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In May 2014, among all states, Massachusetts and Rhode Island had the highest share of statewide total nonfarm employment in the healthcare and social assistance industry (16.8 percent). From May 2004 to May 2014, Arizona had the largest percentage increase in employment in healthcare and social assistance (46.1 percent).
State | Employment in healthcare and social assistance(p) | Total nonfarm employment (p) | Employment in healthcare and social assistance as a percent of total nonfarm employment (p) |
Alabama | 203,700 | 1,925,000 | 10.6% |
Arizona | 325,400 | 2,554,100 | 12.7 |
Arkansas | 160,900 | 1,198,000 | 13.4 |
California | 2,025,300 | 15,486,400 | 13.1 |
Colorado | 260,800 | 2,437,500 | 10.7 |
Connecticut | 263,500 | 1,677,500 | 15.7 |
Delaware | 62,600 | 440,000 | 14.2 |
District of Columbia | 67,000 | 746,100 | 9.0 |
Florida | 1,002,700 | 7,801,000 | 12.9 |
Georgia | 446,300 | 4,125,100 | 10.8 |
Hawaii | 64,200 | 625,000 | 10.3 |
Idaho | 82,900 | 648,400 | 12.8 |
Illinois | 727,300 | 5,845,000 | 12.4 |
Indiana | 372,500 | 3,000,400 | 12.4 |
Iowa | 187,600 | 1,568,100 | 12.0 |
Kansas | 170,400 | 1,393,800 | 12.2 |
Kentucky | 231,200 | 1,862,100 | 12.4 |
Louisiana | 248,900 | 1,975,000 | 12.6 |
Maine | 101,900 | 611,400 | 16.7 |
Maryland | 348,000 | 2,632,300 | 13.2 |
Massachusetts | 577,500 | 3,427,500 | 16.8 |
Michigan | 563,400 | 4,171,600 | 13.5 |
Minnesota | 431,600 | 2,840,600 | 15.2 |
Mississippi | 123,700 | 1,128,400 | 11.0 |
Missouri | 384,100 | 2,796,800 | 13.7 |
Montana | 63,000 | 457,500 | 13.8 |
Nebraska | 131,600 | 996,400 | 13.2 |
Nevada | 101,900 | 1,219,800 | 8.4 |
New Hampshire | 87,400 | 651,200 | 13.4 |
New Jersey | 535,600 | 3,960,200 | 13.5 |
New York | 1,385,900 | 9,061,300 | 15.3 |
North Carolina | 485,600 | 4,152,900 | 11.7 |
North Dakota | 55,600 | 466,500 | 11.9 |
Ohio | 768,600 | 5,346,100 | 14.4 |
Oklahoma | 212,400 | 1,673,000 | 12.7 |
Oregon | 213,400 | 1,724,800 | 12.4 |
Pennsylvania | 943,000 | 5,835,200 | 16.2 |
Rhode Island | 81,000 | 481,700 | 16.8 |
South Carolina | 189,200 | 1,946,500 | 9.7 |
South Dakota | 60,200 | 424,200 | 14.2 |
Tennessee | 348,300 | 2,815,000 | 12.4 |
Texas | 1,345,600 | 11,563,400 | 11.6 |
Utah | 134,800 | 1,325,600 | 10.2 |
Vermont | 49,300 | 305,200 | 16.2 |
Virginia | 414,700 | 3,785,500 | 11.0 |
Washington | 392,200 | 3,053,000 | 12.8 |
West Virginia | 116,800 | 790,000 | 14.8 |
Wisconsin | 376,900 | 2,871,500 | 13.1 |
Wyoming | 24,000 | 293,300 | 8.2 |
Footnotes: |
In May 2014, the other states following Massachusetts and Rhode Island as the states with the highest share of total nonfarm employment in healthcare and social assistance were Maine (16.7 percent), Vermont (16.2 percent), and Pennsylvania (16.2 percent). Wyoming had the smallest share (8.2 percent), followed by Nevada (8.4 percent) and the District of Columbia (9.0 percent).
