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Employment trends in newspaper publishing and other media, 1990–2016

June 02, 2016

Few industries have been affected by the digital or information age as much as newspapers and other traditional publishing industries (books, magazines, etc.). In June 1990, there were nearly 458,000 people employed in the newspaper publishing industry; by March 2016, that figure had fallen to about 183,000, a decline of almost 60 percent. Over the same period, employment in Internet publishing and broadcasting rose from about 30,000 to nearly 198,000.


Employment in selected information industries, seasonally adjusted, 1990–2016
Month Newspapers Periodicals Books Internet publishing and broadcasting Motion picture and video production Motion picture and video exhibition Cable and other subscription programming Directories and mailing lists Other publishing Radio broadcasting Television broadcasting

Jan 1990

455,000 146,400 85,800 28,800 91,500 110,500 50,400 49,500 31,300 118,700 113,000

Feb 1990

456,300 146,800 85,900 29,000 92,800 109,800 50,900 49,900 31,500 118,900 113,600

Mar 1990

456,700 147,500 85,800 29,200 93,900 110,200 51,400 49,900 31,900 118,700 114,100

Apr 1990

456,900 148,000 85,800 29,300 96,200 109,900 51,700 49,600 31,900 118,600 113,900

May 1990

457,300 148,000 85,500 29,400 98,000 110,900 51,900 49,800 31,900 118,000 114,100

Jun 1990

457,800 147,700 85,500 29,700 99,300 110,400 52,000 50,200 32,300 117,600 114,100

Jul 1990

457,500 148,600 85,600 29,700 103,600 110,300 51,900 50,400 32,600 117,700 114,100

Aug 1990

457,100 148,500 85,500 29,700 104,600 111,000 51,900 50,600 32,800 117,900 114,300

Sep 1990

455,900 149,100 85,200 29,700 103,400 111,100 51,900 50,500 33,000 118,100 114,400

Oct 1990

455,200 149,700 85,200 29,400 103,000 111,400 51,900 50,800 33,100 118,300 114,300

Nov 1990

452,500 150,100 85,500 29,400 103,900 110,200 51,700 50,800 33,300 118,200 113,800

Dec 1990

450,700 150,100 85,300 29,200 105,200 108,800 51,800 51,200 33,500 117,900 113,500

Jan 1991

449,500 149,500 85,100 29,000 106,000 109,600 52,100 50,900 33,900 118,200 113,400

Feb 1991

446,900 149,700 85,100 28,800 104,000 110,900 52,200 50,300 34,100 117,500 113,500

Mar 1991

445,200 149,200 84,600 28,500 101,400 111,600 52,400 50,700 34,300 117,200 113,100

Apr 1991

444,400 148,900 83,900 28,400 102,900 111,100 52,400 50,300 34,100 116,700 112,900

May 1991

443,700 148,500 83,700 28,300 104,400 109,800 52,400 50,200 34,100 116,200 112,700

Jun 1991

440,800 147,800 83,300 28,200 106,000 108,100 52,400 50,000 34,100 115,700 112,700

Jul 1991

439,300 145,800 82,900 28,100 105,400 109,900 52,700 49,600 33,800 115,300 112,500

Aug 1991

437,600 146,400 82,100 28,000 105,100 110,700 52,800 49,500 33,700 115,600 112,300

Sep 1991

436,700 145,900 82,800 28,100 104,000 111,800 52,700 49,300 33,700 114,800 112,200

Oct 1991

436,700 145,500 82,900 28,100 101,200 110,700 52,500 49,200 33,800 114,400 112,100

Nov 1991

435,200 144,500 82,700 27,900 101,300 109,100 52,700 48,700 33,500 114,500 112,800

Dec 1991

434,800 144,100 82,600 28,000 98,400 109,100 52,800 48,500 33,400 113,800 113,000

Jan 1992

434,300 143,700 82,500 28,000 98,300 109,300 53,000 48,500 33,300 113,000 112,900

Feb 1992

433,500 142,800 82,100 28,100 97,800 109,000 52,900 48,100 32,600 112,800 112,900

Mar 1992

433,100 142,900 82,300 28,100 100,700 108,000 52,800 48,100 32,800 112,500 112,900

Apr 1992

433,500 143,000 82,200 28,000 99,300 109,100 53,000 48,400 32,900 112,200 113,400

May 1992

433,100 142,900 82,100 28,000 99,400 111,000 53,300 48,100 32,900 112,900 113,500

Jun 1992

433,200 143,200 81,800 27,900 99,100 109,300 53,300 48,300 33,000 112,900 113,800

Jul 1992

432,900 143,300 81,800 28,000 99,000 108,900 53,400 48,400 33,200 112,500 113,900

Aug 1992

432,600 143,600 81,300 28,200 98,000 108,100 53,800 48,500 33,100 111,700 113,900

Sep 1992

433,600 143,900 82,100 28,300 98,500 107,400 54,300 48,900 33,000 111,800 114,500

Oct 1992

434,100 143,900 82,700 28,400 102,200 108,000 54,700 49,000 32,500 111,700 114,500

Nov 1992

433,800 144,200 82,000 28,500 103,100 109,000 54,600 49,200 32,700 111,800 114,600

