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In 2018, 77 percent of U.S. private industry workers participated in medical care plans with two networks; 16 percent had plans with one network. Five percent participated in medical care plans with access to more than two networks.
Number of plan networks | Percent participating |
No network |
2% |
One network |
16 |
Two networks |
77 |
More than two networks |
5 |
Over 80 percent of workers in trade, transportation, and utilities; information; and financial activities participated in medical care plans with two networks. In education and health services, 54 percent of workers participated in medical care plans with two networks.
Industry | No network | One network | Two networks | More than two networks | Unpublished |
Trade, transportation, and utilities |
- | 14% | 84% | - | 2% |
Information |
- | - | 80 | - | 20 |
Financial activities |
- | 11 | 86 | - | 3 |
Education and health services |
- | 26 | 54 | - | 20 |
Educational services |
5 | 27 | 59 | 10 | - |
Health care and social assistance |
- | 26 | 53 | - | 21 |
Note: Dash means no data are available for this category. |
Workers who participate in medical care plans may have no network, one network, two networks, or more than two networks. A plan network may include private companies, university health systems, or health systems in the employee's place of work. Medical care plans with no network allow participants to obtain services at any location. Plans with one network allow participants to use a prescribed list of providers. Plans with two or more networks allow participants to obtain services at a reduced price from a list of providers or at a higher cost outside that list. Plans with two or more networks also may allow participants to use a preferred provider with the most generous coverage or other providers at lower costs.
These data are from the National Compensation Survey – Benefits program. For more information, see "Health Plan Provisions for Private Industry Workers in the United States, 2018" and "Employee Benefits in the United States, March 2018."
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, The Economics Daily, 77 percent of private industry workers in medical care plans with two networks in 2018 at (visited September 17, 2024).