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In the third quarter of 2015, firms with 1 to 49 employees had a net employment gain of 97,000, resulting from a gain of 3.0 million jobs and a loss of 2.9 million. Firms with 50 to 249 employees had a net employment gain of 66,000, the difference between a gain of roughly 1.0 million and a loss of slightly less than that number. In firms with 250 or more employees, a gain of 1.8 million was offset by a loss of 1.6 million, resulting in a net employment gain of 231,000.
Category | 3 months ended September 2015 |
Total private sector by firm size(1) |
Job gains |
5,885,000 |
Job losses |
5,491,000 |
Net employment change |
394,000 |
Firm size 1 to 49 employees |
Job gains |
3,009,000 |
Job losses |
2,912,000 |
Net employment change |
97,000 |
Firm size 50 to 249 employees |
Job gains |
1,044,000 |
Job losses |
978,000 |
Net employment change |
66,000 |
Firm size 250 or more employees |
Job gains |
1,832,000 |
Job losses |
1,601,000 |
Net employment change |
231,000 |
Footnotes: (1) Job gains and job losses by firm are lower than job gains and job losses by establishment, as some establishment gains and losses within a firm are offset during the aggregation process. |
Of the 394,000 jobs created from June to September 2015, firms with 1 to 49 employees contributed 25 percent of job growth, while firms with 50 to 249 employees contributed 17 percent, and firms with 250 or more employees contributed 59 percent.
These data are from the Business Employment Dynamics program. To learn more, see "Business Employment Dynamics — Third Quarter 2015" (HTML) (PDF). Job gains and job losses by firm are lower than job gains and job losses by establishment, as some establishment gains and losses within a firm are offset during the aggregation process.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, The Economics Daily, Gain of 231,000 jobs at firms with 250 or more employees in third quarter of 2015 at https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2016/gain-of-231000-jobs-at-firms-with-250-or-more-employees-in-third-quarter-of-2015.htm (visited February 11, 2025).