Dec 1992

433,400 144,700 81,700 28,700 103,600 109,900 54,500 49,300 32,700 111,900 114,700

Jan 1993

432,000 145,300 82,100 28,800 105,800 109,300 54,900 49,200 33,400 112,200 114,900

Feb 1993

433,500 146,000 82,400 29,000 102,600 109,100 55,100 49,200 33,000 112,300 115,000

Mar 1993

433,200 146,500 82,600 29,200 97,700 109,000 55,200 49,300 33,100 112,200 115,000

Apr 1993

432,900 146,900 82,800 29,100 99,600 109,300 55,400 49,500 33,400 112,900 115,800

May 1993

433,500 147,800 82,900 29,100 99,600 108,800 55,400 49,600 33,500 112,900 115,500

Jun 1993

433,500 148,300 83,200 29,000 100,400 109,000 55,800 49,500 33,400 113,200 115,000

Jul 1993

433,300 148,700 82,900 28,800 100,700 109,200 55,800 49,800 33,700 113,400 115,700

Aug 1993

433,700 149,300 82,400 28,700 103,300 109,500 55,900 49,900 34,100 113,500 115,500

Sep 1993

433,100 150,100 82,200 28,400 103,700 109,500 56,200 49,800 34,000 112,700 115,300

Oct 1993

431,800 150,700 82,000 28,200 105,200 109,200 56,600 49,800 33,900 112,900 115,600

Nov 1993

431,500 151,400 81,900 28,100 104,600 110,400 56,900 50,200 34,200 112,400 115,600

Dec 1993

431,300 152,000 82,100 28,400 108,500 110,400 57,400 50,400 34,500 112,400 115,800

Jan 1994

431,100 152,500 83,100 28,600 108,400 111,100 57,300 50,700 34,800 112,900 116,300

Feb 1994

430,600 153,400 82,700 28,500 110,700 110,900 57,700 51,300 34,900 112,800 116,600

Mar 1994

431,000 153,800 82,800 28,800 112,400 111,200 58,200 51,800 34,800 113,000 116,800

Apr 1994

430,800 153,700 83,300 29,000 114,300 111,500 58,500 51,400 35,000 112,300 117,000

May 1994

430,800 153,500 83,600 29,200 111,900 111,000 59,000 51,900 35,100 112,400 117,100

Jun 1994

430,800 152,700 84,000 29,500 112,900 110,400 59,200 51,700 34,600 112,900 117,300

Jul 1994

430,700 153,300 84,200 29,800 111,800 110,400 59,500 51,500 34,900 112,600 117,800

Aug 1994

431,300 153,800 84,200 30,000 114,300 113,500 59,700 51,500 35,000 112,800 118,600

Sep 1994

430,400 153,200 83,900 30,400 112,800 112,800 59,800 51,500 34,800 113,400 118,800

Oct 1994

430,600 152,800 84,800 30,500 117,100 114,000 60,200 51,600 35,000 113,100 118,900

Nov 1994

427,000 152,900 84,800 30,900 122,800 113,700 60,700 51,900 34,800 113,100 119,500

Dec 1994

430,600 153,300 85,400 31,200 122,900 113,600 61,400 52,000 34,800 113,300 119,900

Jan 1995

431,300 151,300 85,400 31,500 124,500 115,200 61,400 52,400 34,200 112,700 119,200

Feb 1995

432,000 151,700 85,300 31,800 132,900 114,100 61,900 52,300 34,400 112,600 120,200

Mar 1995

431,900 151,700 85,300 32,000 132,200 112,900 62,300 52,400 34,100 113,000 121,000

Apr 1995

431,700 151,500 85,500 32,400 138,200 114,100 62,800 52,700 33,900 112,400 120,600

May 1995

430,400 150,900 85,600 32,800 135,200 115,900 63,200 53,000 34,000 112,600 121,300

Jun 1995

430,100 150,600 85,500 33,300 132,900 116,900 63,400 53,300 33,900 112,400 121,500

Jul 1995

430,100 150,500 86,400 33,700 135,400 119,800 63,800 52,800 33,800 111,700 121,900

Aug 1995

427,600 150,700 86,100 34,100 135,600 118,500 64,200 52,900 33,900 112,700 122,600

Sep 1995

427,900 150,600 85,600 34,700 138,600 119,000 64,600 53,200 34,000 112,600 122,700

Oct 1995

428,300 151,000 85,600 35,300 139,900 118,800 65,200 53,200 34,200 112,300 123,300

Nov 1995

427,800 150,900 85,200 35,900 140,000 118,800 65,900 53,400 34,200 112,200 123,600

Dec 1995

427,600 151,200 86,200 36,400 140,400 118,800 66,400 53,200 34,000 112,500 124,200

Jan 1996

424,900 151,500 86,400 36,800 144,600 118,800 67,200 53,700 34,100 112,700 124,800

Feb 1996

425,500 151,500 86,600 37,500 144,400 118,700 67,600 54,200 34,200 112,600 125,200

Mar 1996

425,200 151,500 87,000 38,100 148,100 119,300 67,900 54,100 34,400 112,500 125,600

