Table 2. 2019 annual Current Population Survey family estimates, by percent of family earnings from workers in highly exposed sectors and type of family
Percent of family earnings from workers in highly exposed sectors No children family Single-parent family Married with children family Overall
Number of families Column percent Row percent Number of families Column percent Row percent Number of families Column percent Row percent Number of families Column percent Row percent


23,118,971 73.6 49.6 6,579,595 71.4 14.1 16,907,323 74.6 36.3 46,605,889 73.6 100.0

>0 and <25

1,443,308 4.6 46.9 328,655 3.6 10.7 1,302,945 5.8 42.4 3,074,908 4.9 100.0

>25 and <50

1,872,857 6.0 53.6 335,906 3.6 9.6 1,282,344 5.7 36.7 3,491,107 5.5 100.0

>50 and <75

1,348,542 4.3 54.6 164,603 1.8 6.7 957,731 4.2 38.8 2,470,876 3.9 100.0

>75 and <100

345,547 1.1 48.4 53,864 0.6 7.5 314,841 1.4 44.1 714,252 1.1 100.0


3,286,454 10.5 47.5 1,750,179 19.0 25.3 1,888,419 8.3 27.3 6,925,052 10.9 100.0


31,415,679 100.0 49.6 9,212,801 100.0 14.6 22,653,604 100.0 35.8 63,282,084 100.0 100.0

Note: Children are under 18 years old.

Source: Authors’ calculations based on U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Current Population Survey 2019 annual data.