An official website of the United States government
Among persons who reported working at home at least once per week in 2004, about 8 in 10 used a computer as part of their work at home, and just slightly fewer used a telephone.
About 70 percent of all persons who usually worked at home made use of the Internet or email to work at home. Less than half (43 percent) used fax.
In general, wage and salary workers who were paid to work at home as part of a formal arrangement were more likely to use electronic equipment at home than those who were just taking work home from the job.
These data on work at home are from the Current Population Survey. Find out more in "Work at Home in 2004," news release USDL 05-1768.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, The Economics Daily, Electronic equipment and job-related work at home at (visited September 17, 2024).