Apr 1996

424,900 151,600 86,900 38,500 150,400 119,500 68,400 53,900 34,100 112,800 126,200

May 1996

424,200 152,200 87,300 38,900 151,600 120,900 69,100 54,100 34,000 112,500 126,200

Jun 1996

424,100 152,500 87,400 39,300 151,100 122,000 69,800 54,100 34,200 112,700 126,600

Jul 1996

423,500 153,100 87,200 39,800 152,700 123,400 70,600 54,400 34,200 112,800 126,600

Aug 1996

422,400 153,400 87,800 40,300 150,300 122,400 70,900 54,700 34,400 112,300 127,100

Sep 1996

422,300 153,600 88,100 40,700 152,700 122,900 71,200 54,600 34,600 112,400 127,400

Oct 1996

423,400 153,200 88,500 41,200 152,700 123,600 71,500 54,800 34,300 113,100 127,600

Nov 1996

420,400 153,800 88,600 41,400 151,400 124,700 71,500 54,900 34,800 112,700 127,500

Dec 1996

421,100 153,800 88,600 41,900 150,900 126,000 70,800 54,600 34,700 112,500 128,000

Jan 1997

421,200 154,400 88,400 42,300 153,400 126,200 71,700 54,500 34,800 112,200 128,100

Feb 1997

421,000 154,500 88,900 42,900 152,400 128,800 71,900 54,600 34,700 112,800 127,800

Mar 1997

421,300 155,100 89,300 43,400 152,900 129,100 71,800 55,100 35,100 113,800 126,800

Apr 1997

422,900 156,100 89,400 44,100 154,200 128,500 72,400 55,300 35,200 113,200 127,900

May 1997

424,000 155,900 89,500 44,600 155,400 130,100 71,300 55,600 35,400 113,100 128,500

Jun 1997

424,300 156,300 91,100 45,300 158,700 130,800 71,400 55,900 35,500 112,700 128,000

Jul 1997

424,500 156,800 89,700 45,600 160,900 132,000 70,900 56,300 35,800 112,900 128,700

Aug 1997

425,100 156,700 88,900 46,200 164,300 132,100 71,300 56,300 35,600 112,400 127,700

Sep 1997

424,700 156,700 89,000 46,600 164,500 132,900 71,100 56,400 35,300 113,400 128,100

Oct 1997

424,700 157,100 88,600 47,000 163,400 133,500 71,700 56,600 36,100 113,700 129,000

Nov 1997

425,100 156,700 88,900 47,800 164,200 134,000 71,500 56,600 36,100 114,500 129,400

Dec 1997

424,400 158,000 88,600 48,300 167,500 135,000 71,000 56,900 36,500 114,300 128,800

Jan 1998

426,000 158,000 88,900 49,000 164,900 136,100 72,100 56,800 36,400 114,200 129,200

Feb 1998

426,600 158,500 88,400 49,700 171,100 136,800 72,500 56,900 36,400 114,200 129,500

Mar 1998

425,500 159,100 88,400 50,100 169,300 137,200 73,500 56,800 36,300 113,800 130,200

Apr 1998

426,500 159,600 88,700 51,200 169,200 137,300 74,000 57,000 36,500 114,600 130,600

May 1998

425,900 160,000 89,000 51,900 170,100 136,000 74,600 56,700 36,300 115,000 131,100

Jun 1998

426,000 160,800 89,200 53,100 165,200 132,500 75,000 56,800 36,300 115,300 131,800

Jul 1998

424,900 161,700 89,000 54,100 171,300 134,500 76,200 56,600 36,300 115,000 131,600

Aug 1998

425,000 161,300 89,300 55,300 172,800 134,400 76,800 56,400 35,900 115,100 131,900

Sep 1998

424,700 161,300 88,500 56,300 173,600 135,900 77,800 56,500 35,900 115,300 132,600

Oct 1998

424,700 161,700 88,300 57,600 174,800 135,500 77,400 56,400 35,800 115,800 131,600

Nov 1998

424,900 162,600 87,800 58,700 176,700 134,400 78,100 56,700 35,800 116,000 129,100

Dec 1998

424,100 162,900 87,700 60,200 178,200 133,700 78,400 56,800 35,600 115,800 129,200

Jan 1999

423,600 163,600 87,800 61,600 172,700 135,400 79,400 56,800 35,300 115,900 130,300

Feb 1999

423,300 164,400 87,700 62,800 179,200 135,000 79,900 56,900 35,300 116,000 130,100

Mar 1999

423,700 164,900 87,100 63,800 178,000 136,100 80,500 56,500 35,200 115,800 129,500

Apr 1999

423,400 165,100 86,100 67,400 182,200 136,400 80,500 56,300 34,800 115,600 130,900

May 1999

424,200 165,300 86,400 71,500 184,700 141,200 80,900 56,800 35,300 115,800 131,800

Jun 1999

424,000 165,100 86,400 74,600 185,600 139,700 81,600 57,200 35,500 115,200 131,600

Jul 1999

424,800 165,500 87,200 79,000 185,300 139,000 81,700 57,100 35,200 115,400 132,400

Aug 1999

424,600 166,900 87,400 83,200 184,900 137,700 82,300 57,400 35,400 115,400 132,700

