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The following studies are examples of how Wage Records data are being used for research. The studies below include published articles, working papers and reports. This list is not comprehensive.
If you have authored a study using Wage Records data and would like to include it in this list, please contact Wage Records staff.
Rachel Moskowitz. New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions. Labor Market Review. February 2022.
BLS Labor Market Information Oversight Council. Final UI Wage Records Report. January 2022.
Administrative Wage Record Enhancement Study Group. Final Observations and Recommendations. September 2015.
Richard L. Clayton and James R. Spletzer. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Monthly Labor Review. August 2006.
Robert Bowles. Monthly Labor Review. May 2004.
Richard L. Clayton and Jay A. Mousa. Monthly Labor Review. May 2004.
Richard Gordon, Mark Schaff, and Greg Shaw. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Monthly Labor Review. May 2004.