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The BLS working papers are available on the website at The Monthly Labor Review articles are available on the MLR website at Many of the published papers are available to subscribers at JSTOR. The unpublished papers can be obtained by contacting ">the Price and Index Number Research staff or by contacting the authors directly.
The Division of Price and Index Number Research (as well as the other BLS research divisions) advertise full-time job opportunities in the Job Openings for Economists. There are also opportunities for research fellowships (see
Outside researchers can obtain access to confidential data by applying to the Microdata Access Review Board. See for details.
Research economists in the division are currently conducting research in a wide variety of areas (see the overview page). Many of the division staff present their research at academic conferences, such as the Allied Social Sciences Association meetings, the European meetings of the Econometric Society, the North American meetings of the Econometric Society, the General Conference of the Association for Research on Income and Wealth, and the Joint Statistical Meetings (see the publications and working papers page for a list of recent conference papers). The division also invites outside researchers to present their papers; in 2002, visiting speakers included distinguished professors from Harvard University, New York University, Stanford University, Johns Hopkins University, the University of Virginia, the University of Rochester, and the University of British Columbia.
Last Modified Date: January 18, 2007