Sep 1999

425,400 167,700 87,700 87,200 184,900 140,500 82,500 57,400 35,400 115,800 132,900

Oct 1999

425,400 168,500 87,700 91,500 184,300 141,900 83,300 56,500 35,200 115,900 133,300

Nov 1999

424,900 168,300 87,500 95,400 182,100 141,500 83,900 57,100 34,900 115,700 133,600

Dec 1999

424,900 167,900 87,400 99,300 180,600 142,500 84,500 57,400 34,400 116,000 134,000

Jan 2000

424,900 169,000 87,500 103,400 179,900 139,900 86,000 57,700 34,500 116,700 135,300

Feb 2000

424,500 169,400 87,600 107,500 179,500 140,000 86,700 58,300 34,700 116,700 136,300

Mar 2000

424,400 169,400 88,100 111,300 181,800 139,000 86,800 58,300 34,700 117,000 136,300

Apr 2000

424,000 170,100 88,100 112,400 181,600 139,200 88,400 57,700 34,600 117,100 136,800

May 2000

423,500 169,600 88,000 111,600 180,900 139,300 89,800 57,600 34,300 117,200 135,400

Jun 2000

423,100 171,200 88,300 112,200 182,300 138,400 90,500 58,900 34,900 117,800 135,200

Jul 2000

423,200 171,900 87,600 112,300 184,500 138,500 92,000 57,900 35,000 118,300 135,200

Aug 2000

422,600 171,100 87,200 111,800 184,600 137,600 92,500 58,000 35,200 117,500 135,600

Sep 2000

421,000 171,000 88,200 112,200 182,600 135,500 93,200 58,000 35,200 116,700 136,800

Oct 2000

419,900 170,800 88,500 111,500 181,800 133,300 93,300 58,500 35,100 116,200 136,800

Nov 2000

420,200 170,600 89,400 112,400 179,900 131,200 94,000 58,600 34,900 115,600 136,900

Dec 2000

419,200 170,500 89,600 112,100 182,900 132,200 95,200 58,400 34,700 112,900 137,200

Jan 2001

419,100 170,400 88,800 112,300 185,900 134,100 95,600 59,300 34,600 114,200 137,000

Feb 2001

417,000 170,600 87,700 110,700 189,400 134,500 96,100 57,900 34,300 114,500 136,700

Mar 2001

414,300 169,900 88,000 110,500 189,600 133,700 95,700 58,400 34,300 114,500 136,200

Apr 2001

412,000 168,700 87,900 107,300 174,700 134,300 96,200 58,300 33,900 114,800 135,500

May 2001

410,500 169,300 88,400 104,600 174,200 130,900 96,000 58,100 33,700 114,300 135,100

Jun 2001

408,300 168,500 88,400 101,800 179,000 130,600 95,700 57,400 33,300 114,100 135,000

Jul 2001

404,200 167,400 88,200 99,700 179,400 131,500 94,400 56,700 33,400 114,700 134,900

Aug 2001

403,400 166,600 87,300 96,700 180,200 132,400 95,300 55,800 33,200 115,400 134,500

Sep 2001

401,000 166,300 86,700 94,500 179,700 131,600 95,400 55,100 33,000 114,400 132,300

Oct 2001

399,700 165,200 85,800 91,300 176,300 131,300 95,100 54,600 32,700 113,800 132,900

Nov 2001

397,300 163,900 85,500 88,900 177,200 133,800 95,500 53,700 32,700 114,000 132,500

Dec 2001

395,800 162,900 85,600 86,900 186,900 135,600 95,200 53,200 32,700 113,500 132,100

Jan 2002

393,500 162,200 85,400 84,100 189,400 132,200 94,300 52,900 32,700 112,600 132,800

Feb 2002

391,100 159,600 85,800 82,000 190,000 134,100 93,100 53,000 32,400 111,600 131,800

Mar 2002

389,700 158,100 85,300 80,100 194,800 136,800 93,600 52,300 31,700 111,600 131,100

Apr 2002

389,100 156,100 85,200 78,400 195,300 136,800 91,900 52,400 31,600 110,400 131,100

May 2002

388,100 155,900 84,100 77,400 192,200 138,800 92,400 52,000 31,100 110,800 130,800

Jun 2002

388,200 154,600 83,400 76,600 194,200 138,700 92,800 52,000 30,200 111,200 130,900

Jul 2002

387,700 153,900 83,300 75,100 189,700 138,700 91,800 51,800 31,000 110,200 130,800

Aug 2002

387,800 153,000 83,000 74,600 194,800 138,500 91,700 52,100 31,000 110,800 129,800

Sep 2002

387,900 151,700 82,400 73,100 191,500 137,800 91,500 53,100 31,000 110,900 128,000

Oct 2002

387,600 151,000 81,700 72,800 196,700 140,000 93,400 52,600 31,200 110,600 127,100

Nov 2002

388,300 150,700 80,800 71,000 195,100 140,300 93,600 52,300 31,100 110,000 128,100

Dec 2002

388,300 150,200 79,800 69,500 184,700 140,300 93,300 53,800 31,000 111,300 127,600

Jan 2003

385,500 150,200 78,300 69,100 188,000 137,900 88,700 50,400 31,200 112,500 128,300