From May 2004 to May 2014, the other states following Arizona as the state with the largest percentage increase in employment in healthcare and social assistance were Idaho (43.7 percent) and Utah (40.9 percent).
State | Employment May 2004 | Employment May 2014 (p) | Percent change in employment from May 2004 to May 2014 (p) |
Alabama | 174,500 | 203,700 | 16.7% |
Arizona | 222,800 | 325,400 | 46.1 |
Arkansas | 130,400 | 160,900 | 23.4 |
California | 1,491,200 | 2,025,300 | 35.8 |
Colorado | 192,000 | 260,800 | 35.8 |
Connecticut | 219,300 | 263,500 | 20.2 |
Delaware | 46,300 | 62,600 | 35.2 |
District of Columbia | 52,400 | 67,000 | 27.9 |
Florida | 837,000 | 1,002,700 | 19.8 |
Georgia | 352,400 | 446,300 | 26.6 |
Hawaii | 54,400 | 64,200 | 18.0 |
Idaho | 57,700 | 82,900 | 43.7 |
Illinois | 610,500 | 727,300 | 19.1 |
Indiana | 306,700 | 372,500 | 21.5 |
Iowa | 158,500 | 187,600 | 18.4 |
Kansas | 145,500 | 170,400 | 17.1 |
Kentucky | 198,100 | 231,200 | 16.7 |
Louisiana | 213,300 | 248,900 | 16.7 |
Maine | 92,500 | 101,900 | 10.2 |
Maryland | 282,000 | 348,000 | 23.4 |
Massachusetts | 443,000 | 577,500 | 30.4 |
Michigan | 490,400 | 563,400 | 14.9 |
Minnesota | 327,000 | 431,600 | 32.0 |
Mississippi | 104,100 | 123,700 | 18.8 |
Missouri | 300,900 | 384,100 | 27.7 |
Montana | 50,000 | 63,000 | 26.0 |
Nebraska | 108,400 | 131,600 | 21.4 |
Nevada | 75,200 | 101,900 | 35.5 |
New Hampshire | 73,100 | 87,400 | 19.6 |
New Jersey | 461,400 | 535,600 | 16.1 |
New York | 1,168,100 | 1,385,900 | 18.6 |
North Carolina | 392,600 | 485,600 | 23.7 |
North Dakota | 45,100 | 55,600 | 23.3 |
Ohio | 652,200 | 768,600 | 17.8 |
Oklahoma | 180,300 | 212,400 | 17.8 |
Oregon | 166,300 | 213,400 | 28.3 |
Pennsylvania | 785,200 | 943,000 | 20.1 |
Rhode Island | 71,600 | 81,000 | 13.1 |
South Carolina | 148,000 | 189,200 | 27.8 |
South Dakota | 50,500 | 60,200 | 19.2 |
Tennessee | 278,200 | 348,300 | 25.2 |
Texas | 1,008,500 | 1,345,600 | 33.4 |
Utah | 95,700 | 134,800 | 40.9 |
Vermont | 41,000 | 49,300 | 20.2 |
Virginia | 310,700 | 414,700 | 33.5 |
Washington | 311,100 | 392,200 | 26.1 |
West Virginia | 100,600 | 116,800 | 16.1 |
Wisconsin | 324,900 | 376,900 | 16.0 |
Wyoming | 19,200 | 24,000 | 25.0 |
Footnotes: |
Maine (10.2 percent) had the smallest percentage increase in employment in healthcare and social assistance from May 2004 to May 2014, followed by Rhode Island (13.1 percent) and Michigan (14.9 percent).
These data are from the Current Employment Statistics (State and Metro Area) program. Data for the most recent month are preliminary and subject to revision. For more information on statewide industry employment, see "Regional and State Employment and Unemployment — May 2014" (HTML) (PDF), news release USDL‑14‑1139.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, The Economics Daily, Massachusetts and R.I. had highest share of employment in healthcare and social assistance, May 2014 at (visited October 08, 2024).