Articles on Producer Price Index (PPI) Topics
These reports highlight recent trends in producer price inflation in the U.S. economy. They supplement the regular monthly press release by focusing on special topics and longer term trends in the economy, providing users a more in depth analysis of price information.
- Drilling deep into PPI indexes to understand regional variations in natural gas price movements (February 2018) (HTML) (PDF)
- Nailing down the price of new nonresidential building construction: expanding the PPI to include indexes by region and type of contractor (July 2017) (HTML) (PDF)
- The cost of crisis: why stock fees rise when markets slip (February 2017) (HTML) (PDF)
- What happened to ethanol producer prices after passage of the Renewable Fuel Standard? (July 2016) (HTML) (PDF)
- Producer prices in 2015: Services inflation slows, goods prices continue to decrease (4Q 2015) (HTML) (PDF)
- As crude oil plunges, retail gasoline margins spike, then retreat (3Q 2015) (HTML) (PDF)
- Gasoline prices: cyclical trends and market developments (1Q 2015) (HTML) (PDF)
- Producer inflation in 2014: energy prices drop but prices for services advance (4Q 2014) (HTML) (PDF)
- Oil extraction surges with the help of sand (3Q 2014) (HTML) (PDF)
- Trends in producer prices between e-commerce and brick-and-mortar retail trade establishments (2Q 2014) (HTML) (PDF)
- Examining trends in the nonresidential building construction PPIs (1Q 2014) (HTML) (PDF)
- Improvements to the PPI measure: the Final Demand-Intermediate Demand System (4Q 2013) (HTML) (PDF)
- Highlights of the 2013 PPI User Survey (2Q 2013) (HTML) (PDF)
- The effects of shale gas production on natural gas prices (1Q 2013) (HTML) (PDF)
- Gold prices during and after the Great Recession (4Q 2012) (HTML) (PDF)
- Will the 2012 drought have a bigger impact on grocery prices than the 1988 drought? (3Q 2012) (HTML) (PDF)
- Wholesale and retail Producer Price Indexes: margin prices (2Q 2012) (HTML) (PDF)
- How new fees are affecting the Producer Price Index for air travel (1Q 2012) (HTML) (PDF)
- The 2012 PPI Weight Update: How and why does BLS update revenue weights? (4Q 2011) (PDF)
- Technology in Commodity Markets (3Q 2011) (PDF)
- The Impact of Fuel Surcharges on the PPI (2Q 2011) (PDF)
- Grain Prices and Our Grocery Bill (1Q 2011) (PDF)
- Producer Price Index Introduces Experimental Aggregation System (4Q 2010) (PDF)
- What Does the Producer Price Index Measure? (3Q 2010) (PDF)
- PPI Industry or Commodity Data: Which Better Suits Your Needs? (2Q 2010) (PDF)
- Intermediate Materials Continue their Advance; Other Producer Price Highlights (1Q 2010) (PDF)
Last Modified Date: May 5, 2021