Feb 2003

386,000 150,100 79,100 68,500 177,800 138,500 86,900 49,000 31,100 111,900 128,100

Mar 2003

385,500 150,500 78,400 68,400 180,200 137,000 87,400 48,900 32,000 110,900 128,600

Apr 2003

384,100 150,300 78,500 67,600 180,900 134,300 87,600 48,500 30,100 110,600 128,200

May 2003

383,200 148,600 78,900 66,600 181,300 136,800 87,000 48,200 29,800 109,900 128,100

Jun 2003

381,600 148,200 78,100 67,000 181,500 138,600 86,100 48,100 29,500 110,000 127,600

Jul 2003

380,600 147,000 77,500 67,800 185,100 138,800 85,600 48,700 29,300 110,100 127,300

Aug 2003

379,200 147,600 78,100 67,300 181,400 138,500 84,700 48,100 28,800 109,900 126,600

Sep 2003

378,800 147,000 79,200 66,800 184,900 140,700 84,900 45,900 29,100 110,100 127,200

Oct 2003

378,500 146,500 79,700 66,200 183,000 141,500 84,600 45,900 29,200 109,900 127,200

Nov 2003

377,300 146,100 79,900 65,900 188,100 143,100 83,400 46,400 29,100 111,000 127,500

Dec 2003

377,200 145,000 80,300 65,400 192,700 141,100 83,400 47,500 28,800 110,600 128,000

Jan 2004

377,800 143,700 80,500 65,500 191,200 140,600 85,200 47,200 28,700 110,600 127,600

Feb 2004

377,500 142,500 79,600 66,300 197,700 139,000 85,900 47,200 27,800 110,700 127,800

Mar 2004

376,600 141,100 80,700 65,800 194,000 136,200 85,400 47,600 28,900 111,700 127,400

Apr 2004

377,500 141,000 81,400 65,800 190,400 136,600 85,600 47,300 28,600 111,500 127,700

May 2004

376,900 140,200 82,000 66,000 202,200 136,100 85,400 47,100 28,400 112,100 128,700

Jun 2004

377,000 140,500 82,300 66,900 202,800 137,400 85,200 46,900 28,600 111,600 128,400

Jul 2004

375,700 140,400 82,300 66,200 198,300 139,200 85,200 47,100 28,100 111,900 128,100

Aug 2004

375,100 140,000 82,400 65,800 190,200 139,400 85,600 47,100 27,700 111,500 128,000

Sep 2004

374,400 140,400 82,400 65,400 190,400 138,500 86,100 46,500 27,400 111,300 127,900

Oct 2004

372,800 141,100 83,700 66,200 198,600 139,100 85,700 46,000 27,800 112,000 128,400

Nov 2004

373,700 140,600 83,000 66,200 194,600 136,600 85,500 46,200 27,800 112,000 128,500

Dec 2004

371,600 140,800 82,500 66,200 189,700 135,500 86,300 45,700 28,200 112,400 127,800

Jan 2005

369,700 140,900 82,400 66,600 183,200 136,200 86,800 44,400 28,400 114,000 127,100

Feb 2005

370,600 141,900 82,300 65,800 179,200 135,600 86,800 45,500 28,400 112,500 127,000

Mar 2005

370,900 141,600 82,400 65,900 184,700 135,300 87,400 45,200 27,900 111,400 127,500

Apr 2005

370,200 140,800 81,900 66,200 194,300 135,200 87,800 44,700 28,600 110,600 127,700

May 2005

370,600 141,200 81,800 66,400 195,500 135,800 88,600 44,600 28,200 110,000 127,200

Jun 2005

369,700 141,100 82,400 66,600 192,100 134,100 90,100 44,100 28,000 110,700 127,100

Jul 2005

370,700 141,400 83,800 66,700 197,800 131,900 90,300 44,100 28,100 111,500 127,700

Aug 2005

371,000 142,000 82,500 67,200 201,700 130,900 90,500 43,800 28,100 111,300 128,700

Sep 2005

370,300 142,100 82,200 68,100 208,100 131,900 89,600 43,900 27,900 110,900 127,700

Oct 2005

369,900 140,900 81,900 68,200 200,500 130,300 89,700 43,800 27,400 111,500 128,200

Nov 2005

368,000 142,000 81,900 68,800 200,600 131,900 91,000 43,300 27,600 110,200 127,000

Dec 2005

367,200 142,400 82,500 69,400 201,500 133,000 90,200 43,800 27,500 110,300 126,800

Jan 2006

364,900 142,200 82,200 69,300 204,700 134,600 89,400 44,300 27,400 110,900 126,300

Feb 2006

365,200 142,400 82,200 70,500 200,500 133,900 90,500 44,300 27,300 110,900 126,400

Mar 2006

364,900 143,600 82,800 70,600 198,600 134,100 90,400 44,500 26,600 111,800 126,100

Apr 2006

363,600 144,100 83,000 70,500 190,000 134,200 90,200 45,500 27,600 113,200 126,100

May 2006

361,000 144,700 82,400 70,100 188,100 133,400 89,900 45,300 27,600 113,700 126,300

