 30 | 17.5% | 0.03% | $18.85 | $18.49 | $38,460 | 5.2% |
43-6010 | Secretaries and Administrative Assistants | broad | 7,850 | 4.5% | 7.92% | $16.04 | $17.05 | $35,470 | 1.7% |
43-6011 | Executive Secretaries and Executive Administrative Assistants | detail | 440 | 24.1% | 0.45% | $23.74 | $25.38 | $52,790 | 8.6% |
43-6013 | Medical Secretaries | detail | 3,230 | 6.6% | 3.26% | $15.95 | $16.52 | $34,360 | 1.7% |
43-6014 | Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive | detail | 4,170 | 5.9% | 4.21% | $15.46 | $16.58 | $34,490 | 2.1% |
43-9000 | Other Office and Administrative Support Workers | minor | 4,620 | 4.8% | 4.66% | $14.88 | $16.02 | $33,320 | 1.7% |
43-9020 | Data Entry and Information Processing Workers | broad | 120 | 33.0% | 0.13% | $13.24 | $14.58 | $30,330 | 6.9% |
43-9021 | Data Entry Keyers | detail | 40 | 30.1% | 0.04% | $13.39 | $14.25 | $29,650 | 5.3% |
43-9022 | Word Processors and Typists | detail | 80 | 48.1% | 0.08% | $13.19 | $14.76 | $30,700 | 11.5% |
43-9041 | Insurance Claims and Policy Processing Clerks | detail | 80 | 31.5% | 0.08% | $14.54 | $15.79 | $32,830 | 5.9% |
43-9061 | Office Clerks, General | detail | 4,330 | 4.8% | 4.37% | $14.88 | $16.02 | $33,320 | 1.7% |
43-9199 | Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other | detail | 80 | 37.7% | 0.08% | $19.83 | $18.74 | $38,980 | 5.2% |
49-0000 | Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations | major | 80 | 16.0% | 0.08% | $16.17 | $17.27 | $35,920 | 5.9% |
49-9000 | Other Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations | minor | 80 | 16.2% | 0.08% | $16.10 | $17.15 | $35,680 | 6.0% |
49-9071 | Maintenance and Repair Workers, General | detail | 80 | 16.2% | 0.08% | $16.10 | $17.15 | $35,680 | 6.0% |
53-0000 | Transportation and Material Moving Occupations | major | 100 | 25.5% | 0.10% | $11.71 | $12.39 | $25,760 | 3.3% |
53-3000 | Motor Vehicle Operators | minor | 100 | 25.5% | 0.10% | $11.71 | $12.39 | $25,760 | 3.3% |
53-3041 | Taxi Drivers and Chauffeurs | detail | 80 | 29.2% | 0.08% | $11.62 | $12.26 | $25,510 | 3.5% |
About May 2018 National Industry-Specific Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates
(1) Estimates for detailed occupations do not sum to the totals because the totals include occupations not shown separately. Estimates do not include self-employed workers.
(2) Annual wages have been calculated by multiplying the hourly mean wage by a "year-round, full-time" hours figure of 2,080 hours; for those occupations where there is not an hourly wage published, the annual wage has been directly calculated from the reported survey data.
(3) The relative standard error (RSE) is a measure of the reliability of a survey statistic. The smaller the relative standard error, the more precise the estimate.
(4) Wages for some occupations that do not generally work year-round, full time, are reported either as hourly wages or annual salaries depending on how they are typically paid.
(5) This wage is equal to or greater than $100.00 per hour or $208,000 per year.
(8) Estimate not released.
Other OES estimates and related information:
May 2018 National Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates (cross-industry estimates)
May 2018 State Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates (cross-industry estimates)
May 2018 Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Area Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates (cross-industry estimates)
May 2018 National Industry-Specific Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates
Last Modified Date: April 2, 2019