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Median usual weekly earnings of full-time wage and salary workers were $827 in the third quarter of 2016. Among the major race and ethnicity groups, median weekly earnings were lower for Hispanics ($632) and Blacks ($685) than they were for Whites ($854) and Asians ($1,010).
Characteristic | Median usual weekly earnings (in $) |
Total, all races and ethnicities |
$827 |
Women, 16 to 24 years |
480 |
Women, 25 to 54 years |
782 |
Women, 55 years and over |
793 |
Men, 16 to 24 years |
510 |
Men, 25 to 54 years |
943 |
Men, 55 years and over |
1,095 |
Hispanic or Latino |
632 |
Women, 16 to 24 years |
476 |
Women, 25 to 54 years |
611 |
Women, 55 years and over |
696 |
Men, 16 to 24 years |
496 |
Men, 25 to 54 years |
697 |
Men, 55 years and over |
716 |
Black or African American |
685 |
Women, 16 to 24 years |
400 |
Women, 25 to 54 years |
686 |
Women, 55 years and over |
666 |
Men, 16 to 24 years |
448 |
Men, 25 to 54 years |
751 |
Men, 55 years and over |
844 |
White |
854 |
Women, 16 to 24 years |
489 |
Women, 25 to 54 years |
799 |
Women, 55 years and over |
820 |
Men, 16 to 24 years |
517 |
Men, 25 to 54 years |
964 |
Men, 55 years and over |
1,134 |
Asian |
1,010 |
Women, 16 to 24 years |
554 |
Women, 25 to 54 years |
976 |
Women, 55 years and over |
714 |
Men, 16 to 24 years |
591 |
Men, 25 to 54 years |
1,241 |
Men, 55 years and over |
1,101 |
Median weekly earnings of full-time workers also varied by age and sex. Among women (of any race or ethnicity), median weekly earnings were $480 for women age 16 to 24 years, compared with median weekly earnings of $782 for those age 25 to 54 and $793 for those 55 and over.
Among men, those age 16 to 24 had median weekly earnings of $510, while men 55 and over had median weekly earnings of $1,095—more than twice those of their younger counterparts.
These data are from the Current Population Survey. The median wage for any group divides that group into two halves such that everyone in one half earns less, and everyone in the other half earns more, than the median wage. People whose ethnicity is identified as Hispanic or Latino may be of any race. To learn more, see "Usual Weekly Earnings of Wage and Salary Workers: Third Quarter 2016" (HTML) (PDF).
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, The Economics Daily, Median weekly earnings of Asians were $1,010 during third quarter 2016 at https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2016/median-weekly-earnings-of-asians-were-1010-during-3rd-quarter-2016.htm (visited February 16, 2025).