Jun 2006

359,600 142,700 82,100 69,100 191,200 133,100 89,400 45,500 27,700 112,800 126,900

Jul 2006

357,400 145,300 82,100 67,600 189,100 135,700 90,300 45,100 27,500 111,900 126,800

Aug 2006

357,300 146,100 82,200 68,500 191,300 133,300 89,900 44,600 27,200 112,100 126,700

Sep 2006

356,800 144,100 82,500 68,200 189,300 130,700 89,500 44,400 27,000 112,000 126,700

Oct 2006

356,100 143,500 82,700 68,100 188,100 132,400 89,800 44,700 26,600 110,300 126,600

Nov 2006

354,800 144,500 82,400 68,200 188,000 133,700 89,900 44,500 26,600 109,600 126,800

Dec 2006

354,100 144,700 82,600 68,500 194,300 134,300 91,000 44,600 26,400 110,600 127,200

Jan 2007

353,000 145,000 82,800 68,200 195,200 134,200 89,200 44,900 26,500 110,600 127,300

Feb 2007

352,400 145,400 82,900 68,100 196,900 133,200 90,600 45,700 26,900 110,900 126,800

Mar 2007

351,200 144,700 82,000 68,800 196,300 132,400 90,800 46,200 27,000 110,700 125,400

Apr 2007

349,200 144,800 81,700 70,500 197,100 136,000 90,900 46,200 27,000 111,100 125,600

May 2007

348,300 145,600 82,100 72,100 195,000 139,900 90,400 46,300 27,400 110,700 125,500

Jun 2007

348,400 145,100 81,600 73,000 195,900 138,100 90,100 46,200 27,100 110,400 125,300

Jul 2007

347,500 143,400 81,600 73,800 196,400 135,900 89,100 46,300 27,300 109,600 125,700

Aug 2007

345,900 143,100 81,200 74,600 196,800 132,600 88,200 46,800 27,000 109,100 127,400

Sep 2007

342,500 142,900 80,600 75,900 202,400 132,500 87,200 46,800 26,800 109,900 127,900

Oct 2007

342,600 143,400 80,400 76,400 197,200 134,000 86,000 46,700 26,800 109,700 126,700

Nov 2007

341,900 143,100 80,400 76,600 199,000 132,200 84,800 47,000 26,800 110,100 126,500

Dec 2007

339,400 142,800 79,300 76,700 201,500 132,300 84,300 47,000 26,800 108,900 126,600

Jan 2008

339,800 143,800 80,400 77,900 200,500 131,000 84,700 47,200 26,400 109,400 126,100

Feb 2008

337,400 143,600 80,700 79,500 196,700 133,100 83,400 46,400 26,100 109,300 126,300

Mar 2008

334,800 143,200 81,100 80,500 203,500 130,600 83,100 46,000 27,000 108,700 126,800

Apr 2008

333,700 143,600 81,000 79,900 201,700 129,700 83,200 45,200 26,400 107,500 127,000

May 2008

330,900 143,500 80,800 79,600 202,500 128,600 83,700 45,500 25,500 108,600 126,900

Jun 2008

328,000 143,000 81,000 79,800 201,300 128,400 84,300 45,200 24,800 108,700 126,200

Jul 2008

324,500 142,200 80,700 80,600 194,500 128,900 84,800 44,800 24,600 108,800 126,100

Aug 2008

320,500 141,400 80,800 80,900 186,200 131,000 85,800 44,000 24,800 107,900 125,200

Sep 2008

316,100 139,800 81,200 80,900 185,300 131,600 86,600 44,400 25,000 105,700 124,100

Oct 2008

312,100 139,400 82,100 81,400 185,600 132,700 87,500 43,900 24,700 105,500 125,000

Nov 2008

308,000 137,400 80,800 81,900 182,300 132,600 88,200 44,100 24,200 104,900 125,000

Dec 2008

304,300 135,500 80,200 83,200 178,900 131,900 88,900 42,700 23,800 103,300 123,500

Jan 2009

298,500 130,200 79,900 82,800 180,700 132,300 88,000 41,500 23,000 102,900 122,800

Feb 2009

293,900 131,000 79,100 82,500 182,700 133,400 87,200 40,800 22,500 100,400 122,100

Mar 2009

289,200 129,200 78,500 83,000 182,500 134,600 86,600 40,400 23,200 99,100 121,300

Apr 2009

284,500 126,600 77,900 82,100 178,100 134,300 85,100 40,400 23,000 98,300 120,500

May 2009

279,000 125,100 77,300 82,800 173,200 133,000 85,400 39,500 22,800 97,600 119,500

Jun 2009

274,700 123,700 76,000 82,900 177,300 132,400 84,900 39,400 22,800 96,500 118,800

Jul 2009

270,800 122,200 76,600 82,100 176,600 132,900 84,500 38,900 22,200 95,700 117,500

Aug 2009

268,400 121,000 75,900 81,600 178,300 133,100 83,900 38,500 21,700 95,000 116,600

Sep 2009

269,300 120,500 75,100 83,300 186,100 132,500 85,000 37,700 21,900 94,500 115,300

Oct 2009

265,000 119,400 74,300 84,700 191,200 131,700 84,800 37,300 21,600 95,000 115,100

