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Category | Percent change, December 2014–December 2015, not seasonally adjusted | Relative importance, November 2015 |
All items |
0.7 | 100.000 |
Water and sewer and trash collection services |
3.8 | 1.253 |
Household operations |
3.4 | 0.863 |
Shelter |
3.2 | 33.349 |
Medical care services |
2.9 | 6.050 |
Food away from home |
2.6 | 5.909 |
Transportation services |
2.6 | 5.725 |
Other personal services |
2.6 | 1.789 |
Recreation services |
2.5 | 3.792 |
Education and communication services |
1.9 | 6.505 |
Medical care commodities |
1.5 | 1.786 |
Other goods |
1.0 | 1.632 |
Alcoholic beverages |
0.5 | 1.011 |
Transportation commodities less motor fuel |
0.2 | 5.643 |
Food at home |
-0.4 | 8.329 |
Apparel |
-0.9 | 3.390 |
Household furnishings and supplies |
-1.0 | 3.274 |
Recreation commodities |
-2.9 | 1.942 |
Education and communication commodities |
-3.2 | 0.590 |
Energy services |
-4.3 | 3.630 |
Energy commodities |
-20.0 | 3.538 |
The index for shelter (which had a relative importance weight of 33.3, accounting for that percentage of consumer spending) increased 3.2 percent from December 2014 to December 2015. Within the shelter category, the rent index rose 3.7 percent, while the index for owners' equivalent rent advanced 3.1 percent.
The indexes for dairy and related products and for meats, poultry, fish, and eggs both fell over the 12 months ending in December 2015, more than offsetting increases in the other major grocery store food group indexes, resulting in the index for food at home (relative importance, 8.3 percent) declining 0.4 percent over the past year, compared with an annual rate of 2.3 percent over the 10 years ending in December 2015.
Over the 12 months from December 2014 to December 2015, the index for food away from home (relative importance, 5.9 percent) increased 2.6 percent, compared with an annual rate of 2.8 percent over 10 years ending in December 2015.
The index for energy services (relative importance, 3.6 percent), which includes electricity and piped gas service, decreased by 4.3 percent over the ending in December 2015. The energy commodities index (relative importance, 3.5 percent) decreased 20.0 percent. All of the energy component indexes declined over the year, with the fuel oil index falling 31.4 percent and the gasoline index decreasing 19.7 percent.
These data are from the BLS Consumer Price Index program and are not seasonally adjusted. To learn more, see “Consumer Price Index — December 2015” (HTML) (PDF). Relative importance data used in the December 2015 CPI-U are for November 2015.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, The Economics Daily, Consumer prices increase 0.7 percent over the year; shelter prices up, energy prices down at (visited January 22, 2025).