Chart 2. Average hours per day Generation X and millennials spent on selected leisure and sports activities, ages 23 to 38, 2003 and 2019
Activity Generation X Millennials

Watching TV

2.19 2.03

Socializing and communicating

0.78 0.64

Relaxing and thinking

0.22 0.24

Reading for personal interest

0.18 0.12

Playing games

0.12 0.29

Computer use for leisure, excluding games

0.13 0.20

Participating in sports, exercise, and recreation

0.28 0.33


0.42 0.45

Note: "Other" leisure and sports activities include attending sporting and recreational events; tobacco and drug use; listening to the radio; listening to or playing music (not radio); hobbies; writing for personal interest; leisure and sports activities, not elsewhere classified; arts and entertainment (other than sports); waiting associated with leisure, sports, exercise and recreation; security related to sports, exercise and recreation; and travel related to leisure and sports. Data are averages of estimates for all 7 days of the week.

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, American Time Use Survey.