An official website of the United States government
The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers increased 0.6 percent from June 2019 to June 2020, after falling 0.1 percent for the year ended in May.
Category | 12-month percent change |
All items |
0.6% |
Food |
4.5 |
Food at home |
5.6 |
Cereals and bakery products |
3.3 |
Meats, poultry, fish, and eggs |
12.8 |
Dairy and related products |
5.1 |
Fruits and vegetables |
2.3 |
Nonalcoholic beverages and beverage materials |
5.3 |
Other food at home |
3.4 |
Food away from home |
3.1 |
Full service meals and snacks |
2.7 |
Limited service meals and snacks |
4.1 |
Energy |
-12.6 |
Energy commodities |
-23.2 |
Fuel oil |
-29.9 |
Gasoline (all types) |
-23.4 |
Energy services |
0.1 |
Electricity |
0.1 |
Natural gas (piped) |
-0.2 |
All items less food and energy |
1.2 |
Commodities less food and energy commodities |
-1.1 |
Apparel |
-7.3 |
New vehicles |
-0.2 |
Used cars and trucks |
-2.8 |
Medical care commodities |
1.3 |
Alcoholic beverages |
2.2 |
Tobacco and smoking products |
5.1 |
Services less energy services |
1.9 |
Shelter |
2.4 |
Rent of primary residence |
3.2 |
Owners' equivalent rent of residences |
2.8 |
Medical care services |
6.0 |
Physicians' services |
2.1 |
Hospital services |
5.3 |
Transportation services |
-7.0 |
Motor vehicle maintenance and repair |
3.4 |
Motor vehicle insurance |
-10.1 |
Airline fare |
-27.2 |
For the year ended in June 2020, consumer prices for all items less food and energy increased 1.2 percent. Over that period, food prices increased 4.5 percent, prices for food at home rose 5.6 percent, and energy prices fell 12.6 percent.
These data are from the Consumer Price Index program and are not seasonally adjusted. To learn more, see "Consumer Price Index — June 2020." See the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Consumer Price Index data for June 2020. We also have more charts on consumer prices.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, The Economics Daily, Consumer prices increased 0.6 percent for the year ended June 2020 at https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2020/consumer-prices-increased-0-point-6-percent-for-the-year-ended-june-2020.htm (visited February 07, 2025).