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The national jobs openings rate was 4.5 percent (not seasonally adjusted) in September 2019. The job openings rate was 6.0 percent in Vermont, 5.9 percent in both Alaska and West Virginia, and 5.7 percent in North Carolina. In New Mexico and North Dakota, the job openings rate was 5.6 percent in September 2019.
State | Job openings rate | Number of job openings |
Alabama |
4.5% | 98,000 |
Alaska |
5.9 | 22,000 |
Arizona |
5.2 | 159,000 |
Arkansas |
5.1 | 69,000 |
California |
4.2 | 762,000 |
Colorado |
5.1 | 151,000 |
Connecticut |
3.9 | 70,000 |
Delaware |
4.7 | 22,000 |
District of Columbia |
3.7 | 31,000 |
Florida |
4.6 | 428,000 |
Georgia |
4.7 | 229,000 |
Hawaii |
4.5 | 30,000 |
Idaho |
4.9 | 39,000 |
Illinois |
4.2 | 269,000 |
Indiana |
4.8 | 160,000 |
Iowa |
4.6 | 77,000 |
Kansas |
5.2 | 78,000 |
Kentucky |
4.3 | 88,000 |
Louisiana |
4.5 | 95,000 |
Maine |
4.9 | 34,000 |
Maryland |
4.6 | 134,000 |
Massachusetts |
4.5 | 177,000 |
Michigan |
4.6 | 216,000 |
Minnesota |
4.4 | 137,000 |
Mississippi |
4.6 | 56,000 |
Missouri |
5.1 | 156,000 |
Montana |
5.3 | 28,000 |
Nebraska |
4.9 | 53,000 |
Nevada |
4.2 | 63,000 |
New Hampshire |
4.9 | 36,000 |
New Jersey |
4.4 | 194,000 |
New Mexico |
5.6 | 51,000 |
New York |
4.2 | 435,000 |
North Carolina |
5.7 | 277,000 |
North Dakota |
5.6 | 26,000 |
Ohio |
4.7 | 276,000 |
Oklahoma |
4.7 | 85,000 |
Oregon |
5.1 | 104,000 |
Pennsylvania |
4.5 | 290,000 |
Rhode Island |
5.2 | 28,000 |
South Carolina |
4.7 | 109,000 |
South Dakota |
4.9 | 23,000 |
Tennessee |
4.8 | 158,000 |
Texas |
4.4 | 591,000 |
Utah |
4.9 | 80,000 |
Vermont |
6.0 | 20,000 |
Virginia |
4.9 | 211,000 |
Washington |
4.6 | 171,000 |
West Virginia |
5.9 | 47,000 |
Wisconsin |
4.9 | 156,000 |
Wyoming |
5.5 | 17,000 |
The job openings rate was 3.7 percent in the District of Columbia and 3.9 percent in Connecticut. The job openings rate was 4.2 percent in California, Illinois, Nevada, and New York.
These data are from the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey and are not seasonally adjusted. State job openings data are experimental and subject to changes in estimation methods. To learn more, see "JOLTS Experimental State Estimates" and "Job openings and labor turnover trends for Northeastern states in 2018." Also see more charts based on job openings, hires, and separations data. The job openings rate is the number of job openings divided by the sum of job openings plus employment, expressed as a percentage.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, The Economics Daily, Job openings rate 6.0 percent in Vermont, 3.7 percent in District of Columbia, in September 2019 at https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2020/job-openings-rate-6-point-0-percent-in-vermont-3-point-7-percent-in-district-of-columbia-in-september-2019.htm (visited January 22, 2025).