Nov 2009

263,600 119,300 74,800 85,600 191,700 129,100 85,300 36,700 22,200 93,900 114,900

Dec 2009

262,600 119,100 75,400 85,800 188,700 129,800 84,600 36,400 22,100 93,800 115,500

Jan 2010

260,800 121,500 73,800 86,700 191,300 131,600 84,500 36,000 22,100 92,600 116,500

Feb 2010

258,000 117,900 73,700 87,700 201,200 132,200 84,300 35,500 22,000 92,600 117,100

Mar 2010

256,800 117,500 73,700 88,100 193,500 130,900 83,700 35,400 21,300 92,600 117,500

Apr 2010

255,800 117,500 73,600 88,900 196,800 132,200 83,300 34,100 20,900 92,000 117,400

May 2010

255,800 116,800 73,200 89,800 198,400 130,500 81,700 34,400 21,000 91,900 117,500

Jun 2010

255,000 116,200 72,900 91,400 191,600 129,700 81,200 34,200 20,700 91,700 117,100

Jul 2010

254,000 115,900 72,600 92,700 201,300 129,200 80,700 34,500 20,900 92,100 117,600

Aug 2010

252,400 116,200 72,700 94,200 201,900 128,300 79,700 34,500 21,000 92,700 117,600

Sep 2010

250,900 115,200 72,500 94,700 199,100 128,500 78,800 34,400 20,400 92,900 117,700

Oct 2010

249,400 114,100 72,200 94,900 204,500 126,600 77,600 34,300 20,200 93,500 117,500

Nov 2010

248,300 113,600 72,500 96,700 198,200 126,100 76,700 34,500 19,800 93,200 117,900

Dec 2010

246,800 112,800 72,200 97,400 196,400 125,500 75,900 33,900 19,500 93,300 116,600

Jan 2011

246,700 112,800 72,400 99,800 197,800 123,700 74,800 33,800 19,600 93,000 117,500

Feb 2011

245,900 114,100 72,600 100,600 193,900 122,600 74,400 33,300 19,400 93,600 116,300

Mar 2011

244,900 113,900 72,200 101,000 196,800 122,000 73,900 32,700 18,900 92,900 115,300

Apr 2011

244,300 112,900 72,700 105,300 196,300 120,900 74,100 33,400 18,900 92,600 115,500

May 2011

243,000 111,900 72,900 107,300 199,200 122,600 73,900 32,900 18,700 92,200 115,800

Jun 2011

241,800 113,200 73,200 110,800 201,200 121,900 73,900 32,500 18,600 92,700 115,800

Jul 2011

240,800 113,200 73,900 112,600 194,700 122,700 73,700 31,900 18,200 93,000 116,600

Aug 2011

240,200 113,200 73,100 113,300 198,600 121,800 73,800 31,400 18,300 92,500 117,000

Sep 2011

237,900 112,900 72,600 114,400 201,500 121,100 73,400 31,400 18,400 92,800 117,800

Oct 2011

236,400 113,400 72,500 115,700 201,900 124,200 73,300 31,200 18,300 92,600 118,200

Nov 2011

235,200 112,800 71,800 116,200 200,300 122,100 72,600 30,600 18,000 92,200 118,200

Dec 2011

233,200 112,500 71,800 118,100 202,300 122,400 73,200 30,900 17,400 91,800 119,200

Jan 2012

230,600 111,700 71,700 118,800 191,500 123,000 73,800 30,600 16,500 92,200 119,000

Feb 2012

229,200 111,800 71,100 119,900 201,500 122,800 71,900 30,500 16,600 92,100 119,700

Mar 2012

228,300 111,500 70,900 121,300 195,300 124,200 74,000 30,300 16,700 92,200 120,800

Apr 2012

227,300 111,600 71,000 122,200 202,700 124,900 73,600 30,200 16,300 93,000 120,400

May 2012

226,300 111,600 70,400 123,500 207,800 125,300 74,400 30,300 16,300 92,600 120,800

Jun 2012

224,800 110,200 71,000 123,600 198,400 126,000 73,700 29,800 16,100 90,900 121,200

Jul 2012

223,900 110,600 71,300 124,900 201,800 125,900 73,300 29,600 16,800 90,500 120,800

Aug 2012

223,300 110,200 70,800 125,700 200,300 126,000 72,600 29,400 16,900 89,700 120,800

Sep 2012

222,200 109,800 71,200 128,200 191,700 125,700 72,600 29,300 16,400 89,400 121,700

Oct 2012

221,800 109,200 70,800 129,600 187,200 127,700 72,900 29,000 16,600 89,100 121,100

Nov 2012

219,500 108,600 70,300 131,600 193,200 128,700 73,000 29,100 16,400 89,700 120,900

Dec 2012

218,800 107,700 70,300 134,200 191,000 128,100 72,800 28,800 15,900 90,600 121,900

Jan 2013

218,200 108,200 69,500 134,100 168,500 128,500 72,800 28,400 16,500 91,000 122,000

Feb 2013

218,000 108,000 69,500 135,600 206,700 127,000 73,300 28,700 16,800 90,600 121,600

Mar 2013

217,500 108,000 68,700 136,800 202,600 127,900 72,600 28,800 16,600 90,600 121,900

