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Median weekly earnings of the nation's 113.6 million full-time wage and salary workers were $990 in the second quarter of 2021. Women had median weekly earnings of $899, or 82.2 percent of the $1,094 median for men. Median weekly earnings were highest for men and women ages 35 to 64.
Age | Total | Men | Women |
16 years and over |
$990 | $1,094 | $899 |
16 to 19 years |
555 | 595 | 501 |
20 to 24 years |
633 | 656 | 613 |
25 to 34 years |
928 | 961 | 886 |
35 to 44 years |
1,119 | 1,242 | 968 |
45 to 54 years |
1,134 | 1,279 | 985 |
55 to 64 years |
1,130 | 1,246 | 973 |
65 years and over |
989 | 1,141 | 816 |
In the second quarter of 2021, median weekly earnings were $1,242 for men ages 35 to 44, $1,279 for men ages 45 to 54, and $1,246 for men ages 55 to 64. Median weekly earnings were $968 for women ages 35 to 44, $985 for women ages 45 to 54, and $973 for women ages 55 to 64. Men and women ages 16 to 19 had the lowest median weekly earnings, $595 and $501, respectively.
These data are from the Current Population Survey and are not seasonally adjusted. For more information, see "Usual Weekly Earnings of Wage and Salary Workers: Second Quarter 2021" and more charts of usual weekly earnings data. Full-time workers usually work 35 hours or more per week at their sole or main job. The median is the midpoint in the earnings distribution; half of workers earn more than the median and half earn less.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, The Economics Daily, Median weekly earnings by age and sex, second quarter 2021 at https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2021/median-weekly-earnings-by-age-and-sex-second-quarter-2021.htm (visited February 13, 2025).