Apr 2013

216,000 107,700 71,100 138,600 198,600 128,000 72,200 28,200 16,200 90,000 123,200

May 2013

214,500 107,100 70,900 140,700 205,600 130,200 70,400 28,200 15,700 89,500 123,500

Jun 2013

213,300 106,300 67,900 140,900 204,700 130,100 69,500 28,200 15,700 90,100 124,000

Jul 2013

212,600 106,600 67,600 143,100 215,900 129,700 68,000 28,100 15,600 90,000 124,200

Aug 2013

211,400 106,900 67,600 145,300 183,200 130,800 67,400 28,100 15,200 90,300 124,700

Sep 2013

209,900 107,300 67,000 145,600 196,500 131,200 66,500 28,000 15,500 90,700 125,000

Oct 2013

209,700 107,700 66,900 148,900 206,200 129,900 65,700 27,900 15,500 91,200 126,700

Nov 2013

209,500 107,400 66,700 148,900 217,500 129,700 64,900 27,700 15,500 90,600 127,900

Dec 2013

208,100 107,500 66,800 149,700 208,500 130,300 64,600 27,600 15,800 90,000 127,100

Jan 2014

207,300 106,700 66,600 152,000 213,000 129,000 63,800 27,800 15,700 89,800 128,200

Feb 2014

205,800 105,400 65,900 153,800 203,100 129,600 63,200 28,000 15,200 89,800 128,900

Mar 2014

204,900 104,600 66,200 155,400 209,200 130,900 62,400 27,000 15,600 90,100 129,000

Apr 2014

203,700 104,100 65,200 157,400 207,200 128,800 62,200 26,900 16,100 90,700 129,100

May 2014

202,700 103,700 65,400 159,000 201,000 128,200 62,400 25,800 16,400 91,000 129,300

Jun 2014

202,200 103,600 65,200 161,700 202,600 129,500 62,400 25,200 15,700 90,800 130,800

Jul 2014

201,100 103,000 64,800 164,100 205,800 129,500 63,200 25,400 15,200 90,100 131,400

Aug 2014

200,600 102,100 64,700 166,900 209,300 128,800 62,700 25,600 15,200 91,000 133,600

Sep 2014

200,700 100,900 64,400 169,300 206,900 128,200 62,700 24,900 14,800 90,300 130,700

Oct 2014

199,800 100,600 64,600 170,900 208,700 129,700 62,100 24,300 14,800 88,400 130,300

Nov 2014

198,700 101,700 64,800 172,900 210,700 131,100 61,900 23,400 15,000 87,300 131,000

Dec 2014

198,000 101,100 64,100 175,100 215,700 132,200 63,500 23,400 15,300 86,700 130,800

Jan 2015

196,500 100,500 64,600 178,100 209,800 133,600 61,500 23,400 16,000 87,700 130,400

Feb 2015

196,100 100,100 64,700 178,900 215,600 135,100 61,400 22,900 15,600 87,800 130,200

Mar 2015

194,700 100,300 64,400 180,300 215,600 134,000 61,700 22,800 15,600 87,400 130,700

Apr 2015

193,800 100,000 64,300 181,100 217,900 134,800 61,700 22,400 15,600 88,000 130,600

May 2015

194,300 99,500 64,000 181,000 218,100 133,400 62,300 22,400 16,000 87,100 130,300

Jun 2015

192,800 99,400 63,600 183,900 222,800 133,000 61,800 22,500 16,200 86,800 129,800

Jul 2015

190,900 98,700 63,300 185,500 222,400 134,100 62,100 22,600 16,200 87,000 130,200

Aug 2015

189,100 97,600 63,000 186,300 222,600 133,800 62,400 22,400 16,200 86,400 129,700

Sep 2015

188,100 97,900 63,500 187,100 230,400 133,800 62,400 22,100 16,200 86,400 130,400

Oct 2015

187,000 97,000 62,300 188,700 233,500 135,600 62,900 22,000 16,000 86,600 129,000

Nov 2015

187,700 96,300 62,400 190,300 215,200 137,200 62,700 22,000 15,400 87,300 128,500

Dec 2015

185,900 96,000 62,200 192,000 224,600 140,300 63,200 22,100 15,500 88,000 129,100

Jan 2016

184,800 96,600 62,100 193,500 224,000 139,700 63,700 22,100 15,600 86,000 129,600

Feb 2016

184,900 94,900 61,600 196,900 234,100 139,700 63,900 22,400 15,700 86,400 130,200

Mar 2016 (p)

183,200 93,600 61,500 197,800 239,300 138,200 63,800 22,200 15,600 86,800 130,400

(p) Preliminary.

Two other industries similarly affected by the digital age and the advent of the Internet are radio broadcasting, where employment declined from January 1990 to March 2016 by about 27 percent, and motion picture and video production, where employment rose from about 92,000 to 239,000 over the same period, an increase of nearly 162 percent.

These data are from the Current Employment Statistics program. Data for the most recent month are preliminary. All data shown are seasonally adjusted.


Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, The Economics Daily, Employment trends in newspaper publishing and other media, 1990–2016 at (visited February 15, 2025).

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